首页 > 文档 > 西部世界第一季第四集-字幕-对白-中英文对照


[导读]:Dolores? 徳洛丽丝 Yes. 是 Do you know where you are? 你知道你身在何处吗 I... 我... Im in a dream. 我在梦里 Before this, 在此之前 do you know what happened? 你知道发生了什么事吗 My parents... 我的父...

Dolores? 徳洛丽丝

Yes. 是

Do you know where you are? 你知道你身在何处吗

I... 我...

I'm in a dream. 我在梦里

Before this, 在此之前

do you know what happened? 你知道发生了什么事吗

My parents... 我的父母

They hurt them. 他们伤害了他们

Limit your emotional affect, please. 请控制你的情绪反应

What happened next? 接下来发生了什么

Then they killed them. 然后他们杀了他们

And then... 然后

I ran. 我跑了

Everyone I cared about is gone... 我在乎的人都不在了

and it hurts... 心很痛

so badly. 撕心裂肺

I can make that feeling go away if you'd like. 如果你愿意我可以让那种感觉消失

Why would I want that? 我为什么要那样呢

The pain, 那种痛

their loss... 失去他们

it's all I have left of them. 是他们留给我唯一的东西了

You think the grief will make you smaller inside, 你以为悲恸会让你的内心更弱小

like your heart will collapse in on itself, but it doesn't. 好像你的心彻底崩塌了但其实并不会I feel spaces opening up inside of me 我觉得我内心又敞开了一片空间

like a building with rooms I've never explored. 就像一栋我从未探索过的带有很多房间的大楼

That's very pretty, Dolores. 那很美徳洛丽丝

Did we write that for you? 那是我们预先写好的程序吗

In part. 部分是的

I adapted it from a scripted dialogue about love. 我改编了一段关于爱的剧本对话

Is there something wrong with these thoughts I'm having? 我现在的这些想法有什么不对吗No. 没有

But I'm not the only one making these decisions. 但真正做决定的人并非只有我一个

Can you help me? 你能帮助我吗

Well, what is it that you want? 你想要什么

I don't know. 我不知道

But this world... 但是这个世界...

I think there may be something wrong with this world. 我觉得这个世界或许有什么不对劲Something hiding underneath. 藏在表层之下的东西

Either that or... 要么是那个原因...

or there's something wrong with me. 要么就是我有什么毛病

I may be losing my mind. 我可能疯了

There's something I'd like you to try. 我想让你尝试一件事

It's a game. 是个游戏

A secret. 一个秘密

It's called... 叫做...

the Maze. 迷宫

What kind of game is it? 是什么样的游戏

It's a very special kind of game, Dolores. 是一种非常独特的游戏徳洛丽丝

The goal is to find the center of it. 目标就是找到迷宫的中心

If you can do that, 如果你能做到

then maybe you can be free. 那或许你可以获得自由

I think... 我觉得...

I think I want to be free. 我觉得我想获得自由

Thank you. 谢谢

Penny for your thoughts. 你在想什么

Ever had something on the tip of your tongue, 你有没有遇到过有时候话到嘴边却不记得了but the harder you try to remember it, the more it slips away? 你越是努力去想


Most things that touch the tip of my tongue, 大多数触碰到我嘴边的东西

I'm happy to forget. 我都很乐意忘掉

Except that cowpoke from Abilene. 除了那个来自阿比林的牛仔

That thing he was packing-- 他胯下的那玩意儿

that was something to remember. 我倒是终身难忘

All I recall is you letting that cowpoke skip out on his bill. 我只记得你给那个牛仔免单了Hell, I oughta been paying him. 天啊我该付钱给他才对

The way he used that thing. 他对那玩意儿的灵活使用简直...

Better cool them off 最好压一压他们的兴致

before they move from gambling and whoring 否则他们就会从赌博嫖娼升级到更恶劣的行为to sins that are more costly to repair. 造成的破坏修复起来又要花很多钱

What is the matter, Maeve? 怎么了梅芙

Something in your eye. 你的眼睛里有什么东西

Aw, can you fucking kill it? 你他妈能杀了它吗

Jesus. 天啊

What's the hold up? 怎么耽误了这么久

We need that one on the next shuttle topside. 我们要把那个放在下一趟运输车的最上层

I'm not finished with her yet. Hang on. 我还没处理完她稍等

I've got another bullet fragment to remove from her abdomen.


