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[导读]:仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 {\pos(235.108,242)}最新连载海外影视剧下载 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 {\an4}{\pos(35,235)}翻译肉松吃冰棒 Eunice 克里斯 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 {\an4}{...

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仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 {\an4}{\pos(35,235)}翻译肉松吃冰棒 Eunice 克里斯

仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 {\an4}{\pos(35,235)}翻译一年不洗头的meredith


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仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 {\an4}{\pos(35,235)}总监喃喃

You are done! 住手

She's in her room. She won't come out. 她在房间里不肯出来

Assuming the dead drops are real, 假设真有情报交收点这么一说

Feds are going to be on them. 联邦探员会去调查

- Feds? - They're gunning for arrests. -联邦探员 -他们想逮捕嫌犯

If there's no money in those dead drops, Lalo will know. 如果交收点没有钱了拉罗就会知道The dead drops remain. 交收点如常

If we'd have had a house, I never would've wanted to leave. 如果我们有自己的房子


You'll say anything to get what you want. 你为了达到目的什么话都说得出口

Help you find somethin'? 有什么可以帮您

Uh, no, thanks. I'm just browsing. 不用谢谢我就看看

That still works. 那个还能用

You can plug it in if you want. 你可以插上电源试试

Oh. Thanks. 谢谢

How much for this? 这个多少钱

That? 那个啊

I could let that go for $30. 三十块你拿走

$75 for all three? 三个一共七十五吧

第五季第四集 {\an8}《绝命律师》

Yeah, don't worry about it. 别担心

Building will take care of it. 房东会处理的

That's whatcha pay rent for. 他们收租就是干这个事的

What's your day look like? 你今天怎么安排

I got MDC in the morning 上午去拘留中心

and, uh, court in the afternoon. 下午出庭

Oh, and I'm finally doing that lunch with Howard. 还有终于跟霍华德约好午饭了


See what he wants.



- Yeah? - 他想干什么

Hopefully it will be short and sweet. 但愿别又臭又长

You? 你呢

Yesterday was bad. 昨天很糟糕

Today I'm gonna fix it. 今天得想办法补救

Sounds like a plan. 不错

See ya. 再见

Pull the initial research we did on Lot 2375. 查一下2375号地皮的初始调查Yeah. 是

Yeah, all of it. 是全部

Uh, permit status, costs, projections. 许可状态成本规划

Uh-huh. Are they on digital? 是电子版的吗

Good. How are you on PowerPoint? 很好你PPT做得怎么样

Great. I'll walk you through what I need when I get in. 很好我到以后跟你详细沟通I should be there in 20. 二十分钟后到

I'll see you when I get there. 到时候见

You gentlemen have had a busy week, huh? 先生们这周挺忙的啊

Bail has been denied. 保释被否决了

No mystery there. 意料之中

Okay. Let's start at the beginning. 我们从头开始

Somehow you two are short on priors, 你俩居然没啥前科

so I think I can get the DA to knock the drug charges down 应该能让地检不起诉你们贩毒

to simple possession. 只是非法持有

We can lay responsibility for the felonies at the doorstep 我们可以说你俩犯下重罪都是因为of your unfortunate dependence on hard drugs, 你们不幸对致瘾毒品产生了依赖

but we're gonna have to argue for rehab 但我们得把戒毒所

as part of probation -- 也算作缓刑一部分




- Hells naw. I hate rehab. - 好吧


Don't get all in a twist, okay? 别因为这种事不爽

I've heard that there exist 我听说有那种

certain less-than-reputable establishments 名声不怎么样的戒毒所

that will provide certification 可以提供证明

without the pleasure of your actual attendance. 即便你没有在里面待过

You know a place like that? 你知道那种地方吗

I could conceivably find such a place for an additional fee. 我应该可以找到要另外收费Alright, 'cause I ain't going to no rehab. 行我才不去戒毒所

