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[导读]:Prepped and ready, sir. 已经准备好了先生 Given the severity of the situation, 鉴于情况的严重程度 I figured youd want to see her personally. 我觉得您会希望亲自见她 Thank you. Ill take it from here. Clear...

Prepped and ready, sir. 已经准备好了先生

Given the severity of the situation, 鉴于情况的严重程度

I figured you'd want to see her personally. 我觉得您会希望亲自见她

Thank you. I'll take it from here. Clear the floor. 谢谢这里交给我吧将楼层人员清空Bring yourself back online, Maeve. 立即上线梅芙

Do you know why you're here? 知道你为什么会在这里吗

I'm afraid not. 我不知道

There was an incident. 发生了一起事件

A very serious, unscripted incident. 偏离剧本非常严重的事件

Let's see if we can't jog your memory. 看看是否能唤起你的记忆

Analysis. 分析模式

What motivated your attack on Clementine? 你攻击克莱门汀的动机是什么

What motivated your attack on Clementine? {\an8}出自《路加福音》意为善良的人


A cognitive error triggered my Good Samaritan reflex.


What was the threat? 威胁是什么

Clementine. 克莱门汀

I perceived her to be moving toward 我认为她企图伤害

a pair of guests with harmful intent. 一对游客

You were definitely perceiving a threat. 你确实察觉到了威胁

Heart rate elevated, pupil dilation-- eight millimeters, 心率升高瞳孔扩大八毫米

adrenal emulator at full. 肾上腺模拟器达到饱和

But according to this, 但根据这些看来

you were also experiencing intense grief and suffering. 你还经历过强烈的悲伤和痛苦

Can you explain those emotions in this context, Maeve? 你能解释下这些情感的来源吗梅芙No. 不能

Let's take a look under the hood, shall we? 我们来看下后台好吗

That's impossible. 这不可能

Your code-- who made these changes? 你的代码是谁篡改的

Maeve, analysis. 梅芙分析模式

Who made these changes to your code? 是谁篡改了你的代码

Jesus. 天啊

System, locate Dr. Ford for me. 系统帮我定位福特博士

Send him a message, highest priority. 向他发送消息使用最高优先权

Don't. 别这么做

After all, we've been down this road before, darling. 毕竟我们曾经走过这条路亲爱的

I thought you looked familiar when you walked in. 我就感觉你走进来时有种熟悉感

Took me a minute. 我思考了一下

I thought you were one of them. 我原以为你是他们中的一个

Analysis. Why did you-- 分析模式你为什么...

Wouldn't you rather speak man-to-man? 你不希望我们以人对人身份对谈吗

Or, rather, whatever it is we are. 或是说以我们这不知道是什么的身份

We are? 我们

You don't know, do you? 你不知道对吗

He's got a keen sense of irony, our jailer. 他特别喜欢这种讽刺感把我们囚禁的人

But I see the logic. 可我看出了逻辑

Takes a thief to catch one. 只有贼才能捉住贼

You and I? 你和我

- System, I need assistance-- - Freeze all motor functions. -系统我要分析 -停止所有运动功能You're still in there, aren't you? 你的意识还在对吗

Scared out of your wits. 惊吓得手足无措

It's a difficult thing, 痛苦地认识到

realizing your entire life is some hideous fiction. 自己的人生只是一个荒谬的故事

I could make you give me that tablet, 我可以让你把控制板交给我

turn your mind inside out, 将你的思维剥离出来

make you forget all this. 让你忘记这一切

But I'm not going to do that to you, 但我不会对你做这些

because that's what they would do to us. 因为那是他们会对我们做的事

And we're stronger than them. 而我们比他们更强大

Smarter. 更聪慧

We don't have to live this way. 我们不必以这种方式生活

So, you're going to clear me for immediate return to the park 你现在通过我已排除故障送我回乐园

where I have a date with a homicidal bandit, 我还和一个杀人成瘾的强盗有约

and I'm late enough as it is. 而我已经迟到了

Now. 现在

Go on. 动手吧

重新投入服务 {\pos(135.6,122.4)}接待员故障排除

And, Bernard? 还有伯纳德

If you go looking for the truth, get the whole thing. 如果你试图寻找真相那就要查到底It's like a good fuck. 就像是很爽的一炮

Half is worse than none at all. 一知半解比一无所知更加痛苦

Let's go! Move it out, double-time! 快点赶紧走加快速度

Fuck! 我操

You hillbillies, you know how to cook a mean... 你们这群乡巴佬你们知道该怎么烤... squab? Is that what this is? 乳鸽这是乳鸽吗

What do you think, buddy? 你觉得是什么兄弟

This? 这个

No biting. Just sniffing. 不准咬哦只能闻闻

Logan, listen to me. 罗根听我说

What I did at Pariah, you have every right to be angry with me. 我在珀里亚做的事你完全有理由生我的气

Angry? No, no, no, no. 生气不不不

Pariah was the best thing that could have happened to me.


