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[导读]:仅供交流学习禁止商用盈利 Replaced the stolen product and some went to your organization. That explains everything. As long as Lalo Salamanca is on this side of the border, we cannot continue as we were. You keep your g...


Replaced the stolen product and some went to your organization. That explains everything.

As long as Lalo Salamanca is on this side of the border,

we cannot continue as we were.

You keep your goddamn retainer.

Non-violent felonies, 50% off.

I just can't see it.


How about, uh, special discounts?


Um, for the next, uh, two weeks,

um, non-violent felonies 50% off.



- I'll take one. - Yeah? That's for you.

50% off. Yeah. Alright.

Now we got some takers.

There you are. Oh, yeah?

Who else? 50% off.


There you are.

50% off.

Dude, that's almost half.

Ahh! Oh, my God!

You bastards!

- 50% off! - 50% off!

Money, money, money!

Money, money, money!


Ah! Yeah!

- I got my buddy! - Yeah!

Come on!

Get back here, you little shits!

I'm okay!

50% off! 50% off!


Dude. What?

What day is it?



What? You know what that means?

- 50% off! - 50% off!


...and have you smoke-free in just seven days.

It's all-natural and nicotine-free.

And best of all, it's guaranteed to work


or your money back.

Order now to get Smoke Away's new oral spray free. Spray Away... it can stop your cravings instantly. Call now.

Thousands have already quit smoking using Smoke Away. Sh...

Baby, what's happening?

Aah! What's happening?!

Get off me, man.

It's okay.

Come on, man. What's he want from me?

I switched the stuff. I played it all like he told me.




What are we doin'?

Come on, man. Don't.

We got five people in there.

Too bad.

Wait. Hey, wait. Wait.

Hey. Hey, wait! Wait!

Hey, wait!

Why's he doin' this?

Hey, why's he doin' this? I did everything.


Please, man. Please, man.

Please, no. Please, no.


Hey, please.

Please, man.

Please, man.


I get it.

Just tell me what you want me to do.

Lalo Salamanca.

I need to know where he is going.

What he is thinking.

What he is planning.

I need to know what he's going to do before he does it.

I've been trying.


He doesn't tell me shit.

He just keeps talking about some guy named Werner Ziegler and some gringo Michael.

That's it.

Gain his confidence.

Make him rely on you.


Find a way.

My father has nothing to do with this.

I'll find a way. I'll make him trust me.


Pop's a nice guy.

Yeah. Uh-huh. Sure.

Let me see if I have this right.

Uh, a Mr. Bertram Moran, AKA "B-Mo,"

claims that you solicited him for the purchase of narcotics when, in fact, you were simply enjoying a Big Gulp in the park when he approached and attempted to sell to you.

Oh! I got a live one.

Yes, PJ. Go ahead.

Kim, sorry. My side is too full.

I'm gonna take some of those back to Mrs. Nguyen's.

Well, I think I got the specifics.

I'll call you later.

- Geez. - Chatty one.

How's it going with, uh, "Cold Finger,"

the mini-fridge mastermind?

You get a trial date yet?

Uh, no.

He took the deal.

He took the five months?


Well, you were right, as usual.

Saul Goodman, speedy justice for you.

Yes, Miss, I...

Oh, no.

Well, that's not right.

Yeah. Go on.

C-could you hold for a moment?

Kim, how about dinner and a movie tonight?

I'm... Scampi and Scorsese

'cause they got "After Hours" on the Classic Movie Channel.

I love that one, but, um, we'll have to see.

I might need to stay late.

Okay. Just let me know.

Yeah. I'll see ya.

Yeah, so, go ahead.

Something about a minivan?

- Kim. - Jimmy, what are you...

There's something I got to show you.

It's just three blocks from here.

Look, I...

I know you got to get to work.

This will only take a couple minutes. Please.


If we go right now, it'll be over like that.

Which way?

Take a right.

- There. Right there. - The white one?

Yeah. That one right there.

Jimmy, we're not buying a house.

Maybe not today, but it doesn't hurt to look, does it?

I drove by this place like a week ago, and I'm curious.

Aren't you, just a little?

Look at all that space.

Hey, you're doin' great.

I'm gonna be doin' great.

I got 45 clients.

45? How are you gonna handle all that?

I got a system. But can we just look?

They're not even open yet.

Yeah, well...

They want to sell this house. They'll let us in.


Hey, folks.

Do you mind signing in?

There's a guest book right over here.

You know what?

Um, could we do that on our way out?

Sure. Yeah.

Just take your time. Have a look around.

Let me know if you have any questions.

- You got it. - Thanks.

Man, look at all this wall space.

Imagine a plasma TV mounted right there,

one of the huge new ones.

This would be a big change, but we could make it our own. We could host movie nights.

Some comfy chairs and smell of popcorn in the air and... and...

check out these countertops.


Blue. Is this quartz?

I-I read somewhere that it's good for healing.

Mm, so good for healing.

Hey, you know that, uh, 50%-off thing I said I wouldn't do? Well, I did it.

I, um, told a few potential clients.

It just kind of slipped out.

And don't worry. I know these people.

They're not gonna do anything 'cause of some stupid discount. But it was a bonehead move, and I shouldn't have done it. Okay.

Jimmy, I know you were trying to help, but...

I don't want to lie to my clients.

You're talking about the fridge guy?

That... That was a dumb idea.

I mean all my clients.

Of course. Absolutely.

Never again.

Oh, my God.

This is the closet of your dreams.

Our dreams.


Where are my Louboutins,

Louboutins, Louboutins?

Hey. Check this out.

Oh, there's jets, too.

Yeah, it's like a mini-spa.

That'd be so nice after a long day on our feet. Yeah. And two sinks, so plenty of room for brushing. And spitting.

Hey, you got to see this.

I mean, look at all the nozzles.


Is that what I think it is?

Uh, steam?

But, uh, how do you get it going?

Maybe the water's shut off.


Quit it.

You're very mature.

Very mature.

Thanks again.

Nice house, huh?


Maybe someday.

Excuse me, Mr. Salamanca.

Uh, would you give your uncle some of this?

It's Fizzy K. He needs to hydrate.

Fizzy K?

It's just a vitamin solution.

It's Very-Berry, his favorite.

Right, Hector?

Thanks. I'll make sure he drinks it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.


Mike, hi.

I'm sorry to bother you.

No, no bother, honey. What's up?

I don't know what your work schedule is like these days. I'm still making my own hours.

Well, I just got called in.

Emily's busy, and...

No problem.

Are you sure?

Positive. I'll be happy to watch her.

What time do you need me there?

How about now?


On the way.

Oh, thanks, Mike. You're a lifesaver.


I thought we'd finish fixing the ladder on the tree house. Pop-pop!

Hey, kid.

She needs to finish her homework first.

Don't let her sweet-talk you.

Oh, not a chance of that.

She's gotta learn her times tables.

She's on the sevens.


There's lasagna in the oven,

and I should be back before bedtime.

Sounds good.

See you later, sweetie!

Bye, Mom!


What do we got?

Sevens are the worst.
