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[导读]:Were here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. 我们在此告别我们的兄弟姐妹To our fathers and mothers. 我们的父亲母亲 To our friends. 我们的朋友 Our fellow men and women 我们的同胞男女 who set...

We're here to say goodbye to our brothers and sisters. 我们在此告别我们的兄弟姐妹To our fathers and mothers. 我们的父亲母亲

To our friends. 我们的朋友

Our fellow men and women 我们的同胞男女

who set aside their differences... 他们放下了分歧

to fight together... 一同浴血奋战

and die together 一同英勇牺牲

so that others might live. 让其他人有机会活下去

Everyone in this world 这世上的每个人

owes them a debt that can never be repaid. 都永远亏欠他们

It is our duty and our honor 于责任于信义

to keep them alive in memory... 我们都该永远缅怀他们

for those who come after us... 让他们的事迹代代相传

and those who come after them... 流芳百世

for as long as men draw breath. 直到永远

They were the shields that guarded the realms of men. 他们是守卫王国的坚盾

And we shall never see their like again. 我们再难见到如此之人

To your health. 祝你健康

Have you seen Arya? 你看到艾莉亚了吗

You can still smell the burning bodies, 焚尸的味儿还没散

and that's where your head is at. 你就想着这个

- I just want to thank her for-- - I'm sure you do. -我就是想感谢她 -当然了

Look, it's not about that. 不是为了那个

Of course it's about that, you twat. 当然是为了那个你个二货

Why shouldn't it be? 为什么不能是

The dead are dead. You're not. 死人死了你还活着

Gendry. 詹德利

That's right, isn't it? 你是叫这个名字吧

Yes, Your Grace. 是的陛下

You're Robert Baratheon's son. 你是劳勃·拜拉席恩的儿子

You are aware he took my family's throne 你知道他夺走了我家族的王位

and tried to have me murdered? 还企图杀害我吧

I didn't even know he was my father until after he was dead. 我直到他死后才知道他是我父亲Yes, he's dead. 是啊他死了

His brothers are too. 他的弟弟们也都死了

So who's Lord of Storm's End now? 现在风息堡的领主是谁来着

I don't know, Your Grace. 我不知道陛下

Does anyone? 有人知道吗

I think you should be Lord of Storm's End. 我觉得你该做风息堡的领主

I can't be. I'm a bastard. 那不行我是个私生子

No, you are Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End, 不你是风息堡领主詹德利·拜拉席恩the lawful son of Robert Baratheon. 劳勃·拜拉席恩合法的儿子

Because that is what I have made you. 因为我说你是

To Lord Gendry Baratheon of Storm's End. 敬风息堡领主詹德利·拜拉席恩

To Gendry! 敬詹德利

Lord Gendry! 詹德利大人

Gendry! 詹德利

- Gendry! - Gendry! -詹德利 -詹德利

Lord Gendry! 詹德利大人

Gendry! 詹德利

That's easy, isn't it? 手到擒来啊

- A fitting reward for a hero. - Uh, hold on. -大功当有重赏 -等等

And a Lord of Storm's End who will be forever loyal to you.


- Come, my lord. - See? -来吧大人 -看到了吧

You're not the only one who's clever. 你不是唯一聪明的人

I have to go down and get another barrel. 我得下去再搬桶酒来

We fought dead things and lived to talk about it. 我们和死人大战一场还能活下来吹牛

If this isn't the time to drink, when is? 现在不喝更待何时

The last time I saw her, 上次我见她时

I told her I'd kill her if I ever saw her again. 我说我再见到她就会杀了她

- I'm sure you had your reasons. - I did. -你当然有你的理由 -我是有

- I do. - So did you? -现在还有 -那你杀她了吗

Never got the chance. 没机会了

She did it to herself. 她已经自我了断

Or her god did it to her. 或者是她的神干的

Lord of Light. 光之王

We play his game for him, we fight his war and win, 我们被他耍得团团转


and then 然后

he fucks off. 他滚蛋了

No signs, no blessings. Who knows what he wants? 什么神迹赐福都没有谁知道他想要什么I don't imagine thinking about that subject 我觉得思考这种事

will leave you any happier than before. 并不会让你更开心

And what if I'm not trying to be happy? 如果我没想开心呢

Then you're in luck. 那你走运了

We may have defeated them, 我们或许打败了死人

but we still have us to contend with. 但还得对付活人呢

Thank you. I feel much better. 谢谢我好受多了

More ale! 上酒

This is clever. 设计很巧妙

Even better than the saddle I designed for you. 比我为你设计的马鞍还好

It's the same as the one Daeron Targaryen built 这个跟戴伦·坦格利安一百二十年前for his crippled nephew 120 years ago. 为他瘸腿的侄子做的一样

I liked that one. 我喜欢那个

You know our history better than anyone. 你比任何人都熟悉我们的历史

That will be useful as Lord of Winterfell. 对于临冬城领主来说大有用处

I'm not Lord of Winterfell. 我不是临冬城领主

You're the only surviving trueborn son of Ned Stark. 你是奈德·史塔克唯一幸存的嫡子You don't want it. 你不想当领主

