1. Email newsletter marketing is more cost-effective than any other form of marketing that a firm do e s.
A.r eall y
B.u tte r l y
C.pr acticall y
D.sp eciall y
[解析] 副词词义辨析
电子邮件营销的效益几乎高于其它任何形式的营销。副词pr acticall y意为“几乎,差不多”,常用于口语。本题考查的就是
pr acticall y的这种用法。
2. I think my problems at work the fact that I never really wanted to go into accountancy as a ca r ee r.
A.bring b ac k
B.stir up
b e h i nd
D.spring fro m
[解析] 动词短语辨析
我想我工作中的问题是由于我从来都没有想过要把会计这个工作当做我的职业。动词短语spring fro m意为“来自于,来源
sponsorship of public events by
3. The bill, which was approved in its first reading, bans tobacco advertising in the me d ia,
tobacco produ ce rs.
A.and so do e s
B.nor was it s
C.as well a s
D.and might as w ell
[解析] 并列连词用法
这项法案㇐审即过,禁止媒体播放香烟广告,也禁止烟草制造商的公共赞助活动。连词短语a s well a s意为“和,连同”,符合
4. with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matte rs.
A.No matter who is ca r ele ss
B.Whoever is ca r ele ss
C.He is ca r ele ss
D.As is ca r ele ss
[解析] 关系代词用法辨析
小事马虎,大事不稳。本句需要由who e v e r引导主语从句,并在主语从句中作主语。
5. That week's talent included a spectacular dance team from Argentina, a popular rock group, a top vocalist and a magician .
A.which made everything in sight d i s a pp ea r
B.that was making all at sight d i s a pp ea r
C.who made all at sight to d i s a pp ea r
D.who made everything in sight d i s a pp ea r
[解析] 综合考查
定语从句的引导词which只能指代物,不能指代人,故排除A项。动词make sb. do sth. 结构中,动词不定式符号须省略,故排
除C项。介宾结构in s i gh t表示“在视线范围之内”,故排除B项。正确答案为D项。
6. I spent all the winter break with my friends. Not a single day a few hours to m ys el f
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A.I h a d
B.did I h a v e
C.had I
D.I was h a v i ng
[解析] 否定句型用法
否定副词no t提前需要将句子倒装,即把助动词提前。由于本句中的陈述内容为过去时,故把助动词d i d提前。正确答案为B
you change your mind, there will still be enough room on t h e
7. I'm sorry you've decided not to go with us on the river trip, bu t
boat for you.
A.even t hough
B.n e v e r t h ele ss
C.i n the event t h at
D.provided i f
[解析] 连词用法辨析
介宾短语in the event t h at意为“如果”,引导条件状语从句,符合本句句意。
8. When I first arrived here to take up my new job, I stayed in a hotel, but I soon started looking for a permanent, a place to m y
A.residence; call
B.accommodation; r e f e r
C.household; b e
D.habitation; s a y
[解析] 综合考查
residence住宅区,住处,可以与形容词permanent(长期的,永久的)搭配。call one's own意为“属于某人自己的,可以自由支
9. So, there remains a fundamental question: at what precise time does life b e g i n?
A.everything been c ons i d e r e d
B.all being c ons i d e r e d
C.all to be c ons i d e r e d
D.all things c ons i d e r e d
[解析] 综合考查
10. What is learned in books cannot have the same deep effect on a child's character is learned through e xp e r ie n ce.
A.a s
B.as wh at
C.t h at
D.like wh at
[解析] 综合考查
连词搭配:no t…a s意为“不像,不如”,后面的宾语从句缺少主语,故须用wh at引导。
11. she disliked the idea of marriage, she knew that political reasons might make it n ece ss a ry.
A.Much a s
B.As m u c h
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C.Much t hough
D.Though m u c h
[解析] 连词用法辨析
尽管她很不情愿结婚,但处于政治考虑她需要结婚。much a s引导让步状语从句。t hough没有此种用法。
12. For security reasons, always log when you leave your computer unattended for any period of time.
C.i n
D.ou t
[解析] 动词搭配辨析
log ou t意为“注销,退出登录”,符合题意。
13. The teacher was worried about the play her young class was putting on for the parents but, fortunately, e v e ry t h i ng
off w it hou t any prob lem s.
