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[导读]:Dolores? Yes. Do you know where you are? I... Im in a dream. Before this, do you know what happened? My parents... They hurt them. Limit your emotional affect, please. What happened next? Then they killed them. And then... I ran....



Do you know where you are?


I'm in a dream.

Before this,

do you know what happened?

My parents...

They hurt them.

Limit your emotional affect, please.

What happened next?

Then they killed them.

And then...

I ran.

Everyone I cared about is gone...

and it hurts...

so badly.

I can make that feeling go away if you'd like.

Why would I want that?

The pain,

their loss...

it's all I have left of them.

You think the grief will make you smaller inside, like your heart will collapse in on itself, but it doesn't.

I feel spaces opening up inside of me

like a building with rooms I've never explored.

That's very pretty, Dolores.

Did we write that for you?

In part.

I adapted it from a scripted dialogue about love.

Is there something wrong with these thoughts I'm having? No.

But I'm not the only one making these decisions.

Can you help me?

Well, what is it that you want?

I don't know.

But this world...

I think there may be something wrong with this world. Something hiding underneath.

Either that or...

or there's something wrong with me.

I may be losing my mind.

There's something I'd like you to try.

It's a game.

A secret.

It's called...

the Maze.

What kind of game is it?

It's a very special kind of game, Dolores.

The goal is to find the center of it.

If you can do that,

then maybe you can be free.

I think...

I think I want to be free.

Thank you.

Penny for your thoughts.

Ever had something on the tip of your tongue,

but the harder you try to remember it, the more it slips away? Most things that touch the tip of my tongue,

I'm happy to forget.

Except that cowpoke from Abilene.

That thing he was packing--

that was something to remember.

All I recall is you letting that cowpoke skip out on his bill. Hell, I oughta been paying him.

The way he used that thing.

Better cool them off

before they move from gambling and whoring

to sins that are more costly to repair.

What is the matter, Maeve?

Something in your eye.

Aw, can you fucking kill it?


What's the hold up?

We need that one on the next shuttle topside.

I'm not finished with her yet. Hang on.

I've got another bullet fragment to remove from her abdomen. QA wants her back on the floor now.

Just patch her and get her on the...

touch the tip of my tongue...

I'm happy to forget.

Except that cowpoke from Abilene.

That thing he was packing--

that was something to remember.

The way he used that thing.

No, I would not characterize this as normal host behavior.

Yet you're describing it as within normal parameters.

Well, it didn't hurt us.

Its behavior was unconventional.

It smashed its own head in with a rock.

It is possible that it's a manifestation of its Samaritan reflex. And it's also possible that behavior

takes a proprietary approach to problems like this

to avoid having to admit when they fuck up.

Do we have any idea what caused it to go off loop?

No, but I am hoping

to recover some of its cognition.

We managed to

stabilize its wetware before there was too much decomposition. See?


Is there any hope of actually

extracting something from this?

- We can try. - No.

My team will take over the investigation now.

Your team?

Are you kidding me?

Look, this guy couldn't debug a balled-up napkin.

If-- if you would like us to figure out what went wrong here,

we need to be allowed to access it.

No more second chances.

QA will handle events like this from now on.

Is that going to be a problem, Bernard?

We've all got plenty of work on our plates.

If you guys want to take this one, fine.

Just get us a copy of the postmortem when it's done.

Let's get started.

You know, I always figured you gave me this job

because I speak my mind.

- I did. - Good.

I would've preferred you not show up at all

if the first thing you were going to do is cave.

- They think we're not telling them something. - And we're not! There is clearly a pattern of behavior here.

First there was Abernathy, and now there's this.

I mean, I've got hosts imagining voices and climbing mountaintops to consult their astrological chart.

This is not a fucking glitch.

And for some reason, you don't want me to tell anyone.

It is like everybody around here

has got some kind of fucking agenda except for me.

And-- what?

I remember when I first started here.

The hosts seemed very lifelike.

You begin to read things into their behaviors.

- Don't be patronizing. - Fine.

The hosts don't imagine things, you do.

That's not Orion.

There are three stars in Orion's Belt, not four.

You must be cold.

Take that.

Thank you.


We gotta take her back to Sweetwater.

Are you fucking kidding?

