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仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 {\an4}{\pos(35,235)}翻译一年不洗头的meredith CharlesZhang 苏葵

仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 {\an4}{\pos(35,235)}翻译 Eunice 克里斯杏仁斯嘉丽RiverSide152

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What Salamanca is planning. 塞拉曼加在谋划什么

I don't want to lie to my clients. 我不想欺骗我的委托人

You're talking about the fridge guy? 你是说那个冰箱男吗

I mean all my clients. 我是说所有的委托人

Your friend, um..."Krazy-8"? 你的那位朋友 "疯狂小八"

Has he ever been inside before? 他之前进过局子吗

He'll keep his mouth shut. 他绝对守口如瓶

Mr. Varga, 瓦尔加先生

long time no see. 好久不见

Get in. 上车

第五季第三集 {\an8}绝命律师

Okay. 好的

*Y mi para un hombre enamorado* *为了一个热恋中的男人*

*Da-da-da* *哒哒哒*

*Paca paca paca paca en mi caballo* *踏哒踏哒踏哒踏哒在我的马背上*

*Paca paca paca paca en mi caballo* *踏哒踏哒踏哒踏哒在我的马背上*

Can I talk? 我能说话吗

I-I-I'll talk. 我有话要说

I have a feeling I know what this is about. 我大概知道你们为什么找我

J-Just to get the ball rolling, 但我想先强调一下

please keep in mind 希望两位明白

that whatever happened between Mr. Varga and myself, 无论瓦尔加先生和我之间发生过什么I'm hoping that it's just water under the bridge. 我希望都已经过去了

'Cause after all was said and done, 我做了一切努力

you did walk out a free man. 保你自由

I mean, you weren't even in custody for a full day. 你蹲监狱的时间连一天都不到

And I admit it was a tad bumpy getting there, 当然我承认这个过程比较坎坷

but the path to justice is rarely smooth. 但是通往正义之路本就不顺

So I'm hoping that, in the end, you know, 所以我希望两位

the final result speaks for itself. 就看最终的结果

You had business with my cousin, Tuco. 你和我的堂弟屠库打过交道

Tuco? 屠库

Ohh. Oh, sure, sure, yeah. 对没错

A-And I see the family resemblance. 现在我看出来你们是一家人了

Your cousin makes quite an impression. 你堂弟给我留下很深的印象

You know, he... he has a huge heart 他心怀大爱

and a... a serious passion for justice. 一心追求公正

He's got a temper, huh? 他脾气不太好对吧

I hadn't noticed. 我没怎么注意

How is your lovely Abuelita? 你那位可爱的奶奶还好吗

You know, Tuco told me about you. 屠库和我提起过你

You're the guy with the mouth. 说你那张嘴能颠倒黑白

Yeah. 没错

Those guys at the house... 闯进房子里的那两个小子

what'd they call her? 他们叫她什么来着

"Bizznatch." "贱人"

"Bizznatch." "贱人"

Yeah, right. 没错

You know, the Tuco I know ... 我认识的屠库

he woulda skinned 'em alive 会把他们活扒了皮

and let the buzzards eat their eyeballs. 然后让秃鹰吃了他们的眼球

But there you were. 但有了你就不一样

You go, "Blah, blah, blah," And they walk out of there. 你天花乱坠说了一通他们就大摇大摆地走了

I mean, it's amazing, really! 这太神奇了

They wheeled out, actually. 其实是推着轮椅走的

Ignacio and I, 我和伊格纳西奥

we got something you can do for us. 有点事情要找你帮忙

Really? 是吗

Yeah. We got a legal problem. 我们遇上了点法律问题

A le... A legal problem? 法律问题

Alright, fantastic. 太好了

I'm so... Just, for a minute there, 我真是我还以为

I thought I was gonna be 你们要给我强灌

swallowing condoms filled with heroin. 塞满海洛因的避孕套

No. 不是

Maybe later. 以后有可能

We have a guy sitting in MDC. 我们有个人正蹲在拘留中心里

Picked up two days ago. 两天前被抓走的

picked up for what? 为什么被抓走

Yeah, we'll get to that. 这个待会再说

We need our friend to tell the cops some things. 我需要这个人告诉警察一些事情Some important things. 重要的事情

Important things. Gotcha. 重要的事情明白了

We want him to say exactly what we tell him... 我们想让他只说我们告诉他的no more, no less. 不多也不少

