首页 > 问答 > godaddy域名被盗,回复邮件看不懂,麻烦请大师帮忙看一下


[导读]:我的godaddy域名在6月25日被盗了,跟godaddy邮箱联系来来回回已经10天了。 昨天让我提交身份证证件,当晚就提交上去了,刚刚收到一条回复,发现根本看不懂,所以来请教一下大...


Discussion Notes
Support Staff Response
The change process is in place when you do not have your password, cannot use the password reset system, do not have access to the email address listed on the account, and cannot verify the information required for our Customer Support department to assist you.

In the event the access we grant to the account or domain results in a legal dispute we will be using your government-issued photo ID to identify you in court. We require the government-issued photo identification be a color copy, scan, or digital picture containing the pictured person, name, signature, and expiration date clearly identifiable.

Once this is received we will inform you if there is anything additional needed to process your request, or we will let you know that your request has been completed. If you need further clarification please contact us at (480) 366-3334 or email us at change#secureserver点net


