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[导读]:Come in. 进来 And? 怎么样 Nothing? 什么都不吃吗 She wont eat. 她不肯吃饭 Well try again at supper. 我们晚餐时再试试 I think theyre watching me. 我觉得他们在监视我 - Who? - Her soldiers. -谁 -她的士...

Come in. 进来

And? 怎么样

Nothing? 什么都不吃吗

She won't eat. 她不肯吃饭

We'll try again at supper. 我们晚餐时再试试

I think they're watching me. 我觉得他们在监视我

- Who? - Her soldiers. -谁 -她的士兵

Of course they are. That's their job. 当然了那是他们的职责

What have I told you, Martha? 我怎么跟你说的玛莎

The greater the risk, the greater the reward. 危险越大回报越高

Go on. They'll be missing you in the kitchen. 去吧厨房会找你的

The Northern armies? 北境军队呢

Just crossed the Trident. 刚过三叉戟河

They'll be at the walls of King's Landing in two days. 两天后就能兵临君临城下How is she? 她怎么样了

She hasn't seen anyone since we returned. 我们回来后她谁都不见

Hasn't left her chambers, hasn't accepted any food. 也不出屋不肯吃饭

She shouldn't be alone. 她不该一个人待着

You're worried for her. I admire your empathy. 你担心她我欣赏你的悲悯之心Aren't you worried for her? 你不担心她吗

I'm worried for all of us. 我担心我们所有人

They say every time a Targaryen is born, 俗话说坦格利安生儿女

the gods toss a coin and the world holds its breath. 天上诸神掷硬币世间众生屏着气We're not much for riddles where I'm from. 我们那里不怎么喜欢打谜语

We both know what she's about to do. 我们都清楚她打算做什么

That's her decision to make. She is our queen. 那是她的决定她是女王

Men decide where power resides, whether or not they know it. 人心决定权力所在


What do you want? 你想要什么

All I've ever wanted. 我想要的从未变过

The right ruler on the Iron Throne. 合适的统治者坐上铁王座

I still don't know how her coin has landed. 我还不清楚她的那枚硬币哪一面在上

But I'm quite certain about yours. 但我非常确定你的哪一面在上

I don't want it. 我不想要

I never have. 我从没想要过

I have known more kings and queens than any man living.


I've heard what they say to crowds, 我听过他们当众说什么

and seen what they do in the shadows. 见过他们背后做什么

I have furthered their designs, however horrible. 无论他们的统治多么糟糕我都助过一份力But what I tell you now is true: 但我现在要说的是实话

You will rule wisely and well, while she-- 你将成为贤明的君主而她..

She... 她...

is my queen. 是我的女王

Your Grace? 陛下

There's something you need to know. 有件事你需要知道

Someone has betrayed me. 有人背叛了我

Yes. 是的

Jon Snow. 琼恩·雪诺

Varys. 是瓦里斯

He knows the truth about Jon. 他知道琼恩的真实身份了

He does. 是的

Because you told him. 是你告诉他的

You learned from Sansa. 你从珊莎那里知道的

And she learned from Jon, 她从琼恩那里知道的

though I begged him not to tell her. 虽然我都求他别告诉珊莎了

As I said... 正如我所说

he betrayed me. 他背叛了我

I'm glad Sansa told me. 我很高兴珊莎告诉了我

I am your Hand. 我是您的首相

I need to be aware of any threats you're facing. 我需要看清您所面临的威胁

And Varys? 瓦里斯呢

Your Master of Whisperers needs to be aware too. 您的情报总管也要看清楚才是

You spoke to him first. 你先跟他讲了

Without coming to me. 没有禀告我

Without asking my permission. 未经我允许

It was a mistake. 是我的过失

Why do you think Sansa told you? 你以为珊莎为什么要告诉你

What do you think she hoped to gain? 你认为她想要的是怎样的结果

-She trusts me. -Yes, she trusts you. -她信任我 -是的她信任你

She trusted you to spread secrets 相信你会把这个秘密宣扬出去

that could destroy your own queen. 这秘密能毁掉你的女王

And you did not let her down. 而你没有让她失望

If I have failed you, my queen, forgive me. 如果我辜负了您女王请原谅我

Our intentions were good. 我们的初衷是好的

We wanted what you want. A better world, all of us. 我们和您一样想要一个更好的世界Varys as much as anyone. 瓦里斯更是如此

