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[导读]:Mind out. 当心 Move! 快走 Look, on the west wall! 看西城墙上 Get down to the crypt! 下墓窖去 Just hold. 等等 Well take him. 把他交给我们吧 - Come on, help the lads! - Yes, my lady. -快帮助他们 -是小姐...

Mind out. 当心

Move! 快走

Look, on the west wall! 看西城墙上

Get down to the crypt! 下墓窖去

Just hold. 等等

We'll take him. 把他交给我们吧

- Come on, help the lads! - Yes, my lady. -快帮助他们 -是小姐Quickly, now! Quickly! Get those in position. 快点快把东西搬到位- Come on. - Close the gate! -快 -关城门

That's it. 好了

Oh, for fuck's sake. You took your time. 老天爷你可真是不急不慢Do you speak their tongue? 你说他们的语言吗

Tell them to lift their swords. 叫他们举剑

Tell them to lift their swords. [多斯拉克语]

Tell them to lift their swords. [咒语]

Tell them to lift their swords. [咒语]

Tell them to lift their swords. [咒语]

Tell them to lift their swords. [咒语]

Tell them to lift their swords. [咒语]

Tell them to lift their swords. [咒语]

Valar morghulis. 凡人皆有一死

Valar dohaeris. 凡人必须侍奉

Open the gate! 开城门

Open the gate! 开城门

Open the gate! 开城门

Come. Come on. 来来

Easy. 没事

There's no need to execute me, Ser Davos. 你不必处死我戴佛斯爵士I'll be dead before the dawn. 我会在天明前死去

I'll be dead before the dawn. 停火

The Night King is coming. 夜王来了

The dead are already here. 死人军团已经到了

Stand your ground! 守住阵地

Get down to the crypt. 下墓窖去

I'm not abandoning my people. 我不会抛下我的部属

Take this and go. 拿上这个去吧

I don't know how to use it. 我不会用

Stick them with the pointy end. 用尖的那端去刺敌人

Edd! 艾迪

Edd! 艾迪

Sam, get up! 山姆起来

Oh, God. Sam. 天呐山姆

Edd! 艾迪

Fall back! Fall back! 撤退撤退

Fall back! 撤退

Come on! 快

Open the gate! 开城门

Open the gate! 开城门

Let us in! 让我们进去

Open the gate! 开城门

Open the gate! 开城门

Keep moving! 快走

Come on! 快

- Keep moving, fast. - To your posts. -快走 -守住岗位- Go! - Keep moving! -快 -快走

Come on, run! 快跑

Keep moving! 快走

Keep moving! 保护撤军

Keep moving! 守住阵地

Dany! 丹妮

Grab your weapon now! 快拿武器

Guard the barricades! 守住屏障

Through that pass! 过隘口

Close up the gaps! 封上缺口

Go! Hey! Go! Go! 快走快走

Get in! Get in! 快进去

Get in! Come on! 快进去快

Move! 快

Move! 撤退

Move! 撤退

- Come on! - Come on! -快 -跟上

-Come on! - Come on! -快 -跟上

Protect the gate! 守住城门

Protect the gate! 守住城门

They're coming! Come on! 他们来了快

Fall back! 撤退

Light the trench! 点燃鹿砦

Light the trench! 点燃鹿砦

- Wait! - Light the trench! -等等 -点燃鹿砦

She can't see us. 她看不到我们

Light the trenches! 点燃鹿砦

With a torch, light the trenches! 用火把点燃鹿砦

- Right there. - Torch it! -就在那 -点着它

Light the trenches! 点燃鹿砦

Clegane. 克里冈

You must try not to worry yourself. 不要太慌张

You must try not to worry yourself. ■


At least we're already in a crypt. 至少我们已经身在墓窖也算入土为安

If we were up there, 我们要是在上面

we might see something everyone else is missing. 说不定能看到其他人注意不到的东西Something that makes a difference. 说不定可以扭转局势

What? 怎么

Remember the Battle of Blackwater? 记得黑水河之战吗

I brought us through the Mud Gate. 是我守住了烂泥门

And got your face cut in half. 一张脸被劈成两半

And it made a difference. 成功扭转了战局

If I was out there right now... 要是我在外面

You'd die. 早就没命了

There's nothing you can do. 你什么都做不了

You might be surprised at the lengths I'd go 我为避免加入死人军团做出的努力

to avoid joining the Army of the Dead. 恐怕会让你惊讶呢

I could think of no organization less suited to my talents. 那绝对是天下最不适合我才华的组织Witty remarks won't make a difference. 连珠妙语扭转不了局势