QA wants her back on the floor now. 质保部要求将她立即送过去

Just patch her and get her on the... 把她修补下然后放到...

touch the tip of my tongue... ...触碰到我嘴边的东西

I'm happy to forget. 我都很乐意忘掉

Except that cowpoke from Abilene. 除了那个来自阿比林的牛仔

That thing he was packing-- 他胯下那玩意儿

that was something to remember. 那倒是让我终身难忘

The way he used that thing. 他对那玩意儿的灵活使用简直...

No, I would not characterize this as normal host behavior. 不


Yet you're describing it as within normal parameters. 但你将之描述成符合正常范围的Well, it didn't hurt us. 它没有伤害我们

Its behavior was unconventional. 它的行为很反常

It smashed its own head in with a rock. 它用一块石头砸碎了自己的脑袋

It is possible that it's a manifestation of its Samaritan reflex.


And it's also possible that behavior 也有可能这种行为

takes a proprietary approach to problems like this 会为此类问题树立专有的解决办法to avoid having to admit when they fuck up. 在他们搞砸的时候就可以不用承认了Do we have any idea what caused it to go off loop? 知不知道它为什么会偏离循环No, but I am hoping 不知道但我希望能

to recover some of its cognition. 恢复它的一些认知功能

We managed to 我们成功地

stabilize its wetware before there was too much decomposition. 在分解加剧之前


See? 你看

Interesting. 有趣

Is there any hope of actually 到底能不能从这玩意中

extracting something from this? 提取出一些东西

- We can try. - No. -我们可以试试 -不行

My team will take over the investigation now. 现在由我的团队接手调查

Your team? 你的团队

Are you kidding me? 你开玩笑吗

Look, this guy couldn't debug a balled-up napkin. 听着这家伙连个揉成团的纸巾都打不开If-- if you would like us to figure out what went wrong here,


we need to be allowed to access it. 我们需要有获取的权限

No more second chances. 没有第二次机会

QA will handle events like this from now on. 从今以后质保部门会负责处理此类问题

Is that going to be a problem, Bernard? 你有意见吗伯纳德

We've all got plenty of work on our plates. 我们都有很多工作要忙

If you guys want to take this one, fine. 如果你们想接手这个没问题

Just get us a copy of the postmortem when it's done. 结束之后给我们一份调查报告就行

Let's get started. 开始吧

You know, I always figured you gave me this job 我一直认为你给我这份工作

because I speak my mind. 是因为我有话直说

- I did. - Good. -是这样 -很好

I would've preferred you not show up at all 如果你一出现就直接屈服

if the first thing you were going to do is cave. 我希望你还是别出现为好

- They think we're not telling them something. - And we're not! -他们认为我们有所隐瞒 -


There is clearly a pattern of behavior here. 现在明显出现了一种行为模式

First there was Abernathy, and now there's this. 最早是艾伯纳西现在又来一个

I mean, I've got hosts imagining voices and climbing mountaintops 我见过出现幻听的接待员还有爬上山顶

to consult their astrological chart. 去研究星象图的

This is not a fucking glitch. 这不是什么小故障

And for some reason, you don't want me to tell anyone. 不知道为什么你不想让我告诉别人It is like everybody around here 好像除了我之外这里所有人

