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[导读]:Part III Listening Comprehension (30minutes) Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 shortconversations and 2 long conversations.At the endof each conversation,one or more questions will beasked about what was said.Bo...

Part III Listening Comprehension (30minutes)

Section A

Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 shortconversations and 2 long conversations.At the endof each conversation,one or more questions will beasked about what was said.Both the co nversation and the questions will be spoken onlyonce.After each question there will be a pau se.During the pause,you must read the four choicesmarked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer,Then mark the corresponding letteron Answer Sheet 1 with a single line t hrough the centre.



A) The woman is the manager's secretary.

B) The man found himself in a wrong place.

C) The man is the manager's business associate.

D) The woman was putting up a sign on the wall.


A) He needs more time for the report.

B) He needs help to interpret the data.

C) He is sorry not to have helped the woman.

D) He does not have sufficient data to go on.


A) A friend from New York.

B) A message from Tony.

C) A postal delivery.

D) A changein the weather.


A) She is not available until the end of next week.

B) She is not a reliable source of information.

C) She does not like taking exams.

D) She does not like psychology.


A) He will help the woman carry the suitcase.

B) The woman's watch is twenty minutes fast.

C) The woman shouldn't make such a big fuss.

D) There is no need for the woman to be in a hurry.


A) Mary is not so easy going as her.

B) Mary and she have a lot in common.

C) She finds it hard to get along with Mary.

D) She does not believe what her neighbors said.


A) At an information service.

B) At a car wash point.

C) At a repair shop.

D) At a dry cleaner's.


A) The woman came to the concert at the man's request.

B) The man is already fed up with playing the piano.

C) The piece of music the man played is very popular.

D) The man's unique talents are the envy of many people. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A) He has taught Spanish for a couple of years at a local school.

B) He worked at the Brownstone Company for several years.

C) He owned a small retail business in Michigan years ago.

D) He has been working part-time in a school near Detroit.


A) He prefers a full-time job with more responsibility.

B) He is eager to find a job with an increased salary.

C) He likes to work in a company close to home.

D) He would rather get a less demanding job.


A) Sports.

B) Travel.

C) Foreign languages.

D) Computer games


A) When he is supposed to start work.

B) What responsibilities he would have.

C) When he will be informed about his application.

D) What career opportunities her company can offer.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A) She is pregnant.

B) She is over 50.

C) She has just finished her project.

D) She is a good saleswoman.


A) Hetakes good care of Lisa.

B) He isthe CEO of a giant company.

C) He is good at business management.

D) He works as a sales manager.


A) It is in urgent need of further development.

B) It produces goods popular among local people.

C) It has been losing market share in recent years.

D) It is well positioned to compete with the giants.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 shortpassages. At the end of each passage, you wil l hearsome questions. Both the passage and thequestions will be spoken only once. After you hear aquestion, you must choose the best answer from thefour choices marked A), B), C) an d D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the ce ntre.


Passage One

Questions 26 to 29 are based on the conversation you have just heard.


A) It is lined with tall trees.

B) It was widened recently.

C) It has high buildings on both sides.

D) It used to be dirty and disorderly.


A) They repaved it with rocks.

B) They built public restrooms on it.

C) They beautified it with plants.

D) They set up cooking facilities near it.


A) What makes life enjoyable.

B) How to work with tools.

C) What acommunity means.

D) How to improve health.


A) They were obliged to fulfill the signed contract.

B) They were encouraged by the city officials' praise.

C) They wanted to prove they were as capable as boys.

D) They derived happiness from the constructive work. Passage Two

Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A) A package of ideas formally presented.

B) A short presentation clearly delivered.

C) A natural and spontaneous style to speech.

D) A clever use of visual aids in presentation.


A) The skillful use of gestures and facial expressions.

B) Differences in style between writing and speaking.

C) Different preferences of audiences.

D) The importance of preparation.


A) The differences between American and Asian cultures.

B) The significance of cross-cultural communication.

C) The increasing importance of public speaking.

D) The key to becoming a good speaker.

Passage Three

Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.


A) Advice on the purchase of cars.

B) Information about the new green-fuel vehicles.

C) Trends for the development of the motor car.

D) Solutions to global fuel shortage.


A) Limited driving range.

B) Huge recharging expenses.

C) The short life of batteries.

D) The un affordable high price.


A) They need to be further improved.

B) They can easily switch to natural gas.

C) They are more cost-effective than vehicles powered by solar


D) They can match conventional motor cars in performance and


Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear apassage three times. When the passage is read forth e first time,

you should listen carefully for itsgeneral idea.When the passage is read for thesecond time,you are required to fill in the blankswith the exact words you have just heard. Finally,when the passage is read for the thirdtime,you should check what you have written.


My favorite T.V. show? "The Twilight Zone." I (36)

______ like the episode called "ThePrinter's Devil." It's about a newspaper editor who's bein

g (37) ______ out of business by a bignewspaper syndicate - youknow, a group of papers (38) ______ by the same people.

He's about to (39)

______ suicide when he's interrupted by an old man who says hisname is Smith. The editor i s not only offered $5000 to pay off his newspaper's (40)

______,but this Smith character also offers his (41)______ for free. It turns out that the guy ( 42)

______ the printing machine with amazing speed, and soon he's turning out newspapers with (43)

______headlines. The small paper is successful again. The editor is amazed at how quicklyS mith gets his stories only minutes after they happen - but soon he's presented with acontract t o sign. Mr. Smith, it seems, is really the devil!(44)

______________________________________, so he agrees to sign. But soon Smith isreport ing the news even before it happens - and it's all terrible one disaster after another. (45)

____________________________________________. I really like these old episodes of "T heTwilight Zone" because the stories are fascinating. (46) _________________________.



11. B 12.A 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. A 17. D 18. C


19. B 20.A 21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. A


26. D 27.C 28. B 29. D 30. C 31. A 32. B

33. C 34.A 35. D



37. driven

38. owned

39. commit

40. debts




44. The editor is frightened by this news, but he is more frightened by the idea of losingh is newspaper

45.Anyway, there is a little more to tell, but I don't want to ruin the story for you

46. They are not realistic. But then again, in a way they are, because they deal with huma nnature
