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[导读]:仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 仅供交流...









You are done!

She's in her room. She won't come out.

Assuming the dead drops are real,

Feds are going to be on them.

- Feds? - They're gunning for arrests.

If there's no money in those dead drops, Lalo will know. The dead drops remain.

If we'd have had a house, I never would've wanted to leave. You'll say anything to get what you want.

Help you find somethin'?

Uh, no, thanks. I'm just browsing.

That still works.

You can plug it in if you want.

Oh. Thanks.

How much for this?


I could let that go for $30.

$75 for all three?


Yeah, don't worry about it.

Building will take care of it.

That's whatcha pay rent for.

What's your day look like?

I got MDC in the morning

and, uh, court in the afternoon.

Oh, and I'm finally doing that lunch with Howard.

- Yeah? - See what he wants.

Hopefully it will be short and sweet.


Yesterday was bad.

Today I'm gonna fix it.

Sounds like a plan.

See ya.

Pull the initial research we did on Lot 2375.


Yeah, all of it.

Uh, permit status, costs, projections.

Uh-huh. Are they on digital?

Good. How are you on PowerPoint?

Great. I'll walk you through what I need when I get in.

I should be there in 20.

I'll see you when I get there.

You gentlemen have had a busy week, huh?

Bail has been denied.

No mystery there.

Okay. Let's start at the beginning.

Somehow you two are short on priors,

so I think I can get the DA to knock the drug charges down to simple possession.

We can lay responsibility for the felonies at the doorstep of your unfortunate dependence on hard drugs,

but we're gonna have to argue for rehab

as part of probation --

- Hells naw. I hate rehab. - Alright.

Don't get all in a twist, okay?

I've heard that there exist

certain less-than-reputable establishments

that will provide certification

without the pleasure of your actual attendance.

You know a place like that?

I could conceivably find such a place for an additional fee. Alright, 'cause I ain't going to no rehab.

You go, you don't go

Mnh-mnh. --

that's between you and your God.

But you got to tell the judge you'll go,

and you got to sound like you mean it, 'kay?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, okay.

Well, all that's left is your many, many misdemeanors, which include graffiti, vandalism,

littering, public urination.

Nature's calling you, you got to answer it.

H-Hold it too long, you get kidney-stoned.

Be that as it may, um, even misdemeanors add up. So, if I can get you concurrent sentences,

you're looking at...

12 months in stir.

Now, with good behavior and overcrowding,

takes it down to six, maybe five months.

That's minimum security.

It's gonna be like taking a cruise...

...only less danger of drowning.

Christ, man, five months?

Down from five years, consecutive,

or worse if they get this heavy stuff to stick.

Now, come on.

You do your months, you do a little community service, maybe a year probation, and you're gold, Ponyboy. Sound good?

Yeah, okay.

We -- Yeah, we -- we can take that.

- No doubt. - Great.

So, all that's left is my fee.

Okay, so, for my time, court costs, filing fees,

you're looking at, oh, let's say about...

four grand, all-in.

S-Say what?

Yo, d-don't play us like that.

What about 50% off?

That is 50% off.

Now, my normal rate would be 4K each.

Dude, this is B.S.

They got lawyers here they gotta give us.

You pay nothing.

- Free lawyers? - Public 'fenders.

Four grand, we can get a lot of scante, man.

I'm sorry. Free lawyer?

Y-You saying that you want a free lawyer?

We're just talkin' over options.

And, you know, free is, you know, free.

Did you ever hear the phrase "You get what you pay for," you nudnik?

Without me,

they're gonna lock you up and throw away the key.

I'm sorry. Did I say five years?

You -- You go ahead

and play Russian roulette with a public pretender,

you're gonna end up doing a decade in Los Lunas.

You twerps even know who I am?

I am Saul Goodman!

Okay? You think 4K is too much?

Yesterday I got paid 8K just for the afternoon.

That's how good I am.

I am the real deal.

You're lucky I'm even talkin' to ya.

Y'know what?

- Hey, c-c'mon, man. D-Don't be like that. -Alright. Hey, we're sorry, yo. We're sorry.


Y-You -- we wanna go with you.

- Hunny-percent. - Please, sir.


We're back on the same page, though -- payment.

- Yeah. - Yeah.

Before you make my headache even worse,

no, you cannot pay me with the money you stole. Okay, that cash is Exhibit A for the prosecution.