But it doesn't matter now. 但现在都不重要了

No. 是的

It doesn't matter now. 现在都不重要了

It was me. 是我做的

I hope I deserve this. 希望我是罪有应得

Truly, I do. I hope I'm wrong. 真的我希望自己错了

Goodbye, old friend. 再会了老朋友

Lord Varys. 瓦里斯大人

I, Daenerys of House Targaryen, First of My Name, 我坦格利安家族的丹妮莉丝一世Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons... 解放者龙之母

sentence you to die. 判你死刑

Dracarys. 龙焰

This was all she brought with her when we crossed the Narrow Sea. 她渡过狭海时只带了这个Her only possession. 她唯一的私产

Her only possession. 不必如此灰虫子

Her only possession. 我要跟他谈谈

What did I say would happen if you told your sister? 我说过告诉你妹妹会发生什么事

I don't want it, and that's what I told him. 我不要王位我也是这样告诉他的

She betrayed your trust. 她辜负了你的信任

She killed Varys as much as I did. 我杀瓦里斯她也有份

This was a victory for her. 这是她的胜利

Now she knows what happens 现在她知道了

when people hear the truth about you. 人们听说你的真实身世会作何反应

Far more people in Westeros love you than love me. 在维斯特洛


I don't have love here. 我在这里不受人爱戴

I only have fear. 我拥有的只是恐惧

I love you. 我爱你

And you will always be my queen. 你永远是我的女王

Is that all I am to you? 我在你心里只是这样吗

Your queen? 只是你的女王

All right, then. 那好吧

Let it be fear. 就让他们恐惧

The people who live there, they're not your enemies. 城中居民不是您的敌人

They're innocents, like the ones you liberated in Meereen. 他们与您在弥林解放的人一样


In Meereen, the slaves turned on the masters 弥林的奴隶群起反抗奴隶主

and liberated the city themselves the moment I arrived. 我刚一抵达他们就自己解放了城市They're afraid. 他们害怕

Anyone who resists Cersei will see his family butchered. 敢于违抗瑟曦者全家都要遭殃You can't expect them to be heroes. 不能指望他们都去做英雄

-They're hostages. -They are. -他们是人质 -没错

In a tyrant's grip. Whose fault is that? Mine? 被暴君挟持谁之过难道是我的

What does it matter whose fault it is? 是谁的过错有什么关系

Thousands of children will die if the city burns. 如果烧了君临成千上万的孩子都会死掉Your sister knows how to use her enemies' weaknesses against them.


That's what she thinks our mercy is: 在她眼中我们的仁慈就是

weakness. 弱点

- I beg you, my queen-- - But she's wrong. -我求您了我的女王陛下 -但她错了

Mercy is our strength. 仁慈是我们的力量

Our mercy towards future generations 我们的仁慈是对子孙后代的

who will never again be held hostage by a tyrant. 永远不会再有暴君挟持他们

Ready the Unsullied. 让无垢者准备好

Tonight you sail for King's Landing to join the Northern armies.


Cersei's followers will abandon her if they know the war is lost.


Give them that chance. 给他们一个机会

If the city surrenders, 如果全城投降

they will ring the bells and raise the gates. 他们会鸣钟并打开城门

Please, if you hear them ringing the bells, call off the attack. 求您了


Wait for me outside the city. 在城外等我

You'll know when it's time. 时候到了你自然知道

Your brother was stopped trying to get past our lines.