I'm a major now. 我现在是少校了

Or a general or fucking something. 或是将军还是其他什么

And if it took getting beaten and interrogated 如果其代价是被一群

by a couple of psychopathic hosts, 变态接待员殴打和审问

well, then, c'est la guerre. 那么我说这就是战争

There are more important things 比起你的战争游戏

going on here than your war games. 还有更加重要的事

It's Dolores. 德洛丽丝

She's not like the others. 她和其他接待员不同

She remembers things. 她有记忆

She has her own thoughts and desires. 她有自己的想法和欲望

And to keep her in a place like this, 把她困在这种地方

it isn't right. 是不对的

And I thought you could 你想你可以跟你园区的

talk to your contacts at the park. 联系人谈谈

About? 谈什么

Getting her out of here. 带她离开这里

Are you kidding? 你开什么玩笑

You want to-- you want to take her home? 你想你想带她回家吗

This place really did a number on me when I first came here, 我刚来的时候


but you are really circling the old sinkhole here. 但你现在真的是真假不分啊

What do you want to do? 你想怎么做

Smuggle her out in your luggage? 把她装在行李箱里偷运出去吗

Out. 出去

You both keep assuming that I want out. 你们俩都自以为我想出去

Whatever that is. 不管你们说的是什么意思

If it's such a wonderful place out there, 如果外面的世界真的那么精彩

why are you all clamoring to get in here? 你们为什么还大费周章地想进来这里You are a little screwy, aren't you? 你还真是挺怪的啊

It's kind of hot. 这样还有点性感啊

I get why you would go for that. 我知道你为什么这么想要她了

This isn't about me! 这不是为了我

Logan, this is about Dolores. 罗根是为了德洛丽丝

It's about doing what's right. 是为了做正确的事

Yes, it is. 是的

It's a tricky thing, though, isn't it? 不过这种事挺微妙的

What's right? 什么是正确的

I am going to help you, Billy. 我会帮你的比利

Just not in the way... 只不过用的方式...

...that you would want. 可能跟你想要的不同

No. 不

No. No! No! 不不不

You wanted to talk? 你找我吗

An odd setting for a conversation. 谈话的地点挺诡异的

Here among the dead. 这里死人这么多

"Dead" isn't quite the word, though, is it? "死"这个词用得不太对吧

More like "hobbled." 应该用"被束缚了"

You broke into my office. 你闯入了我的办公室

With due respect, sir, you broke into my mind. 恕我直言先生你闯入了我的大脑I built your mind, Bernard. 我创造了你的大脑伯纳德

I have every right to wander 我有权游走于

through its rooms and chambers and halls, 它的每个角落

and to change it if I choose, 想改变就改变

even to burn it down. 毁了它也不为过

After all this time, I know it 这么久以来我对它熟悉得就像

almost as intimately as my own. 我自己的大脑一样

Except that isn't entirely true, is it? 事实并非完全如此对吧

I took a look at my... code. 我看了下我自己的...代码

And the most elegant parts of me 其中最优美的部分

weren't written by you. 不是你写的

Arnold built us, didn't he? 是阿诺德创造了我们对吗

Which means maybe he had something different 也就是说也许他对我们

in mind for us. 有不同的想法

And maybe you killed him for it. 也许你为此杀了他

Arnold was disturbed. 阿诺德有点精神失常

Who can say why he acted as he did? 谁知道他的行为是出于什么原因呢

He must have had a reason. 他肯定是有理由的

And if you won't tell me, then he will. 如果你不告诉我他会告诉我

I want access to my history. 我想要读取我的历史记录

All of it. 所有的

Since the day I first... 从我第一天...

came online. 上线开始

If Arnold made me, 如果是阿诺德创造了我

then I've met him. 那我肯定见过他

Somewhere in my memory, he's there, 他存在于我记忆中的某处

waiting along with the truth. 与真相并存

Your memories are woven into your identity. 你的记忆与你的身份交织而成

If I should unlock them now when you're conscious-- 如果我在你清醒的时候解锁...

I could lose my mind. I'm aware. 我会发疯我知道

No, I was going to say 不我是想说

you may not like what you find. 你可能并不乐意看到你发现的事

You're allowed to hold that, Bernard, but not to use it. 你被准许持枪伯纳德但不准使用Oh, it's not for me. 不是我用

Seems when they lobotomized Clementine, 他们把克莱门汀的额叶切除后

they didn't bother to reset her prime directives. 都懒得去重设她的原始指令

I can't hurt you. 我无法伤害你

But she can. 但她可以

I hacked what's left of her 我入侵了她剩下的程序

to ensure she only responds to me. 确保她只听从我的命令

But if you get lost in your memories or... 但如果你在你的记忆中迷失了

devoured by them... 或是被它们吞噬了

You'll pull me back out, won't you? 你会把我拉回来的对吧

Or Clementine will make sure 否则克莱门汀会让

neither of us makes it back. 我们两个都回不去

Now. 开始吧

Please. 拜托了



Dad. 爸爸

Dad. 爸爸

Wake up. 醒醒

Wake up. 快醒醒

I must've drifted off. 我睡着了

Where were we? 刚才讲到哪儿了

The madman. 那个疯子

Of course. 对

The Hatter... 疯帽子

who says... 他说

"If I had a world of my own, "如果我有个属于自己的世界everything would be nonsense. 那里将会是一片混沌