But the cops can't know it's coming from us. 但警察不能知道是我们让他说的So we send you in there, 所以我们要派你进去

you tell him how to do it, 你去告诉他怎么说

and they can't listen. 律师在场他们不能旁听

Attorney-client confidentiality. 律师委托人保密权

Yeah, that. 对就那玩意儿

It's flattering. 您太看得起我了

Can I offer this? 我能提供一个替代方案吗

Listen, I guarantee 我可以保证

there are five of these in MDC right now. 现在拘留中心里有五部这样的手机You know, drop phones inside someone's prison wallet,


if you know what I'm talking about. 你懂的吧

Anyway, you talk directly to your guy. 总之你可以直接和你的手下交谈了

Cut out the middle man. 去掉我这个中间人

It works better if you're in there with him. 你在里面教他会更有成效

You're the guy for this. 你可是这件事的不二人选啊

That's just... That's... 那真是真是

terrific. 太棒了

That's the only word for it. 只能这么形容了

In good conscience, I think I have to s... 凭良心讲我觉得我得...

warn you that my... my rates have gone up. 提醒你我的...费用上涨了

Uh, so going this way could be expensive. 所以这样安排的话律师费会比较贵Ex... How expensive? 有多贵

Expensive. 就是贵

It's... I mean... 我是说

- Yeah? - Yeah. Um. -是吗 -没错

Oh, gee, well, it's a full day of my time. 好吧这要花去我一整天的时间

And prep work, transportation, 还有准备工作路上的劳顿

rush fees... 加急费用

Uh, do the math. 我算一下

It's like seven thousand... eight... 差不多七千八...

nine hundred... and twenty five dollars. 七千九百二十五美元

Yeah. 对

Uh-huh. Yeah. 没错

$7,925? 7925块吗

Uh, it's... it's the going rate, so... 这是行情价了所以

Sure. 好

For your trouble, let's make it $8,000. 辛苦了八千美元整吧

Well. Okay, then. 那好吧

Another. 再来一杯

I don't know, Mike. 算了吧麦克

How 'bout you call it a night? 今晚就先喝到这里吧

And I'll get you a cab. 我给你叫辆出租车

Put 'em in the register and pour me another. 把钱收了再给我倒一杯

- Hey. - Yeah. -喂 -怎么

You see that? 你看到那张了吗

You want to do something for me? 帮我个忙好吗

Take it down. 把它撕下来

What? 什么

Right there. 就那张

The... The third from the bottom. 从下往上数第三张

I dunno, Mike. 不好吧麦克

Customers send these in. 是顾客给的

It's a tradition. 这是酒吧的传统了

Take it down. 撕下来

Sorry, Mike. 抱歉麦克

Take it down. 撕下来

I think you've had enough. 你喝多了

Take it. Down. Now. 现在就撕下来

Please. 拜托了

Oh, my God. 我的天

You know that's my sister, y'all. 你们都知道那是我妹

Let's... 我们一起

Hey, she is spicy, yo. That's what I'm saying. 她可火辣了有一说一Yeah. I'm trying to holla at her. 我还想跟她打招呼呢

Check this one out. 瞧瞧这家伙

Alright, y'all. Let's play. 好了各位我们出动吧

Hey, Gramps! Where ya going? 老头子你要去哪呢

Yo, got 20 bucks you could lend me? 借我们二十块来花花呗

Ah. Don't be scared. 别怕

I ain't gonna bite. 我又不咬人

I got a lot more than 20 bucks, asshole. 我身上的钱远远不止二十混蛋

Hey, yo, Gramps can throw down. Okay. 这老头有脾气可以啊

- Yo, we got a live one, bro. - You gonna let ol' cue ball -来了个不要命的 -你真打算

- there talk to you like that?! - Hold up, Gramps. -让那个秃老头这么和你说话 -站住老头So? 还有谁

Good. 很好

You done? 喝完了吗

Just about. 快了

Thanks. 谢谢

Everything good? 没事吧

Yeah. 没事

I'm sort of celebrating, actually. 其实我在庆祝

Celebrating what? 庆祝什么

I just realized 我刚刚想到

I have all pro bono clients tomorrow, all day. 我明天接的都是无偿的案子

No Mesa Verde. 没有梅萨维德的案子

Well, alright. 好吧

To justice. 为正义干杯

Yeah. 好

What about you? 你呢

I met... 我见到了

some interesting people 一些很有趣的人

and had a few... 经历了一些

ups and downs. 起伏

But you know what? 但你知道吗

Financially speaking, 从收入角度讲

Saul Goodman just had his best day yet. 索尔·古德曼刚刚度过了最棒的一天

Ka-ching! 钞票到手

Good for Saul. 索尔真行

I'd better prep for tomorrow. 我得为明天做准备了

Right. 好

Go get 'em, tiger. 加油

Numilifor is not for everyone. 米利弗不适用于所有人群

Call your doctor if you have unusual aches and pains. 如有不适请咨询医生- Sorry. - Side effects, including constip... -抱歉 -副作用包括便秘...