It seems he hasn't abandoned your sister after all. 看来他还是没有抛弃你姐姐The next time you fail me... 如果你再辜负我一次

will be the last time you fail me. 那就是你最后一次辜负我

Let them pass. 让他们过去

Through the gate. 过城门

Get going. 继续走

The rearguard should be here by daybreak. 后卫部队拂晓前能到

She wants to attack now. 她希望现在就进攻

Daybreak at the earliest. 最早从拂晓开始

- Careful with that. - My lord. -小心点 -大人

Davos. 戴佛斯

I need to ask you a favor. 我得请你帮我个忙

You're the greatest smuggler alive, aren't you? 你是世上最伟大的走私贩对吗I'm not gonna like this favor, am I? 我不会喜欢这个忙对吗

He's always better when he's got some food in him. 他吃饱的时候好多了Problem is when he's got drink in him. 问题是他喝醉的时候

See what he did the other week? 见过那一周他做了什么吗

Aye. Fighting as well. 是啊还能战斗

Commander nearly caught him. 指挥官差点抓到他

Ay up. Where you going? 等等你们要去哪儿

I'm Arya Stark. 我是艾莉亚·史塔克

I'm going to kill Queen Cersei. 我要去杀掉瑟曦女王

Think about it. 好好想一想

She kills Cersei, the war's over. 如果她杀掉瑟曦战争就结束了

There won't be a siege. You might not even die tomorrow. 不用攻城


I need to go talk to my captain. 我得向长官汇报

Go ahead, talk to him. 去汇报吧

Where's he going? 他要去哪儿

Where's he going? 我要进饭人

Where's he going? 我要见饭人

Where's he going? 我要见...

We speak the common tongue. 我们会讲通用语

Ah. Good. 太好了

I want to be alone with the prisoner. 我要单独见犯人

Get some rest. Tomorrow will be a long day. 你们去休息吧明天肯定难熬We have orders to guard the prisoner. 我们受命守卫犯人

Ordered by whom? The queen herself? 受谁之命女王直接下达的命令吗- No. - Well, in that case, -不是 -那样的话

as Hand of the Queen, I outrank whomever gave your order. 作为女王之手我的官阶比下命令的人高

Probably by quite a lot. 可能还高不少

How did they find you? 他们怎么发现你的

Did you consider taking it off? 你想过把它摘掉吗

Cersei once called me "The stupidest Lannister." 瑟曦曾叫我"最蠢的兰尼斯特"

And you're going back to her, to die with her. 而你还要回去找她陪她送死

You've underestimated her before. 你过去低估她了

She's going to die. 她要死了

Unless you can convince her to change her course of action. 除非你能说服改变做法Difficult to do from here. 在这儿我可说服不了

When have I ever been able to convince Cersei of anything? 我什么时候成功说服过瑟曦Try. 试试吧

If not for yourself, if not for her, 就算不是为你自己就算不是为她

then for every one of the million people in that city, 也为了城里的百万民众

innocent or otherwise. 不论无辜还是有罪

To be honest, I never really cared much for them. 说实话我一向不怎么在意他们Innocent or otherwise. 不论无辜还是有罪

You do care for one innocent. 有一个无辜者你是在乎的

I know you do. 我知道

And so does Cersei. 瑟曦也在乎

She has a reason now. 她现在有活下去的理由

The child is the reason she'll never give an inch. 那个孩子是她永不让步的理由

All the worst things she's ever done, 她做的那些歹毒的事

she's done for her children. 都是为了她的孩子

It's not impossible that she'll win. 她不是没可能赢

She won't. 她赢不了

Her enemy's forces have been depleted, 她的敌人缺兵少将

as she said they would be. 正如她之前所说的那样

Two of the three dragons are dead. 三条龙死了两条

- She's evened the odds. - The city will fall tomorrow. -她扳回了劣势 -君临明天必将陷落

She has the Lannister army, she has the Golden Company-- 她有兰尼斯特家族军队


I defended the city last time it was attacked. 上次攻城战时是我在守城

I know it better than anyone. It will fall tomorrow. 我比任何人都熟悉它君临明天必将陷落Then I suppose I'll die tomorrow, if not before. 那我可能明天就会死如果能活到明天的话Why? 为什么

