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[导读]:学位英语语法高频考点小结(3) 非谓语动词非谓语动词分三种,即:不定式,动名词和分词。下面分三部分进行介绍。 一、动词不定式 考试重点:动词不定式的基本结构和用...




考试重点:动词不定式的基本结构和用法(尤其是复合结构,否定式,被动式,完成式等。);stop和go on接不定式和动名词的区别;remember,forget接不定式和动名词的区别;have sth done 和have sb do sth。


一般式(not)to make (not)to be made

完成式(not)to have made (not)to have been made

进行式(not)to be making




1、Good-bye , Mr. Wang. I’m pleased _____ you.

A. to meet B .meeting C. to have been meeting D. to be met(答案:A)(1998年57题)

2、Encouragement through praise is the most effective method of getting people _____ their best.

A. do

B. to do

C. doing

D. done(答案为B)(1996年44题)



1、The ability _____ is very important for any speaker.

A. to hear clearly

B. to be clearly heard

C. to hearing clearly

D. to being clearly heard


2、Mr. and Mrs. Smith didn’t expect the house _____ so well.

A. to be decorated

B. to decorate

C. be decorated

D. decorating(答案:A)(1995年22题)



1、It was very difficult _____ me to learn Spanish.

A. of

B. to

C. with

D. for(答案:D)

2、It is necessary _____ the papers immediately.

A. for you to hand in

B. that you hand out

C. your hand in

D. for your hand in (答案:A)



1、Judging from his manners at the party, he doesn’t seem _____ much education.

A. to receive

B. to be receiving

C. to have received

D. to have been received


2、The book is said _____ into several foreign languages up to now.

A. to translate

B. to have translate

C. to have been translated

D. to be translated (答案:C)

(五)stop 和go on后面接不定式和动名词的区别


1、The old man walked slowly, stopping frequently _____.

A. on rest

B. at rest

C. resting

D. to rest

(答案:D。“to rest”作目的状语,意思为“停下来的目的是为了休息”。)(1999年29题)

2、Men will never stop _____ for new ways of getting new energy.

A. search

B. to search

C. searching

D. searched(答案:C)3、You have been talking for two hours. How long do you intend to go on _____ like that?

A. talking

B. to talk

C. doing talking

D. talk(答案:A)

(六)remember 和forget接不定式和动名词的区别

remember, forget + doing sth:表示动作发生在过去。

remember, forget +to do sth:表示动作尚未发生。

1、Don’t forget _____ the window before leaving the room.

A. to have closed

B. to close

C. having closed

D. closing

(答案:B。to close表示一个在leaving 之后发生的将来的动作)(2001年28题)

2、I remember giving the letter to him.


(七)have sth done 和have sb do sth的用法

1、We are going to have our office _____ to make room for a new engineer.

A. to rearrange

B. rearrange

C. rearranged

D. rearranging

(答案:C。have sth done:表示这个动作由别人来做。)(2002年50题)

2、I’ll _____ that I’m a qualified engineer.

A. have you know

B. have known you

C. have you knowing

D. have you know




一般时doing being done

完成时having done having been done



1、We shall appreciate _____ from you soon.

A. being heard

B. hearing

C. to hear

D. having been heard


2、John suggested _____ anything about it until they found out more facts.

A. not to say

B. saying not

C. to say not

D. not saying



1、I don’t r emember _____. A. ever to be saying B. to have ever said C. having ever said that

D. ever said that(答案:C)

2、I regret having done such a thing.我后悔做了这样的事。


1、No one avoid _____ by advertisements.

A. influenced

B. influencing

C. to influence

D. being influenced(答案:D)

2、Susan was very unhappy for not _____ to the party.

A. to be invited

B. having been invited

C. inviting

D. to have been invited (答案:B)



1、He forgot about _____ hi m to attend my wife’s birthday party.

A. I asking

B. my asking

C. me to ask

D. mine to ask

(答案:B。做介词about 的宾语,物主代词+动名词,构成动名词的复合结构。)(1998年29题)

2、I object to his (him)making private calls on the office phone.



1、Don’t risk _____ the job which so many people want.

A. losing

B. to lose

C. lost

D. your life to lose(答案:A。risk后接动名词做宾语,risk(in)doing sth.中的介词in常省略。)(1999年57题)

2、I don’t think it is any use _____ this matter any further.

A. discussing

B. to discuss

C. to discussing

D. to be discussed

(答案:A。it is no use (good)doing…做…没有用(好处),动名词做介词in的宾语,常省略。)

六、有的动词后的to 既可以是不定式符号,又可以是介词,使用时要特别注意。

1、You don’t object _____ you by your first name, do you?

A. for me to call

B. me to call

C. to my calling

D. my calling

(答案:C。object to 中的to是介词,故接动名词做宾语。)(1996年21题)

2、The students are looking forward to _____ their parents in winter vacation.

A. see

B. watch

C. seeing

D. being seen(答案:C)




现在式doing being done


完成时having done having been done



1、She was sitting in an armchair _____ a book.

A. reading

B. to read

C. to be reading

D. to have read


2、_____ anything about the accident, he went to work as well.

A. Not know

B. Know not

C. Knowing not

D. Not knowing


3、They all returned to the village _____ that the danger was over.

A. convincing

B. convinced

C. to convince

D. having convinced


4、We kept our _____ all night to frighten the wolves.

A. burning fire

B. burnt fire C fire burning D. fire burnt



1、She told me that it was the most _____ gift her daughter had received.

A. delighting

B. delighted

C. delights

D. delight

(答案:A。现在分词修饰的是事物,常译作“令人……”,具有主动、进行的意思。过去分词修饰人,常译作“感到……”,具有被动、完成的概念。又如:a moved audience:受感动的观众。)(2003年38题)

2、My parents are _____ with my progress.

A. please

B. pleased

C. pleasing

D. being pleased (答案:B。)


1、The interviewer should take down notes at the moment the person _____ answers the questions.

A. to be interviewed

B. interviewing

C. being interviewed

D. interviewed


2、Standing on the bank, the children watched the ship _____ with all kinds of goods.

A. loading

B. being loaded

C. to be loaded

D. having loaded


3、We found the eggs eaten by the snake. 我们发现鸡蛋被蛇吃了。



1、Arriving at the bus stop, _____ waiting there.

A. he found a lot of people

B. a lot of people were

C. he found a lot of people’s

D. people were found(答案:A。分词短语做伴随状语时,和主句共用一个主语。)(1996年37题)

2、_____ tired after a hard work, she fell into bed and went straight to sleep.

A. Felt

B. Feeling

C. Being felt

D. To feel(答案:B)(1998年50题)


1、The plane crashed, its bombs _____ as it hit the ground.

A. exploded

B. were exploded

C. exploding

D. were exploding(答案:C)(1999年43题)

2、Weather permitting, we’ll go to the Summer Palace.


六、with (without)引导的分词的独立结构。

1、He walked across the meeting room _____ everyone looking at her.

A. with

B. as

C. while

D. when


2、With the old man _____ the way, we had no trouble in finding that mysterious cave.

A. leading

B. led

C. lead

D. to be led(答案:A)(2000年27题)