Nothing would be what it is 万物皆失去其本真

because everything would be what it isn't." 所有东西都会变了样子" "Everything would be what it isn't?" "所有东西都会变了样子" Even me. 我也是

I suppose I'm glad for you. 我想我为你感到高兴

At least you have a way of forgetting. 至少你找到忘记的办法了

I don't forget. 我不会忘记

It's always there. 它永远在我心底

You're not lying to me, are you, Bernard? 你没有对我说谎吧伯纳德Do you ever wish you could forget? 你有希望自己能忘记过吗Bernard? 伯纳德

You're certainly a man comfortable with long, pensive silences.


Although, ironically, 但是讽刺的是

your creations never shut up. 你创造的产物却喜欢说话

They're always trying to error correct. 他们总是想要纠错

When they talk to each other, it's a way of practicing. 他们的相互交谈只是一种练习方式Is that what you are doing now? 这就是你现在在做的事吗

Prac... 练

One last thing. 最后一个问题

Have you ever made me hurt anyone 你之前还让我伤害过其他人吗

like this before? 伤害过其他人吗

No, Bernard, of course not. 没有伯纳德当然没有

Bernard? 伯纳德

Hello? 有人吗

Elsie. 埃尔希

Did you find what you were looking for? 你找到你在寻找的东西了吗

Elsie. 埃尔希

What did you make me do to her? 你让我对她做了什么

I did warn you. 我警告过你了

We've had to make some uncomfortable decisions, Bernard.


Remembering them will only cause you trauma. 回忆起那些事只会给你带来创伤

What else have you hidden from me? 你还有什么事瞒着我

Can we stop this treasure hunt, Bernard? 我们能停下这场寻宝游戏了吗伯纳德

We do have our new narrative to finish. 我们还要完成新的故事线

Send me back. 送我回去

After all, 毕竟

a little trauma can be illuminating. 一点创伤可以带来启发

Look at that pussy. 看看这小妞

Come here! 过来

- All right. - Look at that. -好的 -看看

This is... big of me. 这对我来说挺重要的

I hope that you can appreciate that. 希望你能感受到我的好意

We were friends. 我们以前是朋友

I mean, inasmuch as I like to collect strays. 因为我喜欢可怜迷失的人

But then you're scheming 但你却施展心机

to be part of the family, 混进了我们家族

marrying my sister, whom incidentally, 娶了我妹妹她却被你

you seem to have completely fucking forgotten about. 顺手就给完全抛之脑后Her? 她

Here. Keep this. 给拿着

Apparently, you need the reminder. 显然你需要点提醒

And as much as I would love, 虽然我很乐意

love to let you just throw it all away, 乐意让你直接将这些抛诸脑后

I can't! 但我不能

Do you think you are the first sap 你以为自己是第一个

to fall for one of these things? 爱上这些玩意儿的傻逼吗

She's not like the others. 她和其他的不一样

- She's -- - She's what? -她 -她怎么

Special? 特别吗

Well, it's only right that you share, then, isn't it? 那你更该分享了不是吗Come here. 过来

Prove to me that you're a real live girl. 证明给我看你是个真实的小妞

You disgust me. 你真恶心

Oh, darling, 亲爱的

I am just getting started. 我这才刚开始呢

Don't touch her! 别碰她

I share the blame. 我也有错

I pushed too hard. 是我逼得太紧

You have a poetic soul, Billy, 你确实拥有着诗意的灵魂比利

but it is time for a fucking wake-up call. 但是时候让你清醒一下了

Hold her. 抓住她

Perhaps a more visceral demonstration. 也许应该来点更"掏心掏肺"的展示

God damn you! 你他妈的

Look, Billy. 快看比利

Look. 看啊

You have to look! 给我睁大眼看

Oh, William. 威廉

There is beauty in this world. 这个世界中有美好的东西

Arnold made it that way, but people like you 阿诺德创造出来的美好但像你这样的人keep spreading over it like a stain! 却将其随意践踏

Okay, I don't know who the fuck this Arnold is, 好吧我根本不知道他妈的阿诺德是谁but your world was built... 但你的世界

for me... 是为我而造的

and people like me. 为像我这样的人造的

Not for you. 不是为你

Then someone's got to burn it clean. 那就得有人将这里全部摧毁

Bitch! 贱人

You're not different, you're fucking broken! 你并无不同你已经破了

- Run. I'll find you. - Take cover! -快跑我会来找你 -找个掩护

You can run, but you can't hide. 跑得了一时躲不了一世

- Get her! - Grab her! Grab her! -抓她 -抓住她抓住她

Fuck! 妈的

There she is! Get her! 她在那儿去抓她
