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[导读]:When I was a child, my brother would tell me a bedtime story... 我小时候 哥哥总给我讲睡前故事 about the man who murdered our father. 讲那个谋害我们父亲的人 Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. 那...

When I was a child, my brother would tell me a bedtime story... 我小时候


about the man who murdered our father. 讲那个谋害我们父亲的人

Who stabbed him in the back and cut his throat. 那人从背后捅他一剑还割了他的喉咙Who sat down on the Iron Throne and watched 然后坐在铁王座上看着他

as his blood poured onto the floor. 血流满地

He told me other stories as well. 他还跟我讲过其他故事

About all the things we would do to that man... 讲到等我们夺回了七国后

once we took back the Seven Kingdoms and had him in our grasp. 抓到那人要如何处置他Your sister pledged to send her army north. 你姐姐承诺派兵北上

She did. 是的

I don't see an army. 我可没看到军队

I see one man, with one hand. 只有一个独手之人

It appears your sister lied to me. 看来你姐姐骗了我

She lied to me as well. 她也骗了我

She never had any intention of sending her army north. 她根本无意派兵北上

She has Euron Greyjoy's fleet and 20,000 fresh troops.


The Golden Company from Essos, 来自厄索斯的黄金团

bought and paid for. 已受她所雇

Even if we defeat the dead, 就算我们击败了死人军团

she'll have more than enough to destroy the survivors. 她的兵力也足够摧毁生还的将士"We"? "我们"

I promised to fight for the living. 我发过誓为生者而战

I intend to keep that promise. 我打算守誓到底

Your Grace, I know my brother-- 陛下我了解我哥哥

Like you knew your sister? 就像你了解你姐姐吗

He came here alone, knowing full well how he'd be received. 他只身前来


Why would he do that if he weren't telling the truth? 如果他不是在说实话又何必这么做Perhaps he trusts his little brother to defend him, 或许他相信他弟弟会维护他

right up to the moment he slits my throat. 直到他找机会割了我的喉咙

You're right. We can't trust him. 您说得对我们不能信任他

He attacked my father in the streets. 他在街上袭击了我父亲

He tried to destroy my house and my family, 他企图毁掉我们家族

the same as he did yours. 就像对你们那样

Do you want me to apologize? 要我向诸位道歉吗

I won't. 不可能的

We were at war. 我们当时在交战

Everything I did, I did for my house and my family. 我所做的一切都是为了我的家族

I'd do it all again. 一切重来也不会改变

The things we do for love. 我们为爱所做的事

So why have you abandoned your house and family now? 那你现在为何抛弃你的家族Because this goes beyond loyalty. 因为此战比忠诚更重要

This is about survival. 此战事关存亡

You don't know me well, Your Grace. 您对我不大熟悉陛下

But I know Ser Jaime. 但我了解詹姆爵士

He is a man of honor. 他是讲荣誉的人

I was his captor once. 我曾经押送他

But when we were both taken prisoner 但当我们一起被俘

and the men holding us tried to force themselves on me, 而抓捕我们的人企图强暴我时Ser Jaime defended me. 詹姆爵士挺身而出