Escape. 逃吧

The two of you, together. 你们两个一起逃

Remember where we met, 记得我们见面的地方吗

where they keep the dragon skulls, 他们在红堡底下

beneath the Red Keep? 存放龙骨的地方

Take her down there. 带她去那里

Keep following the stairways down, 沿着台阶下去

down as far as they'll go. 下到最深处

You'll come out onto a beach at the foot of the keep. 你们将从红堡底部来到一片海滩

A dinghy will be waiting for you. 那里会有一艘小船等你们

Sail out of the bay. 驶离海湾

If the winds are kind, you'll make it to Pentos. 如果顺风你们能到达潘托斯

Start a new life. 开始新的生活

Sail right past the Iron Fleet and into a new life? 穿过铁舰队驶向新生活

Sounds a lot less likely than Cersei winning this war-- 听起来比瑟曦赢得战争的可能性小多了There won't be an Iron Fleet for much longer. 铁舰队很快将不复存在

Do it. 听我的

If you don't, you'll never see Cersei again. 否则你就再也见不到瑟曦了

Swear to me. 向我发誓

You have my word. 我向你发誓

If it works, 如果成功了

give the order to ring all the bells in King's Landing and open the gates. 下令敲响君临所有的钟敞开城门

That will be our signal that the city has surrendered. 那是献城投降的信号

I'll try. 我尽力

I never thought I'd get to repay the favor. 没想到我有机会还你的人情

Remember, ring the bells and open the gates. 记住鸣钟敞开城门

Your queen will execute you for this. 你的女王会因此处死你

If Daenerys can make it to the throne 如果丹妮莉丝不用趟过尸山血海

without wading through a river of blood, 就登上了铁王座

maybe she'll show mercy to the person who made that possible. 或许她会宽恕有功之人

Tens of thousands of innocent lives... 成千上万的无辜民众

one not particularly innocent dwarf... 一个算不上无辜的侏儒

it seems like a fair trade. 这笔交易划得来

If it weren't for you, 如果没有你

I never would've survived my childhood. 我活不过孩提时代

You would have. 你能的

You were the only one 你是唯一一个

who didn't treat me like a monster. 不把我当作怪物的人

You were all I had. 你曾是我的全部

Eyes on the horizon! 注意前方

Load the scorpion! 装箭

Archers, close up! 弓箭手集合

Come on! 快

Up to the espringal! 上架子弩那儿去

To the back of it! 去它背面

Archers, line up! 弓箭手列队

This way! Come on! 这边快

Clear the streets now! 都让开

- No! - In, now. -不 -快进去

- And you, come on. - Inside, now! -还有你来 -快进去

Quickly. 快点

Yes. Follow down there. 对跟过去

They're here. Get to the Red Keep. 他们来了去红堡

- My son! - Get inside! -我儿子 -进去

- My son! - Get inside! ■

上知乎搜索「权游谁会死」,给出你的神预测《权力的游戏》第八季死亡概率Just ahead of you, I can see it! 就在你前面我看到了

All right, move it! 好快走

- Come on! - Keep moving! -快点 -赶紧走

- Keep going! - Keep moving! - 赶紧走 -别停下

- Quickly! - All the way! -快点 -快走

- Come on! - Come on! -快 -快

Hold your mother's hand! 抓好你母亲的手

Make way for the Golden Company! 为黄金团让路

Close the gate! 关门

If you hear the bells ring, they've surrendered. 如果你听见钟声就表示他们投降了Call off your men. 我们就停止进攻

Move along now, lads. 快走小子们

- That's it. - Go on, move it. -行了 -继续快走

Come on, move, move. Faster, faster. Come on, move it. 快点快走更快点快点快走- Keep going. - Keep moving. -往前走 -别停下

- Move. - Stay with him. -闪开 -跟着他

- Hold on. - Hold my hand. -抓牢 -抓好我的手
