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[导读]:仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 {\pos(235.108,242)}最新连载海外影视剧下载 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 {\an4}{\pos(35,235)}翻译肉松 Eunice 酸奶 RiverSide152 仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 {\an4}...

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Replaced the stolen product and some went to your organization. 有些次等品流进了你的组织That explains everything. 这下一切都解释得通了

As long as Lalo Salamanca is on this side of the border, 只要拉罗·塞拉曼加还在境内

we cannot continue as we were. 我们就没法继续开工

You keep your goddamn retainer. 收好你该死的预付金

Non-violent felonies, 50% off. 非暴力重罪五折

I just can't see it. 我不明白

Next! 下一位

How about, uh, special discounts? 特殊折扣怎么样

索尔·古德曼送免费手机 {\an8}仅限今晚

Um, for the next, uh, two weeks, 接下来的两周

um, non-violent felonies 50% off. 非暴力重罪五折

Yeah. 对

Okay. 好的

- I'll take one. - Yeah? That's for you. -给我一张 -行给你的

50% off. Yeah. Alright. 五折好了

Now we got some takers. 总算有人拿了

There you are. Oh, yeah? 给你五折

Who else? 50% off. 还有谁五折

火速伸张正义 {\an8}索尔·古德曼

There you are. 给你

50% off. 五折

Dude, that's almost half. 老兄便宜了快一半耶

Ahh! Oh, my God! 天啊

You bastards! 混蛋

- 50% off! - 50% off! -五折 -五折

Money, money, money! 钱钱钱

Money, money, money! 钱钱钱

Yeah! 棒

Ah! Yeah! 棒

- I got my buddy! - Yeah! -找到我兄弟了 -棒

Come on! 快

Get back here, you little shits! 滚回来小混蛋

I'm okay! 我没事

50% off! 50% off! 五折五折

What? 怎么

Dude. What? 兄弟怎么

What day is it? 今天周几

Tuesday? 周二

Tuesday? 周二

What? You know what that means? 什么你知道那什么意思吗- 50% off! - 50% off! -五折 -五折

第五季第二集 {\an8}《绝命律师》

...and have you smoke-free in just seven days. ...让你七天戒烟

It's all-natural and nicotine-free. 纯天然不含尼古丁

And best of all, it's guaranteed to work 最重要的是保证有效

七天戒烟 {\an8}不含尼古丁无效退款

or your money back. 无效退款

Order now to get Smoke Away's new oral spray free. 现在下单就送烟立净新品口腔喷雾Spray Away... it can stop your cravings instantly. 喷立净喷喷就止瘾

Call now. 立刻拨打电话

Thousands have already quit smoking using Smoke Away. 上千人已成功使用烟立净戒烟Sh... 请...

Baby, what's happening? 亲爱的怎么了

Aah! What's happening?! 怎么回事

Get off me, man. 放开我伙计

It's okay. 没事的

Come on, man. What's he want from me? 拜托他想让我做什么

I switched the stuff. I played it all like he told me. 我调包了一切按他说的做了

No. 不

No. {\an8}欢迎朋友们

No. 不

What are we doin'? 我们来这儿做什么

Come on, man. Don't. 拜托别这样

We got five people in there. 里面有五个人

Too bad. 太可惜了

Wait. Hey, wait. Wait. 等等等等

Hey. Hey, wait! Wait! 等等等等

Hey, wait! 等等

Why's he doin' this? 他为什么这么做

Hey, why's he doin' this? I did everything. 为什么这么做我一切照做了

Wait. 等等

Please, man. Please, man. 拜托伙计求你了

Please, no. Please, no. 别这样拜托了

Please. 求你了

Hey, please. 拜托了

Please, man. 求你了伙计

Please, man. {\an8}营业中

Okay. 好吧

I get it. 我懂了

Just tell me what you want me to do. 就告诉我你想让我怎么做吧

Lalo Salamanca. 拉罗·塞拉曼加

I need to know where he is going. 我需要知道他要去哪

What he is thinking. 他在想什么

What he is planning. 他在谋划什么

I need to know what he's going to do before he does it. 我需要在他行动前知道他的计划I've been trying. 我一直在努力

