首页 > 文档 > 绝命律师第五季第一集-字幕-对白-纯英文


[导读]:仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 仅供交流...









仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利Black Ford Mustang on sidewalk... and spray cans, uh, took off on foot. Asian male, no visual...


Noise complaint, 6165...

French toast didn't work out, huh? Oh, yeah.

I-It's fine.

I can warm it up for you.

It's -- It's okay.

I can get you something else.

We're serving lunch now.

I'm good.


Can I at least freshen that for you? Yeah. Um...


Hi, Molly. It's, uh, me -- Gene.

This your cell number?

This your cell number?

I'm sorry about that.

Yeah, I -- I'm fine.

It was a false alarm.

You know, um, turns out I was just dehydrated, so...

Can you believe it?

Yeah, I definitely will.

Um, hey, uh, I won't be back for -- uh, well, till Thursday. Can you and Frederica open?

Oh. Good.

And, um, also, I think you're gonna have to sign

for a delivery this afternoon.

Oh, you did already?

Great. Thank you.

Um, oh, and

has anybody been asking about me?

You know, I mean, like any customers

come to the store looking for me, somebody hanging around? No, no, nothing wrong.

I just -- I-I got some calls from an insurance salesman,

you know, the pushy type, so...

So, nobody at all?

Well, that's it then. Um...

Yeah. Sure. I will.

And, uh, I will see you in a few days. Thanks, Molly.



*Welcome to my world*

*Won't you come on in?*

*Miracles, I guess*

*Still happen now and then*

*Step into my heart*

*Leave your cares behind*

*Welcome to my world*

*Welcome to my world*

It is you.

I thought it was you.

I wasn't all the way sure,

but now that I'm seeing you up close... Sure.

It's you.

Come on, man.

I just want to say hi. I'm a big fan.

Y'know, back in the day,

when I lived in Albuquerque with my ex, I used to see you everywhere.

You were on the billboards, on the TV.

I used to have one of your matchbooks. You got me mixed up with someone.

Uh, my name is Takavic.

Gene Takavic.


I'm -- I'm gonna -- I got to get back to work. Come on, man.

That's not cool.

I know who you are.

You know who you are.

Let's just get past that.

Don't worry about him. He's cool.

He just wanted to come along.

Hey, you know who I had in my cab once? Hey, you know who I had in my cab once? Sammy Hagar!

He's even more famous than you.

Whad'you -- Whad'you want?

I just want you to admit it.

I-I don't know what you're --

Sure you do.

Just say it.

I-I really don't know what...

Come on.

Come on.

Come on, man.

Say. It.

"Better Call Saul."


I-I can't even hear that.

"Better Call Saul."

Once again.

And -- And do the point.

"Better Call Saul."

There we go.

A little rusty,

but you'll do better next time.

You didn't ask, but the name's Jeff.

Anytime you need me,

you just call up Omaha United Cabs.

You ask for me.

They'll find me, no matter where I'm at.

Never more than five minutes away.

Oh, man.

It's great to meet you.

It's an honor.

I -- I'll see ya.


Please deposit an additional 50 cents.

Best Quality Vacuum.

- How may I help you? - Yeah.

I need an adapter

for a Hoover MaxExtract Pressure-Pro, model 60. We've delivered to you before, haven't we?

Yeah. I'm in Omaha, Nebraska.

Mr. Takavic.

That will be a very difficult part to obtain. And I want to warn you

it's gonna be more expensive than the original. How expensive?

Double the price.

And we are still in a cash-on-delivery situation. Uh... will that be a problem?

No. No. It's fine.

How hot are you?

I got made.

You got made. Alright.

Any official involvement?

No. Not yet.

Pick-up is going to be

in the same place you were dropped off.

Do you remember where that is?

Yeah, I do.

Alright, Mr. Takavic.


7 a.m.

Same spot.

You know the rest. Am I right?

Mr. Takavic?

Still there?

I've changed my mind.

Changed your mind?


To be clear, you are not going forward with this? To be clear, you are not going forward with this? 第五季第一集

- Jimmy, what - Kim.

- What are you... - Listen.

I know this seems fast.

It is fast, but I can see it.

You're changing your name?

No! I... Well, yes, but it's for my clients.

You're gonna call yourself "Saul Goodman"?

I'm already calling myself Saul Goodman.

We've talked about this.

The skells who've been buying my phones... sure as shooting, sooner or later,

every last one of them is gonna find themselves in the back of a squad car.

How do I get them to call Jimmy McGill?

I don't! I stay Saul Goodman.

They call the guy they already know.

I thought I was wasting a year of my life.

It wasn't a waste!

It was for this! This is it!

When did you decide to...

Just now, just back there!

It just hit m

It just... Poom! e! This is the way. Kim, it's gonna work.


I know. I know.

All of a sudden,

I've got it all figured out, but I... I do.

This is right.

So, let me just... I'll get this done,

and then we can talk about it, okay?

I mean...

Uh... Unless there's...

Is there some angle that I'm not seeing here? Uh... if you want me to slow my roll,

I-I can come back and do this another day. If this is how you're really feeling...

- It is. - ...I say sure.

Great. Five minutes, max.

Okay, where were we?

you need

Just that to sign documents

- with your legal name. - You got it.

Then all that's left is the Notice of Entry. Jimmy "Saul Goodman" McGill.

Thank you, honey.

Werner Ziegler.

Werner Ziegler.

Werner Ziegler. Ziegler.

You know how many Werner Zieglers there are in Germany?


26 now, according to Mrs. Ziegler.

I told you I never heard of the guy.

What about "Michael"?

Like I said,

I only know the names of two guys over there.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Victor and Tyrus.



You ever heard

Werner Ziegler. of that guy?

Werner Ziegler.


What about Michael?

He's a bald gringo. He's in the game.


You're good.


South wall, pouring concrete.

What's he up to, man?

What's he doing?

So, there's nothing new going on, huh,

nothing different?

Like what?

Like anything.


It's nothing.

It's nothing, man.

A couple of skells on fourth

been complaining that the stuff is stepped on. Stepped on?

You hear that, too?

They say it's different.


- Different how? Skells complain.

It's what they do.


Show me.


My man!


Let's see what you got.

Wait! Whoa, whoa!

Yo! Vato!

Yo! Yo! Vato!

Where you going?

You're not going in there.


Mouse, it's okay.

So, where's the stuff?

It's in the chair.

What, this chair?

This about the count?

Cause the count is good.

You holding cash?

Yeah. Got it all right here.

If you're holding my cash...

what're you doing up here with my stuff? No one's stepping on it, man.

We pick the stuff from the chicken farm. We cut it, split it, and it lands here.

I'm with it all the way.

At his chicken farm.

You pick it up how?

He puts out 10 keys. I pick 6.

How do you pick 'em?

I just pick different ones each time. They're all the same.

Okay, so, these - these are okay.

But these...

This shit's not ours, man.

This is old-school beautiful.

Yeah. You deserve it.

But, uh..."JMM."


Sorry about that. I didn't know.

I got it for Jimmy McGill.