A.p a ss e d
B.t ook
C.calle d
D.w al k e d
[解析] 动词搭配辨析
动词短语pass off意为“进行到最后”,符合题意。
14. Tom: Hurry up-we haven't got much time-we're going to be late.
Jerry: Don't worry.. The train doesn't leave for fifteen minutes, and there isn't much traffic on the ro a d.
Tom: I know, but we've got to park the car first and at this time in the morning there probably isn't much space in the car p a rk.
Jerry: . I'm sure there's still be a few places le f t.
A.Leave it to me; Don't be silly
trust me; Take your time C.T h e r e's
plenty of time; Take it easy D.Let me
see; Don't be r i d ic u l ous
[解析] 会话内容理解
本会话中㇐个人催促另㇐个人快㇐点,另㇐个人说不要着急。抓住这个主线就不难得出答案为C项,其含义分别为:T h e r e's
plenty of time(时间还多着呢);Take it ea sy(不要着急)。
15. Receptionist: Hello, Skip's Gym. This is Kathy speaking. ?
Caller: Hi. I've just seen your advert in the local paper. Could I speak to someone about becoming a mem b e r?
Receptionist: Certainly. ?
Caller: OK. Dainty, Luke D ai n t y.
A.How do you do; your phone number, please
Can I help; can I have your name, please C.Any
problem; what's your exercise item D.Anything I ca n
do for you; Are you a local r e s i d e n t
[解析] 会话内容理解
16. These circumstances were far from being ordinary and Smith had a reason for being here p e rson all y.
A.t wofo l d
B.c oup le
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C.b ilate r al
D.doub li ng
[解析] 形容词词义辨析
这些情况很重要,史密斯先生有双倍的理由亲自到场。t wofo l d意为“两倍的,双重的”,符合题意。
17. He took away ten papers, but only seven were in his pocket. What had become t hr ee?
A.of a no t h e r
B.with o t h e rs
C.with the o t h e r
D.of the o t h e r
[解析] 代词用法辨析
the o t h e r指整体中的另外㇐部分。本题中表示某物发生某种情况,用介词of。故D项为正确答案。
18. As a central element of the Zero Hunger Programme, family farming about 40% of agricultural production in B r azil.
A.counts for
B.accounts for
C.consists of
D.admits of
[解析] 动词短语辨析
动词短语account for意为“占百分比”,符合题意。
19. It is essential that applicants whose first language is not E ng li sh
sufficient linguistic competence to avoid any delay or difficulty in pursuing their s t ud ie s.
A.had ob tai n e d
B.wou l d have ob tai n e d
C.should have ob tai n e d
D.must ob tai n
[解析] 虚拟语气
主句中如果含有祈使、命令、要求等语气,则从句中须使用shou l d构成的虚拟语气。本句中的e ss e n tial意为“必不可少的”,含
有“强制要求”之意,故主语从句中须使用shou l d构成的虚拟语气。
20. he lived most of his adult life in France, James Joyce's fiction was always set in Ir ela nd.
A.Beca us e
B.D e sp ite
C.S i n ce
D.A lt hough
[解析] 连词用法辨析
尽管詹姆斯·乔伊斯主要生活在法国,他的小说却总是取景于爱尔兰。连词alt hough意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句,符合句
21. Many people prefer to have their tax forms completed by a professional rather than it t h em s el v e s.
A.do i ng
C.to do
D.d i d
[解析] 连词用法
第4页 共12页 2020/3/1511:17
prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 意为“更愿意做某事(前者)而不是做某事(后者)”,连词t h a n表示取舍之意,其后须使用省略动
22. In other words, all mammals, their size, breathe once every four h ea r t b eat s.
A.r e g a rd le ss
B.how e v e r
C.wh ate v e r
D.acc ord i ng
[解析] 连词用法辨析
所有的哺乳动物,不论体型大小,都是四次心跳㇐次呼吸。wh ate v e r意为“无论”,可以作形容词直接修饰名词,符合题意。
23. The ability to zoom is particularly useful when you are working on detailed d ia gr am s.
A.ou t
B.i n
[解析] 动词搭配辨析
放大功能对详细图表很有用。动词搭配zoom i n意为“放大”,符合题意。
24. The class went to see the performance of Macbeth because it in well with the project they were doing on Scottish h i s t ory.