I don't really want anymore. 我无欲无求

I envy you. 我羡慕你

You shouldn't envy me. 你不该羡慕我

Mostly I live in the past. 我多数时候生活在过去

- All of it. - Go on. -喝光 -喝吧

- No, not in one go. - Go on. I believe in you. -不不能一口闷 -喝吧我相信你行

We have to celebrate our victory. 我们要庆祝胜利

Vomiting is not celebrating. 呕吐可算不上庆祝

Yes, it is. 就是的

To the Dragon Queen! 敬龙女王

To Arya Stark, the hero of Winterfell! 敬艾莉亚·史塔克临冬城英雄

Drink! 喝

I'm fine! 我没事

Your turn. 该你了

You are an only child. 你是独生女

- I told you I was. - You didn't. -我告诉过你 -没有

- I did. - I surmised it. -我说过 -我推测出来的

Drink. 喝

Go again. 再来一次

Why does he get to go again? 凭什么他能再来一次

Because it's my game. 因为我说了算

You have danced with Renly Baratheon. 你和蓝礼·拜拉席恩跳过舞

No. 我没说

Drink. 喝

The other way around! 风水轮流转

I saw him riding that thing. 我看见他骑那家伙了

- We all did. - No. No. -我们都看见了 -不不

I saw him riding that thing. 我亲眼看见他骑那家伙了

- That's right, you did. - I did. -没错你看见了 -我看见了

That's why we all agreed to follow him. 所以我们都愿意追随他

That's the kind of man he is. 他就是这样的人

He's little... 个子不高

...but he's strong. 但很强大

Strong enough to befriend an enemy 强大到能化敌为友

and get murdered for it! 甚至因此惨遭谋杀

Most people get bloody murdered, 绝大多数人惨遭谋杀

they stay that way. 就死在那儿了

Not this one. 但他没有

Yeah, I didn't have much say in that. 我对这事儿没什么发言权

He comes back and keeps fighting. 他死而复生继续战斗

Here, north of the Wall, and then back here again. 从这里到长城以北又回到这里

He keeps fighting. He keeps fighting. 他一直在战斗从未停止

He climbed on a fucking dragon and fought. 他甚至骑在龙背上战斗

What kind of person climbs on a fucking dragon? 哪种人才能爬上龙背

A madman or a king! 不是疯子就是国王

- Drink. - Drink. -喝酒 -喝

Drink. 喝

Wrong! 错了

Wrong, wrong, wrong! Drink! 大错特错快喝

You were married. Before Sansa. 你在娶珊莎之前结过婚

Drink. 喝

You're drinking wine, but you prefer ale! 虽然喝的是葡萄酒但你更爱麦芽酒No! 才不是呢

You're a virgin. 你还是个处女

That's a statement about the present. 你是在陈述现在的状态

At no point in the past, up until this very moment, 从你出生到此时此刻

have you slept with a man. 你没有睡过男人

Or a woman. 或者女人

I have to piss. 我去尿尿

We did it! We faced those icy fucks. 我们成功了我们直面那些冷冰冰的杂种Looked right into their blue eyes, 直视他们的蓝眼睛

and here we are. 并且活了下来

Now, which one of you cowards shit in my pants? 你们这帮胆小鬼有谁被吓尿了Please pardon me for a moment. 失陪一会儿

Drink it! 喝

And after all that, 我们经历了那么多

this fucker comes north and takes her from me. 那个混蛋却来到北境夺走了她

Just takes her, like that. 就那样夺走了她

I mean it, Clegane. 我说真的克里冈

My heart is broken. 我的心都碎了

Don't touch me. 别碰我

You can touch me. 你可以碰我

I'm not afraid of wildlings. 我可不怕野人

Maybe you should be. 也许你应该害怕

Well, Clegane... 好了克里冈

it's time to drown our sorrows. 是时候一醉解千愁了

I'm not done with my drink. 我自己的酒还没喝完

You saved the day. 你立了大功

You owe me one. 你欠我一次

- Don't forget that. - For the rest of my days. -可别忘了 -一辈子都忘不了Are you ready now? 你准备好了吗

This is my drink. 我喝这个就行

All right! 够了

She could have made you happy, for a little while. 她可以让你高兴一阵子There's only one thing that'll make me happy. 世上只有一件事能让我高兴And what's that? 是什么

That's my fucking business. 关你屁事

Used to be you couldn't look at me. 以前你都不敢看我

That was a long time ago. 那是很久之前了

I've seen much worse than you since then. 后来我经历的比你可怕多了Yes, I've heard. 我听说了

Heard you were broken in. 听说你被强奸

Heard you were broken in rough. 听说你被狠狠地强奸

And he got what he deserved. 他得到了应有的下场

I gave it to him. 我亲手送他上路

How? 怎么做的

Hounds. 用猎狗

You've changed, Little Bird. 你变了小小鸟

None of it would have happened 如果你当初跟我离开君临城

if you'd left King's Landing with me. 一切都不会发生

No Littlefinger, no Ramsay... 不会有小指头不会有拉姆斯

none of it. 都不会有

Without Littlefinger, and Ramsay and the rest, 没有小指头拉姆斯他们

I would have stayed a Little Bird all my life. 我一辈子都只是小小鸟

Pour another one. 再来一杯

Don't shoot. 别射

It's nighttime, it's freezing, and everyone's celebrating. 天晚了外面又冷大家都在庆祝You should be celebrating with them. 你应该一起来庆祝

