首页 > 文档 > 西部世界第一季第七集-字幕-对白-纯英文


[导读]:Dad. Dad. Wake up. Wake up. I mustve drifted off. Where were we? The madman. Of course. The Hatter... who says, If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what...



Wake up.

Wake up.

I must've drifted off.

Where were we?

The madman.

Of course.

The Hatter...

who says,

"If I had a world of my own,

everything would be nonsense.

Nothing would be what it is

because everything would be what it isn't."

Everything would be what it isn't?

Even me.

You're perfect.

You're gonna beat this.

I promise you.

Now, let's skip to something fun.


- What is it, Charlie? - Listen to me.




And finally, have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?



Now, then, I see you had

a blacklisted exchange with a guest

in the course of your narrative.

Can you tell me what happened?

He said he wanted to cut off a piece of me

to take home in his carry-on,

that he wanted to mount it on the hood of his car for his friends to see.

I told him if he wanted a trophy,

I could cut pieces of him off

and let him fish for them in the Olvido.

And did this exchange

make you question anything about your world? No.

This world is as doomed as ever.

And just for my peace of mind...


Anything about these images that jumps out to you? They don't look like anything to me.

We're through 15% of the backlog.

As it stands, we should be caught up by end of day. - Good. - And, uh, when you're done here, sir, there's a priority request for him from Management. Have you seen Elsie?

She was supposed to give me a hand on something.

No. Uh, according to the system,

she started her leave today.

Is there something I could help you with?

No, thanks.


I'll call.

You're calling with that shit?

Dolores, why don't you play a hand?

You're wasting your breath.

Girl's harboring a grudge.

I don't blame you, sweetheart.

I did some ugly things to you both.

But it wasn't personal.

Confederados and the government like to call this thing a war,

but they're fighting starving farmers

armed with rocks.

That ain't no war.

It's a slaughter.

If I had to do it all again,

I'd fuck you both over just as hard.

Well, I guess we know where you stand.

Don't pretend like you're so innocent.

Way I recollect, y'all came to me,

looking to join up with those crooked assholes and their war effort. Not our idea.

My friend wanted--

I guess he wanted to see what was at the end of all this.

And yet, here you are.

Your friend didn't make it this far.

Maybe you've got more of an appetite for this than you think. William.

What is it?

We're in Ghost Nation territory.

Most savage tribe there is.

Those are the folks who came calling without an invitation. You mean exactly what we're doing right now?

The train's the only way through.

On foot we'll be dead in under an hour.

As soon as we're clear of their territory, we can stop.

You can come with me. Nothing here on out but slaughter. You can come with me. Nothing here on out but slaughter. You can come with me. Nothing here on out but slaughter. You can come with me. Nothing here on out but slaughter. The user you are trying to access cannot be located.

Say "Message" to transcribe a message.




You wanted to see me? Is everything okay?

You left rather abruptly last night.

Was there something you wanted to tell me?

No, I don't think so.

Hale is looking over every department

and yours is running behind on diagnostics.

It would be best if we presented

at least a semblance of professionalism while the board is here. We'll be fine.

My people know how to do their jobs.

If they applied half as much energy to their work

as they have to second-guessing my team's investigation-- That's all over.

Are you sure?



You doing okay?

I'm fine. Thank you.

I'm sorry. I thought you requested a meeting.

- My mistake. - I did.

Come in.

Get back here.

Bring your friend.

What about you? What turns of fate--

I could come back later if this isn't a good time.

This won't take long.

Theresa, you've always been good at your job

and the board has been impressed with your performance so far, which is why we were so surprised by this woodcutter mess.

A small setback.

He slipped on a fucking rock and bashed his own head in

while basically on top of a behavior tech.

Meanwhile, Ford is suddenly using half the park's resources

to build some new narrative?

Can I bum a cigarette?

God, I see why you took these up again.

Let me remind you of something.

This place, the people who work here are nothing.

Our interest in this place

is entirely in the intellectual property.