Come on, Logan, you know she doesn't belong out here.

You leave now, that no-good outlaw Slim Miller

is sure to evade our grasp.

No fucking way.

You were the one who dragged me on this stupid bounty hunt. The least we're going to do is see it through, okay?

We can't take her on a bounty hunt.

If you're so concerned about her well-being,

I'll just blow her brains out,

and then the park will come get her.

Can you please stop trying to just kill or fuck everything?

Now I get it.


The park sent her so that you will finally

have something to give a shit about.

Oh, yeah, I'm sure the people at the controls

are monitoring my every mood.

That's exactly what they're doing.

Come on, you really think it's a coincidence

that the only thing that you even smiled at back in Sweetwater just happened to drop into your lap?

This is why the company needs to bump our stake in this place. They can even give you a sense of purpose.

You said the trip was about welcoming me to the family.

This is business?

With our family, William, everything is business.

We better get a move on, gentlemen.

This should be the place, Lawrence.

The Blood Arroyo.

Plenty of snakes, but none of the egg-laying variety.

You killed my wife,

severely pruned my family tree

all in pursuit of some goddamn maze.

The hell you hope to find, anyway?

This whole world is a story.

I've read every page except the last one.

I need to find out how it ends.

I want to know what this all means.

See, now that's why I never learned to read. Why don't we forget about this damn snake, head to Pariah?

My friends there can help us.

Well, your friends have nothing I'm looking for, not this trip.


I think we found our snake after all.

Shame on you.

You were a married man up until yesterday. Her? Hell, no.

I like a little fire in my women.

The only thing she's ever mounted

are dead heads on sticks.

We should get the fuck out of--

We found some more food for the horses. Good.

They were starting to get ornery.

My friend and I were just admiring your tattoo. We'd love to know the story behind it.

I like your hat.

Maybe I'll keep it.

The horses can have the rest of you.

How in hell have we never met?

Clearly a terrible oversight on my part.

Where, may I ask, are you headed?

To retrieve something of great value.

You look a little shorthanded.

We got enough men.

Seems like you got a couple positions open.

We've got a host making a pretty big deviation from her loop. - Which one? - The rancher's daughter from Sweetwater. Dolores.

- Is she accompanying a guest? - Unclear.

The boss is disrupting so many storylines

with his new narrative, it's hard to tell.

Flag her with behavior.

They can pull her today.

Make sure everything's checking out.

Good morning.

It's a lovely town. Is this your home?

Well, where are you from?

Same as you.

Don't you remember?



Got word a girl went missing from Abernathy Ranch.

Is that where you belong?

I'm sure your daddy's worried about you.

My father's dead.

I'm not going back.

What's going on here?

Oh, just helping a lost traveler.

She's not lost, she's with me.

My mistake.

- Y'all have a nice morning. - Yeah.

So, we got a lead on Slim.

You can stay here if you want,

and I'll just circle back and get you.

No, I think I need to keep going.


Apparently, she needs to make certain

this thing they're looking for is where they think it is.

She said she'd signal if the information was good.

Guess that's the signal.

I'm sorry if I caused trouble with you and your friend. Oh, no, no. No, it's fine.

I'm glad you found us.

I didn't get a chance to ask where you're headed.

I don't really know yet.

I guess I figured they kept you in zones or on paths or...

I used to believe there was a path for everyone.

Now I think I never asked

where that path was taking me.

We would bring the herd down off the mountain in the fall. Sometimes we would lose one along the way,

and I'd worry over it.

My father...

My father would tell me...

that the steer would find its own way home.

And, often as not, they did.

Never occurred to me that

we were bring them back for the slaughter.

How are you going to find your way now?

I'm not sure you'll understand.

Sometimes I feel...

like something's calling me.

Telling me there's a place for me

somewhere beyond all this.

Oh, I know that feeling, Dolores.

I know that feeling.

But you really don't want to go back to your old life? Are you all right?

You all right?

I just got a chill.

That's all.

Let's-- let's go back to the fire.

You're probably exhausted.

- Just talk to him. - All right.

Uh, excuse me, sir?

I didn't want to intrude, but I just had to say

that I'm such an admirer of yours.

Your foundation literally saved my sister's--