has got some kind of fucking agenda except for me. 都在打着自己的小算盘

And-- what? 还有...怎么了

I remember when I first started here. 我记得我刚开始在这里工作的时候

The hosts seemed very lifelike. 接待员看起来都栩栩如生

You begin to read things into their behaviors. 你会开始对他们的行为进行过度解读

- Don't be patronizing. - Fine. -别一副高高在上的样子 -好吧

The hosts don't imagine things, you do. 接待员不会想象但你会

That's not Orion. 那不是猎户座

There are three stars in Orion's Belt, not four. 猎户座腰带上只有三颗星不是四颗

You must be cold. 你一定很冷吧

Take that. 穿上这个

Thank you. 谢谢

Sure. 不客气

We gotta take her back to Sweetwater. 我们得带她回甜水镇

Are you fucking kidding? 你开玩笑吗

Come on, Logan, you know she doesn't belong out here. 罗根你知道她不属于这外面的世界You leave now, that no-good outlaw Slim Miller 你如果现在走了那个亡命之徒斯利姆·米勒is sure to evade our grasp. 肯定就抓不到了

No fucking way. 没门

You were the one who dragged me on this stupid bounty hunt.


The least we're going to do is see it through, okay? 至少我们得把这件事做完

We can't take her on a bounty hunt. 我们不能带着她追捕犯人

If you're so concerned about her well-being, 如果你这么担心她

I'll just blow her brains out, 那我一枪爆了她的头就好了

and then the park will come get her. 园区会派人来回收她

Can you please stop trying to just kill or fuck everything? 你能不能别总想着杀人操逼Now I get it. 我懂了

What? 怎么

The park sent her so that you will finally 园区派她过来好让你终于

have something to give a shit about. 能对某件事上心

Oh, yeah, I'm sure the people at the controls 是啊控制中心的人肯定是

are monitoring my every mood. 时刻监视着我的情绪

That's exactly what they're doing. 他们就是这么做的

Come on, you really think it's a coincidence 拜托难道你认为

that the only thing that you even smiled at back in Sweetwater


just happened to drop into your lap? 就这么出现在你面前只是个巧合吗

This is why the company needs to bump our stake in this place.


They can even give you a sense of purpose. 他们能让你拥有使命感

You said the trip was about welcoming me to the family.


This is business? 其实是公事吗

With our family, William, everything is business. 威廉对我们家族而言所有事都是公事We better get a move on, gentlemen. 我们得继续前进了先生们

This should be the place, Lawrence. 应该就是这里了劳伦斯

The Blood Arroyo. 血河

Plenty of snakes, but none of the egg-laying variety. 有很多蛇但都不会生蛋

You killed my wife, 你杀了我妻子

severely pruned my family tree 杀了我家族的一群人

all in pursuit of some goddamn maze. 就为了找个什么迷宫

The hell you hope to find, anyway? 你到底想找什么

This whole world is a story. 这整个世界就是一个故事

I've read every page except the last one. 我每页都读过除了最后一页

I need to find out how it ends. 我得搞清楚结局如何

I want to know what this all means. 想要知道这一切意义何在

See, now that's why I never learned to read. 瞧这就是为什么我一直没念书识字Why don't we forget about this damn snake, 我们何不忘了那条该死的蛇

head to Pariah? 赶紧去珀里亚

My friends there can help us. 我在那儿的朋友能帮我们

Well, your friends have nothing I'm looking for, 你朋友那没有我要找的东西not this trip. 这趟旅程没有

Besides... 再说了

I think we found our snake after all. 我们还是找到那条蛇了

Shame on you. 真可耻

You were a married man up until yesterday. 你昨天还是有妇之夫

Her? Hell, no. 她吗不可能

I like a little fire in my women. 我喜欢有点泼辣的女人

The only thing she's ever mounted 她上过的

are dead heads on sticks. 恐怕只有死人

We should get the fuck out of-- 我们应该快点离开

We found some more food for the horses. 给我们的马又找到不少食物

Good. 很好

They were starting to get ornery. 它们饿得都变得脾气很暴躁

My friend and I were just admiring your tattoo. 我和朋友只是在欣赏你的纹身We'd love to know the story behind it. 我们想知道其背后的故事

I like your hat. 我喜欢你的帽子

Maybe I'll keep it. 也许我会把它留下

The horses can have the rest of you. 剩下的都喂马吧

How in hell have we never met? 我们为何从未谋面

Clearly a terrible oversight on my part. 很明显是我的疏忽

Where, may I ask, are you headed? 能问一句你前往何处吗

To retrieve something of great value. 去拿回一些有价值的东西

You look a little shorthanded. 看来你有点人手不足

We got enough men. 我们人手很充足

Seems like you got a couple positions open. 看来你有人手空缺了

We've got a host making a pretty big deviation from her loop.