Okay? 好吗

He doesn't tell me shit. 他什么都不告诉我

He just keeps talking about some guy named Werner Ziegler


and some gringo Michael. 还有一个叫麦克的美国佬

That's it. 就这些

Gain his confidence. 取得他的信任

Make him rely on you. 让他依赖你

How? 怎么做

Find a way. 找到办法

My father has nothing to do with this. 我父亲跟这件事没关系

I'll find a way. I'll make him trust me. 我会找到方法我会让他信任我

Okay? 好吗

Pop's a nice guy. 老爹人不错

Yeah. Uh-huh. Sure. 对当然

Let me see if I have this right. 我看看记对了没有

Uh, a Mr. Bertram Moran, AKA "B-Mo," 伯特伦·莫兰先生人称"B-Mo"

claims that you solicited him for the purchase of narcotics 声称你教唆他卖毒品给你when, in fact, you were simply enjoying a Big Gulp in the park 但事实上


when he approached and attempted to sell to you. 是他凑过来试图卖给你毒品

Oh! I got a live one. 电话掉了

Yes, PJ. Go ahead. 在呢 PJ 说吧

Kim, sorry. My side is too full. 金抱歉我那边太满了

I'm gonna take some of those back to Mrs. Nguyen's. 我会把一部分送回阮太太那边Well, I think I got the specifics. 我了解得够详细了

I'll call you later. 我再联系你

- Geez. - Chatty one. -天啊 -挺能聊

How's it going with, uh, "Cold Finger," "冻手指"那个案子怎么样了

the mini-fridge mastermind? 偷迷你冰箱那个天才

You get a trial date yet? 庭审日期定了吗

Uh, no. 不

He took the deal. 他接受协议了

He took the five months? 他接受五个月了

Yup. 对

Well, you were right, as usual. 你一如既往都是对的

Saul Goodman, speedy justice for you. 索尔·古德曼火速伸张正义

Yes, Miss, I... 是的小姐我...

Oh, no. 不

Well, that's not right. 这话可不对

Yeah. Go on. 嗯你继续说

C-could you hold for a moment? 你能稍微等一下吗

Kim, how about dinner and a movie tonight? 金今晚一起吃晚餐看电影吧

I'm... Scampi and Scorsese 我...炸虾加斯科塞斯的电影

'cause they got "After Hours" on the Classic Movie Channel. 经典电影频道要放他的《下班后》I love that one, but, um, we'll have to see. 我也喜欢那个但是到时候看吧

I might need to stay late. 我可能要加班

Okay. Just let me know. 好吧到时候告诉我

Yeah. I'll see ya. 嗯回头见

Yeah, so, go ahead. 嗯继续说吧

Something about a minivan? 你刚刚说到一辆小货车

- Kim. - Jimmy, what are you... -金 -吉米你干...

There's something I got to show you. 我要给你看点东西

It's just three blocks from here. 离这里就三个街区

Look, I... 听着我...

I know you got to get to work. 我知道你赶着去上班

This will only take a couple minutes. Please. 这只会耽误你几分钟

D-drive. 开车吧

If we go right now, it'll be over like that. 如果我们赶紧出发马上就能搞定

Which way? 往哪边走

Take a right. 右转

- There. Right there. - The white one? -就停到那边 -白色的那幢吗

Yeah. That one right there. 是的就是那幢

Jimmy, we're not buying a house. 吉米我们不买房子

Maybe not today, but it doesn't hurt to look, does it? 也许今天不会买但看看也无妨啊

I drove by this place like a week ago, and I'm curious. 我一个星期前开车经过这里


Aren't you, just a little? 你难道不想看看吗

Look at all that space. 多大的空间啊

Hey, you're doin' great. 你现在的工作蒸蒸日上

I'm gonna be doin' great. 我也慢慢会好起来

I got 45 clients. 我有四十五个委托人了

45? How are you gonna handle all that? 四十五个你一个人怎么处理得过来

I got a system. But can we just look? 我有我的安排看看好吗

They're not even open yet. 他们都还没有开门呢

Yeah, well... 嗯...

They want to sell this house. They'll let us in. 他们想要卖掉这幢房子肯定会让我们进去的Alright. 好吧

Hey, folks. 你们好

Do you mind signing in? 你们可以登记一下吗

There's a guest book right over here. 那边有一本访客登记册

You know what? 这样吧

Um, could we do that on our way out? 我们能不能出去的时候再登记

Sure. Yeah. 当然了

Just take your time. Have a look around. 你们慢慢看随便转转

Let me know if you have any questions. 有什么问题就来找我

- You got it. - Thanks. -没问题 -谢谢

Man, look at all this wall space. 看看墙上的空间

Imagine a plasma TV mounted right there, 想象一下在这上面挂一台等离子电视

one of the huge new ones. 就是那种超大新款的

This would be a big change, but we could make it our own. 虽然跟之前完全不同


We could host movie nights. 我们可以办电影之夜

Some comfy chairs and smell of popcorn in the air 弄几张舒适的椅子


and... and... 还有...还有...

check out these countertops. 瞧瞧这台面

Yeah. 真棒

Blue. Is this quartz? 蓝色的这是石英岩吗

I-I read somewhere that it's good for healing. 我读到过说这种材质非常有益于身体恢复Mm, so good for healing. 绝对非常有益

Hey, you know that, uh, 50%-off thing I said I wouldn't do?