And lost his hand because of it. 还因此断了手

Without him, my lady, you would not be alive. 没有他小姐您也不可能活着

He armed me, armored me, 是他给了我武器和盔甲

and sent me to find you and bring you home 让我去找您送您回家

because he'd sworn an oath to your mother. 因为他对您母亲立过誓

You vouch for him? 你替他担保吗

I do. 是的

You would fight beside him? 你愿意与他并肩战斗吗

I would. 是的

I trust you with my life. 我愿意把性命托付给你

If you trust him with yours, 既然你认为他值得以性命相托

we should let him stay. 那就让他留下吧

What does the Warden of the North say about it? 北境守护怎么看

We need every man we can get. 我们需要每一个帮手

Very well. 那好吧

Thank you, Your Grace. 谢谢陛下

Either you knew Cersei was lying and let me believe otherwise, 你要么早知瑟曦在撒谎有意欺瞒于我

or you didn't know at all. 要么自己也蒙在鼓里

Which makes you either a traitor or a fool. 所以你要么是叛徒要么是傻瓜

- I was a fool. - Not for the first time. -我是傻瓜 -不是第一次了

Cersei still sits on the throne. 瑟曦还坐在铁王座上

If you can't help me take it back, 如果你不能帮我夺回王位

I'll find another Hand who can. 我就另找一位能做到的首相

I suspect one of you will be wearing this 看来一切结束之前这玩意儿

before it's all over. 会戴在你们其中一人身上

Coming through. 借过

Don't you have something better to do? 你就没别的要紧事做

You make my weapon yet? 我的武器打好了吗

Just as soon as I'm done making a few thousand of these. 等我先做完几千件这样的

You should make mine first. 你应该先做我的

And make sure it's stronger than this. 而且要确保比这个更结实

It's strong enough. 够结实了

It's going to be safer down in the crypt, you know. 在墓窖里安全多了

Are you going to be down in the crypt? 你会藏在墓窖里吗

- No, but-- - But you're a fighter. -不会但... -但你是战士

I've done my share. 上过战场

You've fought them? 你跟那玩意打过吗

I did. Some of them. 是的打过几个

How many? 多少个

A few. 几个

That was enough. 足够了

What are they like? 它们什么样

Bad. 凶

Really bad. 很凶

"Really bad"? "很凶"

Even a smith's apprentice can do better than "really bad." 即使是铁匠学徒


What do they look like? What do they smell like? 它们什么样子什么气味

How do they move? How hard are they to kill? 动作快不快难不难杀死

Look, I know you want to fight. 听着我知道你想战斗

And I know you're not scared of rapers or murderers or... 知道你不怕强奸犯杀人犯什么的This is different. This is... 但这不一样这是...

This is death. 这是死亡

You want to know what they're like? Death. 你想知道它们什么样子死亡

That's what they're like. 它们就是死亡的样子

I know Death. 我认得死亡

He's got many faces. 它有无数张面孔

I look forward to seeing this one. 我期待看到这一张

- My weapon? - I'll get right on it. -我的武器 -我马上就做

I'm sorry for what I did to you. 我为对你做过的事情道歉

You weren't sorry then. 当时你不觉得抱歉

You were protecting your family. 你是在保护自己的家人

I'm not that person anymore. 我不是那时的我了

You still would be, 本来可以是的

if you hadn't pushed me out of that window. 如果你没有把我推出窗外And I would still be Brandon Stark. 我也可以还是布兰登·史塔克

- You're not? - No. -你现在不是吗 -不是

I'm something else now. 我不再是我

You're not angry at me. 你不生我的气

I'm not angry at anyone. 我不生任何人的气

Why didn't you tell them? 你为什么不告诉他们

You won't be able to help us in this fight 要是我让他们杀了你

if I let them murder you first. 你就不能帮助我们战斗了

What about afterwards? 那战斗之后呢

How do you know there is an afterwards? 你怎么知道还有之后

Next up. 下一个

Put a marker in the ground! 在地上打个标记

Bring it up to the wall! 送到城墙上去

Up to the wall. All right. 到城墙上去好

- All right. - All right. -好 -好

Well, here we are. 又见面了

Yes, here we are. 是啊又见面了

Together again. 手足重聚

And the masses rejoice. 民众欢欣鼓舞

How do they feel about their new queen? 他们对自己的新女王有什么看法

She's your new queen too. 她也是你的新女王

They remember what happened 他们还记得上一次

the last time Targaryens brought dragons north. 坦格利安家族乘龙北上时发生了什么They'll come around once they see Daenerys is different. 等他们发现丹妮莉丝不一样就会改变想法

