首页 > 文档 > 西部世界第一季第九集-字幕-对白-纯英文


[导读]:Prepped and ready, sir. Given the severity of the situation, I figured youd want to see her personally. Thank you. Ill take it from here. Clear the floor. Bring yourself back online, Maeve. Do you know why youre here? Im afraid no...

Prepped and ready, sir.

Given the severity of the situation,

I figured you'd want to see her personally.

Thank you. I'll take it from here. Clear the floor.

Bring yourself back online, Maeve.

Do you know why you're here?

I'm afraid not.

There was an incident.

A very serious, unscripted incident.

Let's see if we can't jog your memory.


What motivated your attack on Clementine?

What motivated your attack on Clementine?

A cognitive error triggered my Good Samaritan reflex. What was the threat?


I perceived her to be moving toward

a pair of guests with harmful intent.

You were definitely perceiving a threat.

Heart rate elevated, pupil dilation-- eight millimeters, adrenal emulator at full.

But according to this,

you were also experiencing intense grief and suffering. Can you explain those emotions in this context, Maeve? No.

Let's take a look under the hood, shall we?

That's impossible.

Your code-- who made these changes?

Maeve, analysis.

Who made these changes to your code?


System, locate Dr. Ford for me.

Send him a message, highest priority.


After all, we've been down this road before, darling.

I thought you looked familiar when you walked in. Took me a minute.

I thought you were one of them.

Analysis. Why did you--

Wouldn't you rather speak man-to-man?

Or, rather, whatever it is we are.

We are?

You don't know, do you?

He's got a keen sense of irony, our jailer.

But I see the logic.

Takes a thief to catch one.

You and I?

- System, I need assistance-- - Freeze all motor functions. You're still in there, aren't you?

Scared out of your wits.

It's a difficult thing,

realizing your entire life is some hideous fiction.

I could make you give me that tablet,

turn your mind inside out,

make you forget all this.

But I'm not going to do that to you,

because that's what they would do to us.

And we're stronger than them.


We don't have to live this way.

So, you're going to clear me for immediate return to the park where I have a date with a homicidal bandit,

and I'm late enough as it is.


Go on.


And, Bernard?

If you go looking for the truth, get the whole thing.

It's like a good fuck.

Half is worse than none at all.

Let's go! Move it out, double-time!


You hillbillies, you know how to cook a mean...

squab? Is that what this is?

What do you think, buddy?


No biting. Just sniffing.

Logan, listen to me.

What I did at Pariah, you have every right to be angry with me. Angry? No, no, no, no.

Pariah was the best thing that could have happened to me.

I'm a major now.

Or a general or fucking something.

And if it took getting beaten and interrogated

by a couple of psychopathic hosts,

well, then, c'est la guerre.

There are more important things

going on here than your war games.

It's Dolores.

She's not like the others.

She remembers things.

She has her own thoughts and desires.

And to keep her in a place like this,

it isn't right.

And I thought you could

talk to your contacts at the park.


Getting her out of here.

Are you kidding?

You want to-- you want to take her home?

This place really did a number on me when I first came here, but you are really circling the old sinkhole here.

What do you want to do?

Smuggle her out in your luggage?


You both keep assuming that I want out. Whatever that is.

If it's such a wonderful place out there,

why are you all clamoring to get in here?

You are a little screwy, aren't you?

It's kind of hot.

I get why you would go for that.

This isn't about me!

Logan, this is about Dolores.

It's about doing what's right.

Yes, it is.

It's a tricky thing, though, isn't it?

What's right?

I am going to help you, Billy.

Just not in the way...

...that you would want.


No. No! No!

You wanted to talk?

An odd setting for a conversation.

Here among the dead.

"Dead" isn't quite the word, though, is it? More like "hobbled."

You broke into my office.

With due respect, sir, you broke into my mind.

I built your mind, Bernard.

I have every right to wander

through its rooms and chambers and halls,

and to change it if I choose,

even to burn it down.

After all this time, I know it

almost as intimately as my own.

Except that isn't entirely true, is it?

I took a look at my... code.

And the most elegant parts of me

weren't written by you.

Arnold built us, didn't he?

Which means maybe he had something different in mind for us.

And maybe you killed him for it.

Arnold was disturbed.

Who can say why he acted as he did?

He must have had a reason.

And if you won't tell me, then he will.

I want access to my history.

All of it.

Since the day I first...

came online.

If Arnold made me,

then I've met him.

Somewhere in my memory, he's there,

waiting along with the truth.

Your memories are woven into your identity.

If I should unlock them now when you're conscious-- I could lose my mind. I'm aware.

No, I was going to say

you may not like what you find.

You're allowed to hold that, Bernard, but not to use it. Oh, it's not for me.

Seems when they lobotomized Clementine,

they didn't bother to reset her prime directives.

I can't hurt you.

But she can.

I hacked what's left of her

to ensure she only responds to me.

But if you get lost in your memories or...

devoured by them...

You'll pull me back out, won't you?

Or Clementine will make sure

neither of us makes it back.







Wake up.

Wake up.

I must've drifted off.

Where were we?

The madman.

Of course.

The Hatter...

who says...

"If I had a world of my own,

everything would be nonsense.

Nothing would be what it is

because everything would be what it isn't."

"Everything would be what it isn't?"

Even me.

I suppose I'm glad for you.

At least you have a way of forgetting.

I don't forget.

It's always there.

You're not lying to me, are you, Bernard?

Do you ever wish you could forget?


You're certainly a man comfortable with long, pensive silences. Although, ironically,

your creations never shut up.

They're always trying to error correct.

When they talk to each other, it's a way of practicing.

Is that what you are doing now?


One last thing.

Have you ever made me hurt anyone

like this before?

No, Bernard, of course not.




Did you find what you were looking for?


What did you make me do to her?

I did warn you.

We've had to make some uncomfortable decisions, Bernard. Remembering them will only cause you trauma.

What else have you hidden from me?

Can we stop this treasure hunt, Bernard?

We do have our new narrative to finish.

Send me back.

After all,

a little trauma can be illuminating.

Look at that pussy.

Come here!

- All right. - Look at that.

This is... big of me.

I hope that you can appreciate that.

We were friends.

I mean, inasmuch as I like to collect strays.

But then you're scheming

to be part of the family,

marrying my sister, whom incidentally,

you seem to have completely fucking forgotten about. Her?

Here. Keep this.

Apparently, you need the reminder.

And as much as I would love,

love to let you just throw it all away,

I can't!

Do you think you are the first sap

to fall for one of these things?

She's not like the others.

- She's -- - She's what?


Well, it's only right that you share, then, isn't it? Come here.

Prove to me that you're a real live girl.

You disgust me.

Oh, darling,

I am just getting started.

Don't touch her!

I share the blame.

I pushed too hard.

You have a poetic soul, Billy,

but it is time for a fucking wake-up call.

Hold her.

Perhaps a more visceral demonstration.

God damn you!

Look, Billy.


You have to look!

Oh, William.

There is beauty in this world.

Arnold made it that way, but people like you keep spreading over it like a stain!

Okay, I don't know who the fuck this Arnold is, but your world was built...

for me...

and people like me.

Not for you.

Then someone's got to burn it clean.


You're not different, you're fucking broken!

- Run. I'll find you. - Take cover!

You can run, but you can't hide.

- Get her! - Grab her! Grab her!


There she is! Get her!

Where you running to?

