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[导读]:. 1. (A )thirty-five minutes enough for you to get there A.Is B. Have C. Are D. Has 2.This knife is made in ( A ). A.Sweden B.German C. Swede D. English 3.Lots of rubbish ( C )every day. A.throws away B.has thrown away C. is throw...


1. (A )thirty-five minutes enough for you to get there


B. Have

C. Are

D. Has

2.This knife is made in ( A ).



C. Swede

D. English

3.Lots of rubbish ( C )every day.

A.throws away

B.has thrown away

C. is thrown away

D. are thrown away

4.I'm puzzled with these exercises and I’m going to ( ).

A.the teachers’s

B.the teachers

C. the teachers home

D. the teacher’s

5.A ( D )is a person who travels by train, plane or bus.





C. patient

D. passenger

6.All that can be done ( D ).

A.have done

B.has done

C. have been done

D. has been done

7.They as well as I (B )in fishing.

A. is interested

B. are interested

C. am interested

D. are interesting

8.Their hearts were ( D)with ( )and courage.

A.fulled/ pride

B. full/ proud

C. filled/ proud

D. filled/ pride

9.All but one (B )here just now.

A.has been

B. were

C. is

D. was

10. Kelly is the only one of the few girls that ( B)Chinese well. 页脚





D. speaked

11. Listening to jazz songs ( D)one of his ( ).

A.are/ hobby

B.are/ hobbies

C. is/ hobby

D. is/ hobbies

12. A few (B )will be enough for the machine.

A.drops of oils

B. drops of oil

C. drop of oils

D. drop of oil

13.( A)of the land in that district ( )covered with trees and grass.

A. Two fifths/ is

B. Two fifth/ are

C. Two fifth/ is

D. Two fifths/ are

14.A dress or a sock is called an article of ( A)


B. dresses



C. cloths

D. clothes

15.The train moved at full speed. It was soon out of( A).



C. place

D. order

16. The ( A )were all invited to the school’s Art Festival.


B.boys parents’

C.boy’s parent’s

D. boys parents

17. Neither the magazines nor this book (B )to be taken out of the reading-room.

A.have been allowed

B. is allowed

C. have allowed

D. are allowed

18.Ten miles ( C)a long walk to me.


B. it is

C. is

D. are

19.The peasants were given enough ( C)to wear after the great storm.




B. dresses

C. clothing

D. clothes

20.The fire went on for (B )before it was brought under control.


B.some time

C. some times

D. sometime

21. There are (C )and ( )in the room.

A. three radios/ two pianoes

B. hundreds of photos/ thousands of tomatos

C. two radios/ many photos

D. two photos/ three radioes

22.The magnificent (D )temple was built by the Indians.




D. ten-century-old

23.My friend Henry comes from (C ).





C. Sweden

D. Swede

24.The scientist and professor ( B)our meeting.

A.were to attend

B.are to attend

C. is to attend

D. is attend

25. Nobody but Jack and Mike ( D)in the lab last night.

A.had been

B. was

C. are

D. were

26. There are (D )in the picture.

A.two deers and three birds

B.four elephants and five sheeps

C.five fishes and six foxes

D. three sheep and four deer

27.What impressed me most was that they never ( B).

A.lost their hearts

B.lost heart

C. lost hearts

D. lost their heart



28.The Smiths are thinking of moving to ( B)of the United States.

A.the southern

B.the south

C. southern

D. south

29.Writing stories and articles (C )what my father enjoys most.



C. is

D. have been

30.I stared into the blackness and wondered if he was aware of my presence as (A ).

A.I was of his

B.I was of him

C.I did of his

D. I did of him

31.The football team ( D) having their baths and then coming back here for tea.

A.are being

B. is being

C. is

D. are

32.One pair of scissors ( C)enough for the work.





C. isn’t

D. aren’t

33.E-mail, as well as telephone, ( A)an important part in daily communication.


B.have played

C. are playing

D. is playing

34.The detective ( )the spy to ( ).

A.shot/ death

B. shoot/ die

C. killed/ dead

D. fired/ dying

35.I found that her best friends( )

A.were both womens

B. both were women-driver

C. both were women drivers

D. were both women-drivers

36.It is a common sense that the earth is ( ).

A.one of the suns’planets

B. one of the sun's planets

C. one of the sun’s planet

D. one of the suns’planet’s

37. I like to eat ( ), but I don’t like ( ).



A.vegetable/ meats

B.fruit/ orange

C.banana/ fruit

D. vegetables/ meat

38. Such ( )not the only uses of bamboo.

A.should be


C. is

D. are

39.The ( )of the school is quiet.


B. entire

C. complete

D. all

40.Jack as well as his two friends ( ).

A. is worthy of teaching

B. are worth teaching

C. is worthy to teach

D. is worth teaching

41.Look ! Those ( )are eating green ( )under the tree.

A.sheeps/ leafs

B. sheeps/ leafes



C. sheep/ leaves

D. sheep/ leafs

42.It is ( )work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.

A.such an unusual

B.so an unusual

C. such unusual

D. so unusual

43.The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took ( )pictures of them.

A.the number of

B.a large amount of

C. many of

D. masses of

44.Of the new students, sixty ( )girls.

A.percent are

B.per cent is

C. percent is

D. per cents are

45.Anyway, it is you who ( )the right to decide.




D. have



46.They built strong walls around the town as a ( )against the enemy.





47.If you get 600 in Your TOEFL test, ( )is a good chance that you can enter the University of British Columbia.




D. it

48. He is one of the persons who ( )the ( )to this question.

A.knows/ reply

B.know/ answer

C. knowing/ secret

D. has known/ key

49.Mary said that she as well as some of her friends ( )California.

A.were going to move

B.was going to move to

C. were going to move to

D. was going to move

50. A number of soldiers ( )at the camp gate.