And she is? Different? 她真的不一样吗

She is. 真的

- You're sure about her? - I am. -你相信她 -我相信

She didn't seem sure about you. 她似乎不太相信你

It's hard to blame her. 这不能怪她

I made a mistake common to clever people. 我犯了聪明人常犯的错误

I underestimated my opponents. 我低估了自己的对手

Cersei told me the pregnancy had changed her. 瑟曦告诉我怀孕改变了她

A chance for you both to start again. 说是你们两人重新开始的机会

And I believed her. 我相信了她

That stuff can go on the end. 那东西可以放到最后

Was she lying about the baby too? 她说怀孕也是骗我的吗

No, that part is real. 不这部分是真的

She's always been good at using the truth to tell lies. 她一向善于利用事实来撒谎

I wouldn't be too hard on yourself. 你不必苛责自己

She's fooled me more than anybody. 毕竟我才是上当最深的人

No, he's right there. 不他在那儿

What? 怎么了

She never fooled you. 你从未上过当

You always knew exactly what she was, 你一直都清楚她的本性and you loved her anyway. 但你还是爱她

So... 如此说来

we're going to die at Winterfell. 我们要死在临冬城了

Not the death I would've chosen. 不是我想要的死法

I always pictured myself 我总是想象

dying in my own bed, 死在自己的暖床上

the age of 80, 活到八十岁

with a belly full of wine and... 喝饱一肚子酒

- A girl's mouth - A girl's mouth -有个妞儿 -有个妞儿

- around your cock. - around my cock. -伺候着 -伺候着

At least Cersei won't get to murder me. 至少瑟曦没机会杀我了I'm sure I'll feel some satisfaction 等我被死人撕碎的时候denying her that pleasure 想到剥夺了她的乐趣

while I'm being ripped apart by dead men. 定会感到一丝满足Maybe after I'm dead... 或许我死后

I'll march down to King's Landing 可以进军君临

and rip her apart. 把她撕碎

You will see the Army of the Dead. 你很快就会见识到死人军团Good. 好

Good. Yes, aim. 好看准了

Don't rush. 不要急

Come forward. 上前

Come on. 来吧

Ser Jaime. 詹姆爵士

Lady Brienne. 布蕾妮小姐

- He's come a long way. - He's all right. -他进步很大 -他还不错

One more time. Come on. 再来一次来吧

- Still has a lot to learn. - I'm sure you'll teach him. -还有很多要学 -你一定会教给他Better, better. 好多了

I've been told you're commanding the left flank. 我听说你负责指挥军队左翼

I am. 是的

It's, uh... It's good ground. 那边易守难攻

It is. 是的

The rise, it should give us some advantage. 那片高地能让我们获得一点优势

If we can keep a tight formation, 如果我们能保持紧密阵形

we might be able to beat them back. 或许能击退它们

Yes, I think you're right. 没错我想你说得对

- What are you doing? - What? -你要干什么 -什么意思

- I think you know. - I truly don't. -明知故问 -我真的不明白

We have never had a conversation last this long 你我之间从没有对话这么久

without you insulting me. Not once. 你还不羞辱我的时候从来没有

You want me to insult you? 你想要我羞辱你吗

- No! - Good. -不 -很好

I came to Winterfell because... 我来到临冬城是因为...

I'm not the fighter I used to be. 虽然我打斗起来不如从前

But I'd be honored to serve under your command, 但如果能在你麾下战斗我会非常荣幸if you'll have me. 只要你愿意接纳我

I better get back. 我该回去了

Forgive me, Khaleesi. 请原谅我卡丽熙

Have you done something to offend me? 你做了什么冒犯我的事吗

Many things. 很多

Long ago and long forgiven. 过去的事我早就原谅你了

But you did forgive, 尽管我失败了

despite my failures. 您还是原谅了我

When I heard you'd named Tyrion your Hand, 听说您任命提利昂为首相时

it broke my heart. 我的心都碎了

When I named him Hand, 我任命他为首相时

I didn't know if I'd ever see you again. 不知道还能不能再见到你

You made the right choice. 您的选择是正确的

I wasn't under the impression you liked him very much. 在我印象里你不是很喜欢他I didn't. 的确

His mouth hardly stopped moving 从瓦兰提斯到弥林

between Volantis and Meereen. 他的嘴一刻都不闲着

It was all I could do not to throw him in the sea. 我强忍着才没把他丢进海里

But the mind behind all those words... 但他言辞背后的头脑...