You go, you don't go

Mnh-mnh. 你去还是不去


that's between you and your God. 只有你和上帝知道

But you got to tell the judge you'll go, 不过你得跟法官说你会去

and you got to sound like you mean it, 'kay? 态度一定要诚恳好吗

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, okay. 行行行好吧

Well, all that's left is your many, many misdemeanors, 剩下的只有你们那杂七杂八的轻罪了which include graffiti, vandalism, 包括乱涂乱画故意毁坏公物

littering, public urination. 乱丢废物随地小便

Nature's calling you, you got to answer it. 人有三急就地解决罢了

H-Hold it too long, you get kidney-stoned. 憋太久会得肾结石的

Be that as it may, um, even misdemeanors add up. 话是没错但轻罪加在一起也够你受的So, if I can get you concurrent sentences, 所以如果我可以给你争取到合并刑期

you're looking at... 你会面临...

12 months in stir. 十二个月的刑期

Now, with good behavior and overcrowding, 如果表现良好监狱又人满为患的话

takes it down to six, maybe five months. 可以减刑至六个月或许能到五个月

That's minimum security. 警戒也是最低的

It's gonna be like taking a cruise... 就好像坐了一趟观光游轮

...only less danger of drowning. 只不过救生员把你看得稍微紧一点而已

Christ, man, five months? 天呐五个月

Down from five years, consecutive, 原来可是连续服刑五年

or worse if they get this heavy stuff to stick. 要是追究你们的重罪会更糟

Now, come on. 知足吧

You do your months, you do a little community service, 蹲几个月的牢做做社区服务maybe a year probation, and you're gold, Ponyboy. 可能缓刑个一年你们就自由了靓仔Sound good? 可以吧

Yeah, okay. 行吧

We -- Yeah, we -- we can take that. 我们接受




- No doubt. - 很好


So, all that's left is my fee. 那现在该谈谈我的费用了

Okay, so, for my time, court costs, filing fees, 好吧根据我的工时法庭费用诉讼费you're looking at, oh, let's say about... 那就是...

four grand, all-in. 全部一起四千

S-Say what? 什么

Yo, d-don't play us like that. 别耍我们

What about 50% off? 说好的打五折呢

That is 50% off. 这已经是五折的价格了

Now, my normal rate would be 4K each. 正常的收费标准应该是每人四千

Dude, this is B.S. 兄弟他胡扯

They got lawyers here they gotta give us. 他们会给你指派律师的

You pay nothing. 不用给钱的


Public 'fenders.



- Free lawyers? - 公设辩护律师

Four grand, we can get a lot of scante, man. 四千块能买不少冰毒了

I'm sorry. Free lawyer? 不好意思免费律师

Y-You saying that you want a free lawyer? 你是说想找免费的律师

We're just talkin' over options. 我们只是在讨论其它选择

And, you know, free is, you know, free. 免费是不要钱的

Did you ever hear the phrase "You get what you pay for," 有没有听过"一分价钱一分货" you nudnik? 你们俩蠢货

Without me, 没有我

they're gonna lock you up and throw away the key. 他们就会把你们锁起来不管不问

I'm sorry. Did I say five years? 我刚说五年你们没听见吗

You -- You go ahead 随你们便

and play Russian roulette with a public pretender, 去跟没用的公设律师碰运气吧

you're gonna end up doing a decade in Los Lunas. 结果就去洛斯卢纳斯蹲个十年

You twerps even know who I am? 你们这俩弱智知道我是谁吗

I am Saul Goodman! 我是索尔·古德曼

Okay? You think 4K is too much? 好吗嫌四千贵了

Yesterday I got paid 8K just for the afternoon. 昨天我一下午就赚了八千

That's how good I am. 我就是这么牛逼

I am the real deal. 我可是知名大律师

You're lucky I'm even talkin' to ya. 能跟我说上话你们就偷着乐吧

Y'know what? 拉倒吧

- Hey, c-c'mon, man. D-Don't be like that. -Alright. -别这样 -好了

Hey, we're sorry, yo. We're sorry. 是我们不对抱歉

we wanna go with you.


Y-You -- 你我们就要你了

Please, sir.