What are you doing? 你在干什么

I have to take it apart to clean it. 我得把遥控器拆了清理一下

Hey. Leave this alone. 别拆了

Leave it alone. 别拆了

Check this out. 看看这个

Did you order food? 你订外卖了吗

Yeah? 哪位

- Ignacio? - What? -伊格纳西奥 -什么

I want to see Ignacio. 我想见伊格纳西奥

Who is this? 你是哪位

His father. 他父亲

His father. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}一切还好吧

His father. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}当然挺好的

His father. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}我能进来吗

His father. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}方便吗

His father. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}没关系

Amber, this is my father. 安布尔这是我父亲

Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你

Oh, yeah, me too. 我也是

'Scuse me. 失陪了

'Scuse me. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}你要喝点什么

'Scuse me. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}喝咖啡吗

'Scuse me. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}这房子真大

'Scuse me. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}而且很新

'Scuse me. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}你怎么样爸爸

'Scuse me. {\an8}{\pos(192,209.274)}盖特雷兹给我开了个价他想买我的店'Scuse me. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}真的吗

'Scuse me. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}别告诉我

'Scuse me. {\an8}{\pos(192,209.274)}他想换成另一家轮胎店吗

No. 不

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}他想保持原样

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}不过

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}算上地皮他开的价位

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}还是远高于店的价值

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}你打算怎么办

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,209.274)}我一直觉得店是为你留的

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,209.274)}你打算后半辈子

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}每天都工作十一小时吗

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}你觉得呢

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}听起来是笔好买卖

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}可能是...

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}你退休的好机会

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}这是你安排的对吗

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}我不知道你什么意思

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}是你叫盖特雷兹这么做的

No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}他给我的是你的钱

Papa, no. No. 爸爸不不是的

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,209.274)}你想借此让我离开这里

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}你想逃跑

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}你想让我也逃跑

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}否认啊

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}告诉我我错了

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}看着我的眼睛

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}我告诉过你该怎么做

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}放弃这一切

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}去自首

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}面对你做过的事

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}如果你想逃跑

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}那就跑吧

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}但我

Papa, no. No. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}我绝对不会逃跑

Nice to meet you, young lady. 很高兴认识你女士

Kim, something's come up with Tucumcari. 金图克姆卡里那边有情况

- Not now, Stef. - I wouldn't bother you with it, but... -现在没空斯特夫 -我也不想来烦你但...

- I asked you to handle it. - We are, but there's... -我叫你们处理的 -没错但...

Stef, this is not the time. 斯特夫现在不是时候

Alright? 好吗

Okay. 好了

Okay. 好吧

Ms. Wexler, I've reviewed your motion to dismiss 韦克斯勒小姐我看了你的撤案动议

and the state's one-page response. 和州里那份一页的回应

Your argument is well-reasoned, 你的论述理由充分

however, I'm denying the motion. 然而我要驳回动议

Your Honor, I'd like to remind you that 法官大人我想提醒您

this was essentially nothing more than a family dispute. 此案本质上不过是家庭纠纷- My client was... - Yeah, I'm gonna stop you right there. -我的委托人... -你不用说了This is not your client's 这不是你委托人

first negative interaction with the victim, 第一次和受害人发生纠纷

which shows a pattern of behavior. 说明这种事反复发生

And as such, I still agree with the state 因此我仍然同意州里的意见

that this matter is worth the court's time. 此事应该上庭解决

- Your Honor, my... - Jury selection begins June 16th. -法官大人我... -


I'm sorry this didn't go our way. 很抱歉没有成功

Going in, we all knew getting the case dismissed 我们进去前就知道

would be a long shot. 撤案可能性不大

The judge seemed kinda mad. 法官好像有点生气

Yeah. She can come off that way, 嗯她有时会这样

but she's actually very fair. 但她其实非常公平

So now the prosecution will come back to us 现在公诉人会再来找我们

with a more realistic plea bargain, 提出一个更现实的认罪协议

but if we don't like what they have to offer, 但如果我们不喜欢他们的条件

I believe we'll win at trial. 我相信我们能打赢官司

What does that mean? 这是什么意思

We'll have a chance to explain what really happened


in front of a jury of regular people. 解释实际上发生了什么