A.book e d
B.c r amme d
C.s t ood
D.tie d
[解析] 动词搭配辨析
班上同学去看《麦克白》了,因为它和苏格兰历史联系紧密。tie i n意为“结合为㇐体,配合”,符合题意。
25. If you are suffering from high stress , or wish to after a tiring day, it is generally advisable to have a change of s ce n e.
A.rates; draw b ac k
B.levels; wind down
C.ratios; peter ou t
http://doc.guandang.netyers; hold up
[解析] 综合考查
如果你感觉压力很大,劳累了㇐天之后想放松㇐下心情,那就换换景致。s t r e ss level意为“压力程度”,wind down指放松下
26. With the development of mass entertainment, popular m us ic away and has gradually developed a stronger life of its own t o
the point where it has b ec o me with the cla ss ic s.
A.split; i n c o m p ati b le
B.cut; i n c ons i s te n t
C.cracked; i n ci d e n tal
D.branched; i n c ongruous
[解析] 综合考查
流行音乐独立发展,并已经形成与古典音乐分庭抗礼的局面。split a w a y意为“分裂”,i n c o m p ati b le意为“不兼容,不相容”,符
public, who are after all the electorate, what in f act
27. Over the past few years, first radio, and now television, have shown t h e
when government bills are discussed and questions are a sk e d.
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A.average; turns up
B.ordinary; comes up
C.general; goes on
D.normal; lets on
[解析] 综合考查
过去几年中,广播和电视媒体向公众展示了政府议案的实际讨论过程。g e n e r al public意为“公众”,为约定表达,go on发生,
28. The first hint of what was to become the most successful means of raising money was the charity record, where the artists don ate d
their time and talent, and the from the sales went to a good .
A.proceeds; ca us e
B.receipts; e n te rpr i s e
C.returns; a g e n c y
D.produce; m ov eme n t
[解析] 名词词义辨析
慈善募捐似乎是最成功的生财之道,艺术家捐献自己的时间和才艺,票房收入成为了正义事业。名词pro cee ds意为“收入,收
益”,ca us e指正义的、伟大的事业。故正确答案为A项。
29. Woman: Hello. Central College. Can I help you?
Man: Yes. I'd like to enquire about Music Technology courses at the c o lle g e.
Woman: Certainly. ?
Man: Staples, Buzz S ta p le s.
Woman: Just hold on a moment, Mr. S ta p le s.
the Music D e p a r tme n t.
Man: T h a nks.
A.Anything I can help with; You should c on tact
B.Who do you want to call: Please try calli ng
C.Who's calling, please; I'll put you through t o
D.Y our name, please; I'll show you the way t o
[解析] 接打电话用语
根据女士称男士为斯塔普尔斯先生(Mr.S ta p le s)可知,巴兹·斯塔普尔斯(B u zz S ta p le s)为男士的姓名,进而推知第㇐个空缺处
30. Jack: Mark, you know your b i k e?
Mark: Yes, what about it?
Jack: You know you said I could borrow it?
Mark: Y e s., will you?
Jack: Well, I did borrow it but, well, I'm afraid I've had a bit of an acci d e n t.
A.Take it yours el f
B.Be ca r e fu l
http://doc.guandang.nete on
D.Get to the po i n t
[解析] 会话语义理解
根据最后㇐句话可知,杰克(J ac k)确实借了马克(M a rk)的自行车,由于中间出了岔子,不好意思直说,马克着急了,要他有话
31. They are looking for man with long dark hair. He is armed and d a ng e rous.
A.a; a
B.the; a
C.a; /
D./; t h e
第6页 共12页 2020/3/1511:17