- Hunny-percent. - 拜托了先生

Okay. 好的

We're back on the same page, though -- payment. 但我们在费用上要达成共识



- Yeah. - 当然


Before you make my headache even worse, 别再让我继续头疼了

no, you cannot pay me with the money you stole. 我先说明你们不能付我赃款Okay, that cash is Exhibit A for the prosecution. 那笔现金是公诉人的一号证物

So, relatives? 所以有亲戚吗

Anybody you haven't already fleeced? 还没被你们骗过钱的

My grandma maybe? 我奶奶吧

Yeah, she -- she got a house... 对她有栋房子


...and a car and shizz.



-Yeah. - 还有一辆车什么的

Yeah, grandma. She's perfect. 好奶奶正合适

Okay, so, you tell granny faster she gets me my money, 你告诉奶奶她越快把酬劳给我faster I work my magic. 我就越快施展魔法

is on the back of that card.

My wire info 我的电汇方式在名片背面

I look forward to hearing from her. 期待她的汇款

Coming out! 出去了

Fantastic. 太好了

I'm sorry I'm late. 抱歉我迟到了

It's just one of those days. 今天又是忙碌得很

No problem. Let me introduce you. 没关系我来介绍一下

Judge Lawler, this is Jimmy McGill. 这位是劳勒法官这位是吉米·麦吉尔Uh, it's actually Saul Goodman. 其实是索尔·古德曼

I changed my name. 我改了名字

now you're Federal, right?

But Lawler -- 不过姓劳勒... 你是联邦法官对吗Uh, District of New Mexico? 新墨西哥州的

- That's me. 我就知道



Thought so.



Your gavel work is legendary. 公正严明说的就是你

Uh...thank you? 谢谢...

I'll let you get back to your lunch, Ian. 不打扰你用餐了伊恩

Catch you on the back nine next week. 下周打高尔夫再聊



- See you. - 吉米


And I'll have the sole and -- 我要比目鱼但是...

No butter, side of steamed veggies? 不放奶油配清蒸杂菜

You got me. Creature of habit. 你真懂我老习惯了

Great. I'll put this in, 好我去下单

and I'll be right back with your drink. 回头就拿饮品过来

So. 那么

"Saul Goodman." "索尔·古德曼"

Am I allowed to call you "Jimmy"? 我还能叫你"吉米"吗

Uh, Saul Goodman is my professional name, 索尔·古德曼是我的工作用名but my friends still call me Jimmy. 但我的朋友仍叫我吉米

You can, too. 你也可以

Well, tell me about "Saul Goodman." 跟我说说"索尔·古德曼"

Whaddya mean? 什么意思

Well, what I mean is, 我的意思是

if he's not Jimmy McGill, who is he? 如果他不是吉米·麦吉尔他是谁

What's he about? 他是什么样的

Uh...hmm. Well... 这个嘛

Saul Goodman is, uh -- 索尔·古德曼是...

he's the last line of defense for the little guy. 他是小人物的最后一道防线

You getting sold down the river? 你即将被洪流卷走

He's a life raft. 他就是你的救生筏

You getting stepped on, he's a sharp stick. 你被践踏了他就是你的利刺

You got Goliath on your back, 你被巨人歌利亚骑在背上

Saul's the guy with the slingshot. 索尔就是用弹弓击败他的人

He's a righter of wrongs. 他伸冤理枉

He's friend to the friendless. 他帮助无依无靠之人

That's Saul Goodman. 这就是索尔·古德曼

Couldn't Jimmy McGill do all that? 难道吉米·麦吉尔做不到这些吗

but, uh, Saul Goodman is.


Maybe he could, 古德曼了

·You do?




- I get it. 真的吗


Yeah. 对

I understand why you changed your name. 我能理解你为何改名

Is that right? 是吗

Hamlin Hamlin McGill did you wrong. HHM律所辜负了你

Your name is a part of that firm. 律所名字里有你的一部分

Now it's tainted. 现在这名字不光彩了

We took your legacy away from you. 因为我们把你应得的夺走了

You say so, Howard. 非这么说也行霍华德

No, no, I've been thinking about this a lot. 不不这件事我考虑了好久

We should have hired you.