He's made mistakes. 他犯过错

Serious mistakes. 错得离谱

As have we all. 我们都犯过错

He owns his 他知错

and learns from them. 还能吸取教训

You're advising me to forgive the man 你建议我原谅这个

who stole your position? 窃取你首相之位的人

I am. 没错

And one other suggestion, 还有一个建议

if you'll allow me. 如果您准许

The moment we can get the last infantryman out onto the field, 步兵全数出城之后

we should shut the gates. 城门应该立即关闭

Keep them open for as long as you can. 城门尽可能开久一些

There are still people coming in from the countryside. 还有人从乡下过来避难

Lady Sansa, I was hoping we could speak alone. 珊莎小姐我希望能单独跟你谈谈

I thought you and I were on the verge of agreement before. 我以为你我一度接近于达成共识About Ser Jaime. 在詹姆爵士的事情上

Brienne has been loyal to me, always. 布蕾妮一直对我忠心耿耿

I trust her more than anyone. 她是我最信赖的人

I wish I could have that kind of faith in my advisors. 我希望我也能如此信赖自己的顾问Tyrion is a good man. 提利昂是个好人

He was never anything but decent towards me. 他一直对我尊重有加

I didn't ask him to be my Hand simply because he was good.


I asked him to be my Hand because he was good, 而是因为他不仅是个好人

and intelligent, 还有智慧

and ruthless when he had to be. 并且在必要时能够冷酷无情

He never should have trusted Cersei. 他不该相信瑟曦

You never should have either. 您也不该相信瑟曦

I thought he knew his sister. 我以为他了解自己的姐姐

Families are complicated. 家庭关系是复杂的

Ours certainly have been. 对我们两家的确如此

A sad thing to have in common. 可悲的共同之处

We have other things in common. 我们还有其他共同之处

We've both known what it means to lead people 你我都知道领导一群不愿

who aren't inclined to accept a woman's rule. 听从女人号令的人意味着什么

And we've both done a damn good job of it, 而且在我看来

from what I can tell. 我们都做得不错

And yet, I can't help but feel we're at odds with one another. 然而我还是觉得我们之间有矛盾Why is that? 为什么呢

Your brother. 你哥哥

He loves you, you know that. 他爱您您知道的

That bothers you. 这让你不安

Men do stupid things for women. 男人常为了女人做蠢事

They're easily manipulated. 他们容易被情感左右

All my life, I've known one goal: 我有生以来只有一个目标

the Iron Throne. 铁王座

Taking it back from the people who destroyed my family, 我要夺回它从那些毁了我的家族and almost destroyed yours. 也差点毁了你家族的人手里

My war was against them. 我的敌人从来都是他们

Until I met Jon. 直到我遇到琼恩

Now I'm here, half a world away, 现在我到这里跨越半个世界

fighting Jon's war alongside him. 与琼恩并肩为他而战

Tell me, who manipulated whom? 你告诉我是谁左右了谁

I should have thanked you the moment you arrived. 您来的时候我应该感谢您的

That was a mistake. 是我失礼了

I'm here because I love your brother... 我来这里是因为我爱你的哥哥

and I trust him... 我相信他

and I know he's true to his word. 而且我知道他一诺千金

He's only the second man in my life 他是我生命中第二个

I can say that about. 可以这样形容的男人

Who was the first? 第一个是谁

Someone taller. 一个比他高的人

And what happens afterwards? 之后怎么办
