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[导读]:.. Hi Roberto, It’ll _____my 12th birthday on June 18th. We are _____ to have a barbecue at the lake. We’ll have _____ fun there than at the park. Would you _____ to come? My dad will take us there _____car and he says I can i...

.. Hi Roberto,

It’ll _____my 12th birthday on June 18th. We are _____ to have a barbecue at the lake. We’ll have _____ fun there than at the park. Would you _____ to come? My dad will take us there _____car and he says I can invite some _____my friends.

Janet has already said she can come and I’m also inviting Lan _____you. You don’t _____to bring anything to _____or drink because my mum will make a picnic.

_____it’s warm and sunny we will go for a swim in the lake, so don’t forget _____ bring your swimming things.


Hi Roberto,

Thank you _____your email. _____you busy on Saturdays? _____you like to come shopping with me? My cousin is _____to have a party at her place_____week and I don’t have anything nice to wear.

I want to buy a new pair_____jeans and maybe a T-shirt as well. _____you know a good shop? It has_____be quite a cheap place because I’ve only got$25.

_____you can come, I’ll meet you at your house. Is the morning _____afternoon better for you?

Text and let _____know.


My name_____Teresa Lopez. I live in the centre of Buenos Aires and I’m twelve _____a ;.

.. half years old.

I enjoy school. I’m good _____music and languages but I hate history. The lessons _____so boring. When I’m older, I want to _____a film star or a dancer but my parents _____not think that’s a good idea!

I like meeting lots _____different people, and I’d like to travel all around the world. I _____only been to the USA, but next summer I hope _____visit Europe. That’s why I’m looking _____a penfriend in England.

Please send me an email and tell me _____your family and your hobbies.


At the moment I’m on holiday _____Jamaica with my parents. We flew to this wonderful island two weeks _____. It is sunny every day. _____week we saw most of the island because my dad rented a car.

We _____staying at a lovely hotel____ a swimming pool, but we often swim in the sea instead. I love swimming there because ____water is so clear. I swam quite a long way yesterday and saw a ____of beautiful fish. ____were some amazing red and yellow fish and I took pictures of them.

Jamaica is _____beautiful than anywhere else I’ve been to, and I don’t want _____come home! But school starts again at the end of______August. So I’ll see you then!



I have ____problem and I need your help. Can you come shopping ____me tomorrow? My ;.

.. grandmother is going to ____80 next month and she is having a party ____Saturday.

The problem is I don’t have anything to wear. I ____grown so much that all my trousers _____too short for me now! I want ____buy some new ones and maybe a pair ____boots. I haven’t got a ____of money to spend but I think it will be enough.

____you like to meet me in the morning____the afternoon? Let me know.


Dear Deshini,

It’s great that____are my new penfriend. My name is Tom and I ____fifteen years old. I ____born in Canada but I live in England now. Please write and tell me all _____your life in India. I ____love to go there one day.

Do you live in a small village _____in a big town? ____is your school like? _____you got any pictures of your school you could send me? I’m sending you ____few photos of my family. I’ll send more the _____next time I write.

I hope you’ll write ____me soon.


Hi Anna,

I’m ____having a very good week!

Yesterday my team had ____volleyball match, but we lost. The other team played much ;.

.. better____we did! Then my friend Jeff, who lives in Australia, telephoned with bad news. He can’t come to stay _____us during the holidays because he’s got a summer job. We can’t ___camping together now. And this morning, my sister got ____late so she rode my bike ____school! She didn’t tell ____she needed to use____. I’m really angry with____.

I hope you have some good news! Write back today_____you can.


Dear Keira,

Thank you____your letter. I had my first day___my new school today. A girl____Nicole looked after me and showed me _____my classrooms were. She is very nice and I ____going to visit her this weekend.

My favourite lesson today was Maths and I was very happy because I knew more ____the other girls. I also played hockey for ___first time. I really enjoyed it.

Most of the teachers seem friendly but I’m afraid ____the head teacher. No one likes _____because he shouts____lot.

I must go now because I have ____do my homework.


Hi Cabriella,

You’re____the island of Sicily, aren’t you? I really need you_____help me with my homework! I went to the library yesterday to ____for a book because I need some information _____Sicily. I couldn’t find _____good books there, just an old map! Can I ask ;.

.. you ____few questions?

First, _____big is the island? When did _____become part of Italy? I _____like to know one more thing. Farmers grow lemons there, but ____they grow other fruit too?

Please email me your answers as _____as possible!



Dear Kate,

It will ____my 14th birthday______March 8th. Mum and dad _____going to take me to the beach. We’ll go by car, so I can take four friends ____me.

Would you like to come? Hannah has said _____will come. I am asking David, Maria____you. Mum will take all the food, so you don’t ____to bring anything to _____.

______the weather is good, we may swim _____the sea so remember to bring your swimming things.

I really ____you can come.



Hi Paul,

I’m sending this email ____you from France! I’m having _____excellent time here in Lyon and learning a _____of new words on my language course.

I’m staying with a great family. ____are two teenage boys and one of ___has got a computer in his room. I ____send you an email every day____ you like. They’ve also got a ;.

.. pool____the garden and after college I often_____swimming.

How’s everything ____home? Write to ____soon.


My name is Sara Lewis and I am fourteen ____old. I live in the centre ____Toronto, Canada. When I grow up, I want to ____an actress. My father ____not think this is a good idea! He is a doctor and he wants ____to study medicine at university. But I know I won’t like medicine.

I have science lesson at school and ____are very boring.

I ____like to travel all around the world. I ____only been to Europe once. We usually spend our holidays in Canada but ____year we may visit Australia. Please ____an email to tell me ____your life.