And you know what? 知道吗我们本应该雇你的

I mean, don't worry about it. 不用放在心上

That's ancient history. 都是老黄历了

You deserved a shot. 你本该拥有一次机会

And I could've given it to you... 我本可以给你机会的

when you got barred or when you brought us Sandpiper. 在你通过司法考试


I should've shown some backbone.

Both times, 两次都是我该有点骨气的

It would've been the right thing to do. 那才是正确的做法

Well, I am glad you had 我很高兴

this cleansing moment of clarity, Howard. 你能清楚认识到错误霍华德

Good for you. 好样的

Let me be clear. 让我说清楚

I'm not interested in yesterday. 我对过去不感兴趣

I missed an opportunity with you, 我错过了与你共事的机会

and I think it's time to correct that. 是时候纠正错误了

I'd like you to come work at HHM. 我想让你来HHM律所工作

You want me to work for you 你想让我为你工作

that's happened between us?

after all the shit 即便我们之间发生了那么多破事

Oh, as far as I'm concerned, 在我看来

that's between you and Chuck. 那是你跟查克的恩怨

before you offer me a job,

Hey, look, 在你给我提供工作之前

you might want to call your buddy Cliff Main. 你可能得给你的好兄弟克利福德打个电话He'd have a unique perspective on employing me. 听听他对雇我这件事有啥独特的看法This isn't a spur-of-the-moment decision, Jimmy. 这不是一时兴起的决定吉米

I have been considering this for a while. 我考虑这件事有一段时间了

At the scholarship committee, 在奖学金董事会上

you spoke about that young woman. 你提起那位年轻的女士

Kristy Esposito. 克丽丝蒂·艾斯波西多





- Yes. Kristy. -嗯

You stood up for her. 你为她据理力争

And that got me thinking... 那件事让我开始思考

about judgment... 如何做判断...

and honesty. 如何诚实

And when you kicked my ass last year, 去年你把我打得落花流水说

you weren't wrong. 你没有说错

You say what you mean. 你从不拐弯抹角

Listen, you don't wanna be surrounded by liars, Howard, 如果你不想被骗子包围霍华德you might be in the wrong profession. 你可能选错行了

Look, it's simple for me. 对我来说很简单

You're smart. You're scrappy. 你聪明你有野心

You're a go-getter. 你志在必得

You don't wait for things to happen. 你不会等着事情发生

You make 'em happen. 你让事情发生

HHM is growing again HHM正再次扩张

and could use someone like you. 正好需要你这样的人

I could use you. 我用得上你

"Charlie Hustle." "骗子查理"

- Howard, I -- - you don't have to answer right now. -霍华德 -你不用现在就答复我

Let's just enjoy lunch. 好好享受午餐吧

But do me a favor. 但拜托

Live with it for a bit. 好好思考一下

Okay? 好吗

That's me. 我的车到了

Well, Howard, this was, um... 霍华德这真是...

Thanks for lunch. I'll get the next one. 谢谢你请客下一顿我请

Thanks for taking the time. 谢谢你抽时间见我

Good to see you, Jimmy. 很高兴见到你吉米

Good to see you, Jimmy. {\an8}有礼了[Namaste]

If you glance at the package, 如果你大概看了计划书

it'll give you a clear idea of what we're talking about. 能帮你更好理解我们在说什么


of TCPA compliance issues,


There's a raft 的合规问题but they're fairly straightforward. 不过很好处理

We've been in touch with the FTC, the FCC.


OSHA, same. 还有职业安全与健康管理局

construction's complete,

By the time 施工差不多结束的时候

we'll be able to hire able bodies, 我们就会开始招聘员工

and we'll be ready to go. 然后就准备开门大吉了

Exciting to expand beyond the ol' brick and mortar. 从线下进军线上真令人激动

We've hit all the key benchmarks for the Tucumcari call center.


And we remain well under budget. 而且完全没有超出预算

- You know I like to hear that. - Alright. -我很高兴 -好的

If you turn to the next tab, 下一个部分

there are some mortgage opportunities -- 列举了一些贷款方案

Sorry. Paige, there's one more piece of call center business 对不起佩奇有关客服中心

I feel we need to discuss. 还有个地方需要讨论


Oh... 斯特夫