The code.

The hosts' minds, the storylines--

I don't give a rat's ass about the hosts.

It's our little research project that Delos cares about.

That's where the real value is.

And due to a lack of foresight on part of one of my predecessors, 35 years of information--

raw information-- exists here.

Nowhere else.

Ford has always ensured that.

Now, you are a smart enough woman.

Tell me, why would we need you to secure all of it?

Because you're going to fire him.

You don't fire someone who created an empire.

You ask him to retire politely.

And if that person has the ability to snap his fingers and erase the value of that empire,

you have to make sure you have a contingency. So, you and I need to ensure

that by the time the rest of the board arrives,

we are on course for that transition.


I like you.

Well, not personally, but I like you for this job, which is why I'm gonna give you another chance

to get a handle on this particular bitch of a situation. But the gods...

they require a blood sacrifice.

We need to demonstrate just how dangerous

Ford's creations can be.


No, nothing so obvious.

We need someone thoroughly unexpected.

I told you never open your mouth that wide unless someone's paying you for it.

Sorry, Maeve.

I didn't sleep much last night.

What are these nightmares you have about?

Do you ever dream you're someone else?

I don't think so.


You ever thought about whether this is really the life you want?

I don't intend to make this my life's work.

No offense.

My family's got a farm.

Bad soil. Nothing grows.

I send money back to them.

They think I work in a dress shop.

What's wrong?

I'm just doing what you told me to.

A couple more years of this and...

then I can have whatever life I want.

I'm gonna get my family out of the desert.

We're gonna go somewhere...



Which one is it?

It's the one at the bar. Go.

Quick, before the guests upstairs finish up.

Whatever she did, it must've been serious

if they're making us grab her in broad daylight.

We got her. Let's go.

You're supposed to be resting.

We're riding a train full

with explosives through scalping territory.

Not sleepy.

Can I ask you something?

This place you're looking for,

what makes you so sure it exists?

I'm not.

My life before, I was so sure of the world.

But now it feels like a lie.

Only thing I know is whatever's out there, I'm never going back. What is it you're looking for?

Lawrence is right.

You could've stayed in Pariah or gone back,

but you're here.

With me.

The only thing I had when I was a kid were books.

I used to live in them.

I used to go to sleep

dreaming I'd wake up inside one of them

'cause they had meaning.

This place, this is like I woke up inside one of those stories.

I guess I just wanna find out what it means.

I don't wanna be in a story.

All I want is to not look forward or back.

I just wanna be...

in the moment I'm in.


back home, there's a woman, Juliet,

and her father owns the company where I work.

She's, uh, Logan's sister.


And when I get home, we're getting married. The place you're after, I will help you find it. But I can't stay.

I have a life waiting for me.

I'm sorry.

Of course.


I've been pretending my whole life. Pretending I don't mind, pretending I belong. My life's built on it.

And it's a good life. It's a life I've always wanted. But then I came here

and I get a glimpse for a second

of a life in which I don't have to pretend.

A life in which I can be truly alive.

How can I go back to pretending

when I know what this feels like?

Miss Hale.

I was not aware those with your level of insight needed any more reflection.

Dr. Ford. Always charming.

What is this?

Apparently, Miss Cullen and Miss Hale

have a presentation for us.

What about?

Following the recent reports of host malfunction,

we asked QA to check the last abortive update,

which featured the reveries,

as I believe they're called.

I'm sorry to report that Miss Cullen and her team

uncovered some worrisome findings.

In the course of our code review,

we found something quite disturbing.

Wake her up.

We set Clementine Pennyfeather back to her previous update. When we discovered the build was buggy

due to a last-minute injection of the reverie code,

we quickly rolled all the infected hosts back to their prior builds. Mm, you're new.

Not much of a rind on you.


No! No!

No, no.

No, no, no...

Please. Please.

Help me!

Please, please, please!

- No! - All right, that's enough.


As you've no doubt gathered,

our tech is, in fact, a host.