- Which one? - The rancher's daughter from Sweetwater. -哪个 -甜水镇农场主的女儿Dolores. 德洛丽丝

- Is she accompanying a guest? - Unclear. -她在陪游客吗 -不清楚

The boss is disrupting so many storylines 老板的新故事线

with his new narrative, it's hard to tell. 打乱了很多情节所以很难说

Flag her with behavior. 把她标记给行为部门

They can pull her today. 他们今天就能把她拉出来

Make sure everything's checking out. 确保一切如常

Good morning. 早上好

It's a lovely town. Is this your home? 这镇子真漂亮这是你的家乡吗

Well, where are you from? 你来自哪里

Same as you. 和你一样

Don't you remember? 你不记得了吗

Remember. 记起来

Ma'am? 女士

Got word a girl went missing from Abernathy Ranch. 听说艾伯纳西农场有个女孩失踪了

Is that where you belong? 你是来自那里吗

I'm sure your daddy's worried about you. 你爸爸肯定很担心你

My father's dead. 我父亲死了

I'm not going back. 我不要回去

What's going on here? 怎么回事

Oh, just helping a lost traveler. 只是在帮助一个迷路的游人

She's not lost, she's with me. 她没迷路她是跟我一起的

My mistake. 抱歉

- Y'all have a nice morning. - Yeah. -祝你们早安 -谢了

So, we got a lead on Slim. 我们有关于斯利姆的线索了

You can stay here if you want, 如果你愿意可以留在这里

and I'll just circle back and get you. 我到时候折返回来接你

No, I think I need to keep going. 不我觉得自己需要继续走下去

Okay. 好吧

Apparently, she needs to make certain 看来她需要确保

this thing they're looking for is where they think it is. 他们要找的东西在他们认为的那个地方She said she'd signal if the information was good. 她说如果消息没问题就给我们信号Guess that's the signal. 看来这就是信号了

I'm sorry if I caused trouble with you and your friend. 很抱歉给你和朋友带来了不便

Oh, no, no. No, it's fine. 没有没有没关系

I'm glad you found us. 我很高兴你找到了我们

I didn't get a chance to ask where you're headed. 我还没问你要去哪

I don't really know yet. 我还不知道

I guess I figured they kept you in zones or on paths or...


I used to believe there was a path for everyone. 我以前相信每个人都有自己的路

Now I think I never asked 现在我发现自己从未想过

where that path was taking me. 那条路会把我带往何方

We would bring the herd down off the mountain in the fall. 我们会在秋天把牲口赶下山Sometimes we would lose one along the way, 有时我们会在路上弄丢一只

and I'd worry over it. 我会很担心

My father... 我父亲

My father would tell me... 我父亲会告诉我

that the steer would find its own way home. 它们自会找到回家的路

And, often as not, they did. 通常它们都会回来

Never occurred to me that 我从未想过

we were bring them back for the slaughter. 我们带它们回来是为了屠宰

How are you going to find your way now? 你现在要怎样找到自己的路

I'm not sure you'll understand. 我觉得你或许不会明白

Sometimes I feel... 有时我感觉

like something's calling me. 有什么东西在呼唤我

Telling me there's a place for me 告诉我在这以外

somewhere beyond all this. 有个地方在等我

Oh, I know that feeling, Dolores. 我明白这种感觉德洛丽丝

I know that feeling. 我明白这种感觉

But you really don't want to go back to your old life? 但你真的不想回归以前的生活吗Are you all right? 你还好吗

You all right? 你还好吗

I just got a chill. 我打了个寒颤

That's all. 仅此而已

Let's-- let's go back to the fire. 那我们还是回篝火边坐着

You're probably exhausted. 你该是累坏了

- Just talk to him. - All right. -直接跟他说 -好