So, relatives?

Anybody you haven't already fleeced?

My grandma maybe?

Yeah, she -- she got a house...

-Yeah. - ...and a car and shizz.

Yeah, grandma. She's perfect.

Okay, so, you tell granny faster she gets me my money, faster I work my magic.

My wire info is on the back of that card.

I look forward to hearing from her.

Coming out!


I'm sorry I'm late.

It's just one of those days.

No problem. Let me introduce you.

Judge Lawler, this is Jimmy McGill.

Uh, it's actually Saul Goodman.

I changed my name.

But Lawler -- now you're Federal, right? Uh, District of New Mexico?


- That's me. Thought so.

Your gavel work is legendary.

Uh...thank you?

I'll let you get back to your lunch, Ian. Catch you on the back nine next week.

- See you. - Jimmy?

And I'll have the sole and --

No butter, side of steamed veggies?

You got me. Creature of habit.

Great. I'll put this in,

and I'll be right back with your drink.


"Saul Goodman."

Am I allowed to call you "Jimmy"?

Uh, Saul Goodman is my professional name, but my friends still call me Jimmy.

You can, too.

Well, tell me about "Saul Goodman." Whaddya mean?

Well, what I mean is,

if he's not Jimmy McGill, who is he?

What's he about?

Uh...hmm. Well...

Saul Goodman is, uh --

he's the last line of defense for the little guy. You getting sold down the river?

He's a life raft.

You getting stepped on, he's a sharp stick. You got Goliath on your back,

Saul's the guy with the slingshot.

He's a righter of wrongs.

He's friend to the friendless.

That's Saul Goodman.

Couldn't Jimmy McGill do all that? Maybe he could, but, uh, Saul Goodman is.


- I get it. You do?


I understand why you changed your name. Is that right?

Hamlin Hamlin McGill did you wrong. Your name is a part of that firm.

Now it's tainted.

We took your legacy away from you.

You say so, Howard.

No, no, I've been thinking about this a lot.

And you know what? We should have hired you.

I mean, don't worry about it.

That's ancient history.

You deserved a shot.

And I could've given it to you...

when you got barred or when you brought us Sandpiper.

I should've shown some

Both times, backbone.

It would've been the right thing to do.

Well, I am glad you had

this cleansing moment of clarity, Howard.

Good for you.

Let me be clear.

I'm not interested in yesterday.

I missed an opportunity with you,

and I think it's time to correct that.

I'd like you to come work at HHM.

You want me to work for you

after all the shit that's happened between us?

Oh, as far as I'm concerned,

that's between you and Chuck.

Hey, look, before you offer me a job,

you might want to call your buddy Cliff Main.

He'd have a unique perspective on employing me.

This isn't a spur-of-the-moment decision, Jimmy.

I have been considering this for a while.

At the scholarship committee,

you spoke about that young woman.

Kristy Esposito.

- Yes. Kristy. -Yeah.

You stood up for her.

And that got me thinking...

about judgment...

and honesty.

And when you kicked my ass last year,

you weren't wrong.

You say what you mean.

Listen, you don't wanna be surrounded by liars, Howard, you might be in the wrong profession.

Look, it's simple for me.

You're smart. You're scrappy.

You're a go-getter.

You don't wait for things to happen.

You make 'em happen.

HHM is growing again

and could use someone like you.

I could use you.

"Charlie Hustle."

- Howard, I -- - you don't have to answer right now. Let's just enjoy lunch.

But do me a favor.

Live with it for a bit.


That's me.

Well, Howard, this was, um...

Thanks for lunch. I'll get the next one.

Thanks for taking the time.

Good to see you, Jimmy.

Good to see you, Jimmy.

If you glance at the package,

it'll give you a clear idea of what we're talking about.

There's a raft of TCPA compliance issues,

but they're fairly straightforward.

We've been in touch with the FTC, the FCC.

OSHA, same.

By the time construction's complete,

we'll be able to hire able bodies,

and we'll be ready to go.

Exciting to expand beyond the ol' brick and mortar.

We've hit all the key benchmarks for the Tucumcari call center. And we remain well under budget.

- You know I like to hear that. - Alright.

If you turn to the next tab,

there are some mortgage opportunities --

Sorry. Paige, there's one more piece of call center business

I feel we need to discuss.

Oh... Stef?


We decided to put this center here,