Well, I did it. 我还是搞了

I, um, told a few potential clients. 我和几个潜在客户说了

It just kind of slipped out. 我不小心说漏嘴了

And don't worry. I know these people. 别担心我了解这些人

They're not gonna do anything 'cause of some stupid discount.


But it was a bonehead move, and I shouldn't have done it. 但我就不该想出这么傻的办法Okay. 好吧

Jimmy, I know you were trying to help, but... 吉米我知道你是想帮忙不过

I don't want to lie to my clients. 我不想欺骗我的委托人

You're talking about the fridge guy? 你是说那个冰箱男吗

That... That was a dumb idea. 那主意太蠢了

I mean all my clients. 我是说所有的委托人

Of course. Absolutely. 当然肯定的

Never again. 再也不会了

Oh, my God. 天哪

This is the closet of your dreams. 这就是你梦寐以求的橱柜

Our dreams. 我们梦寐以求的橱柜

Sure. 当然

Where are my Louboutins, 我的鲁布托高跟鞋呢

Louboutins, Louboutins? 在哪儿呢在哪儿呢

Hey. Check this out. 看看这个

Oh, there's jets, too. 还有喷射水流浴缸呢

Yeah, it's like a mini-spa. 是啊就像一个迷你水疗室

That'd be so nice after a long day on our feet. 忙了一天以后进去泡一会肯定很舒服Yeah. And two sinks, so plenty of room for brushing. 没错还有两个洗脸槽


And spitting. 还有吐痰

Hey, you got to see this. 你得来看看这个

I mean, look at all the nozzles. 看看这些喷头

Yeah. 怎么了

Is that what I think it is? 和我想的一样吗

Uh, steam? 蒸汽吗

But, uh, how do you get it going? 不过该怎么打开呢

Maybe the water's shut off. 也许停水了

Maybe. 可能吧

Quit it. 别闹了

You're very mature. 你真成熟

Very mature. 太成熟了

Thanks again. 再次感谢你

Nice house, huh? 房子不错对吗

Yeah. 是啊

Maybe someday. 以后再说吧

Excuse me, Mr. Salamanca. 不好意思萨拉曼加先生

Uh, would you give your uncle some of this? 你能让你的叔叔喝一点吗

It's Fizzy K. He needs to hydrate. 这是气泡水他需要补水

Fizzy K? 气泡水

It's just a vitamin solution. 这只是一种维生素饮料

It's Very-Berry, his favorite. 莓果味他的最爱

Right, Hector? 对吗赫克托

Thanks. I'll make sure he drinks it. 谢谢我会让他喝的

Thank you. 谢谢

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}他在干什么

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}他在施工

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}可能在修建隧道

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}实验室或是保险库

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}他在密谋大事

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,209.274)}那些德国佬的事他没跟我说实话Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,209.274)}埃拉迪奥和博尔萨信了但我不信Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}但我能怎么办呢

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,209.274)}只要他能赚钱他们就一点也不在乎Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}怎么了

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}你是指钱吗

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}没错

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}就是钱

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,209.274)}只要他能赚钱就动不了他

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}真够恶心的

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}这玩意就是垃圾

Thank you. {\an8}{\pos(192,229.274)}怎么样好喝点了吧

Yeah? 喂

Mike, hi. 你好麦克

I'm sorry to bother you. 很抱歉打扰你了

No, no bother, honey. What's up? 没事亲爱的怎么了

I don't know what your work schedule is like these days. 我不太清楚你最近几天的工作安排I'm still making my own hours. 我还是自己找活儿干

Well, I just got called in. 我刚刚接到电话

Emily's busy, and... 艾米丽没空而且

No problem. 没问题

Are you sure? 你确定吗

Positive. I'll be happy to watch her. 对我很乐意照看她

What time do you need me there? 你要我几点到

How about now? 现在怎么样

Now. 现在

On the way. 马上出门

Oh, thanks, Mike. You're a lifesaver. 谢谢你麦克你真是救了我一命

Yeah. 没事

I thought we'd finish fixing the ladder on the tree house. 我想着应该把树屋的梯子修好Pop-pop! 爷爷

Hey, kid. 孩子

She needs to finish her homework first. 她得先把作业做完

Don't let her sweet-talk you. 别着了她的道

Oh, not a chance of that. 不会的

She's gotta learn her times tables. 她要学会乘法表

She's on the sevens. 现在在学七的乘法