I am celebrating. 我在庆祝

Yeah, I am too. 我也是

I'm not Gendry Rivers anymore. 我再也不是詹德利·河文了

I'm Gendry Baratheon, 我现在是詹德利·拜拉席恩

Lord of Storm's End. 风息堡领主

By order of the queen. 女王陛下亲封的

Congratulations. 恭喜

I don't know how to be lord of anything. 我不知道如何成为一个领主

I hardly know how to use a fork. 我连叉子怎么用都不知道

All I know is that you're beautiful, 我只知道你是如此美丽

and I love you, 我爱你

and none of it will be worth anything 如果我们不在一起的话

if you're not with me. 这些都没有意义

So be with me. 嫁给我吧

Be my wife. Be the Lady of Storm's End. 做我的妻子做风息堡的领主夫人

You'll be a wonderful lord, 你会成为一个优秀的领主

and any lady would be lucky to have you. 嫁给你对任何一位淑女来说都是福气

But I'm not a lady. 但我不是淑女

I never have been. 从来都不是

That's not me. 那不适合我

You didn't drink. 你没喝酒

- I didn't drink? - In the game. -我没喝酒 -玩游戏的时候

- I drank. - In the game. This is Dornish. -我喝了 -玩游戏的时候这是多恩的酒

This is not the game. This is only drinking. 这不是玩游戏这就是喝酒

Suit yourself. 自便

You keep it warm enough in here. 你这里挺暖和的

It's the first thing I learnt when I came to the North. 我来北境学会的第一件事

Keep your fire going. 就是壁炉不能熄火

Every time you leave the room, put more wood on. 每次离开房间前多放些柴火

That's very diligent. Very responsible. 这是非常认真负责的做法

Piss off. 少来了

You know the first thing i learned in the North? 你知道我来北境学会的第一件事是什么吗I hate the fucking North. 我太他妈的讨厌北境了

It grows on you. 日久生情

I don't want things growing on me. 我不想对什么东西日久生情

How about Tormund Giantsbane? 巨人克星托蒙德呢

Has he grown on you? 你对他日久生情了吗

He was very sad when you left. 你离开时他很难过

You sound quite jealous. 你似乎嫉妒了

I do, don't I? 确实不是吗

It's bloody hot in here. 这里热死了

Oh, move aside. 把手拿开

What are you doing? 你干什么

I'm taking your shirt off. 脱你的衣服

I've never slept with a knight before. 我从来没睡过骑士

I've never slept with anyone before. 我从来没睡过任何人

Then you have to drink. Those are the rules. 那你得喝酒这是规矩

I told you-- 我跟你说过...

Are you drunk? 你喝醉了吗

No. 没有

Only a little. 一点点而已

I didn't know Ser Jorah well... 我跟乔拉爵士不熟

but I know this. 但我知道一点

If he could have chosen a way to die, 如果他能选择死亡的方式

it would have been protecting you. 他会选择为保护你而死

He loved me. 他爱我

And I couldn't love him back. 而我不能爱他

Not the way he wanted. 不能以他希望的方式

Not the way I love you. 不能像我爱你一样

Is that all right? 这样可以吗

I wish you'd never told me. 真希望你没有告诉我

If I didn't know, I'd be happy right now. 如果我不知道现在我会很开心I try to forget. 我很想忘记

Tonight I did for a while, 今晚有一阵子我已经忘了

and then I saw them gathered around you. 然后我看到他们围在你身边

I saw the way they looked at you. 我看见他们看你的眼神

I know that look. 我懂那种眼神

So many people have looked at me that way, but never here. 很多人那样看过我


Never on this side of the sea. 在大海的此岸从来没有过

I told you I don't want it. 我跟你说过我不想要

It doesn't matter what you want. 你想不想根本不重要

You didn't want to be King in the North. 你也没想要当北境之王

What happens when they demand you press your claim, 如果他们非要你昭告天下

and take what is mine? 取代我的位置呢

I'll refuse. 我会拒绝

You are my queen. I don't know what else I can say. 你是我的女王我不知道还能说什么You can say nothing. 你什么都不能说

You can say nothing. ■


To anyone, ever. 永远不能告诉任何人

Never tell them who you really are. 永远不要说出你的真实身份

Swear your brother and Samwell Tarly to secrecy, 让你弟弟和山姆威尔·塔利发誓保密and tell no one else. 不许告诉其他人

Or it will take on a life of its own 否则这件事就会不胫而走

and you won't be able to control it 而你无法掌控它

or what it does to people. 以及它对人造成的影响

No matter how many times you bend the knee, 不管你屈膝多少次

no matter what you swear. 也不管你发什么誓

I want it to be the way it was between us. 我要我们俩回到从前的样子