That's why we're down here, none of us can do anything. 所以我们才在这里


It's the truth. 这是事实

It's the most heroic thing we can do now... 这就是我们当下能做的最英勇的事

look the truth in the face. 直面事实

Maybe we should have stayed married. 或许我们不应该分开

You were the best of them. 你是他们中最高贵的一个

What a terrifying thought. 真是可怕的想法

It wouldn't work between us. 我们俩是不可能的

Why not? 有何不可

The Dragon Queen. 龙女王

Your divided loyalties would become a problem. 君主问题上的分歧无法弥合

Yes. 没错

Without the Dragon Queen, there'd be no problem at all. 没有龙女王就不会有这些问题We'd all be dead already. 没有她我们早就全死了

They lit the trench. 他们点燃了鹿砦

Bran... 布兰

I just want you to know... 我希望你知道

I wish-- 我希望...

The things I did-- 我做的事...

Everything you did brought you where you are now. 你所做的一切带你来到这里Where you belong. 你的归宿

Home. 你的家

I'm going to go now. 我要走了

Go where? 去哪里

Man the walls! 上城墙

Man the walls! 上城墙

Man the wall! 上城墙

Man the walls! 上城墙

Come on! 快

Get out there! Get moving! 快去行动起来

Come on. Come on! Come on! 快快快

Go, go, go! 动起来

Come on! 快

They're against the wall! 它们在进攻城墙

Get more men up here! 多找些人上来

- Fill the gaps, quickly! - Get in there! -补上缺口快 -去那边They're climbing the walls! 它们正在往上爬

- Relieve the archers! - Relieve the archers! -撤下弓手 -撤下弓手Archers on top! 弓手去顶上

- Move up! - Go, go! Come here! -上去 -快快来这里

- Come on! - Move back! -继续 -回来

- Stand away! - Go on, go on. Go! Go. -躲开 -继续继续快快- Step back. - All the way, archers! -后退 -一路上去弓手们Hold the wall! 守住城墙

The wall, they're coming up! 城墙它们上来了

- Hold the wall! - Hold the wall! -守住城墙 -守住城墙

Draw! 拉

Come on! 快

They're coming up! 它们上来了

Look out! 当心

Clegane! 克里冈

Clegane! 克里冈

Clegane! 克里冈

Clegane, we need you! 克里冈我们需要你

You can't give up on us. 你不能抛弃我们

Fuck off! We can't beat them. 滚开我们打不赢的

Don't you see that, you stupid whore? 你没看到吗你这个蠢货We're fighting Death! 我们打的是死亡

They can't beat Death. 他们打不过死亡

Tell her that. 去跟她说

Open the door! 开门

Open the door! 开门

- Come on! - Open the door! -快啊 -开门

Open the door! 开门

Please! 求你们了

Open it! 打开啊

Come on! Go! 来啊走

- Come on! - Run! -快 -跑

We've gotta go! 我们必须走

The Lord brought him back for a purpose. 光之王复活他有其目的Now that purpose has been served. 如今目的已经达成

I know you. 我认识你

And I know you. 我也认识你

You said we'd meet again. 你说过我们还会再见

And here we are. 我们见面了

At the end of the world. 在这世界尽头

You said I'd shut many eyes forever. 你说我会永远合上那些眼睛You were right about that too. 这一点你也说对了

Brown eyes... 褐色的

green eyes... 绿色的

and blue eyes. 蓝色的眼睛

What do we say to the God of Death? 面对死亡之神该说什么Not today. 时辰未到

Here they come! 它们来了

Steady, lads. 稳住小子们

Steady now. 稳住

Make every shot count. 不要浪费箭

Over there! 那边

There! 那里

Get off. 躲开

Dracarys. 龙焰

Come on! Come on! 来啊来啊

No! No, no, no! 不要不不不

- Bran! - Go! -布兰 -去

Jorah! 乔拉

Theon. 席恩

You're a good man. 你是好人

Thank you. 谢谢你

I'm hurt. 我受伤了
