首页 > 文档 > 西部世界第一季第七集-字幕-对白-中英文对照


[导读]:Dad. 爸爸 Dad. 爸爸 Wake up. 醒醒 Wake up. 快醒醒 I mustve drifted off. 我睡着了 Where were we? 刚才讲到哪儿了 The madman. 那个疯子 Of course. 对 The Hatter... 疯帽子 who says, 他说 If I had a world o...

Dad. 爸爸

Dad. 爸爸

Wake up. 醒醒

Wake up. 快醒醒

I must've drifted off. 我睡着了

Where were we? 刚才讲到哪儿了

The madman. 那个疯子

Of course. 对

The Hatter... 疯帽子

who says, 他说

"If I had a world of my own, "如果我有个属于自己的世界

everything would be nonsense. 那里将会是一片混沌

Nothing would be what it is 万物皆失去其本真

because everything would be what it isn't." 所有东西都会变了样子" Everything would be what it isn't? 所有东西都会变了样子

Even me. 我也是

You're perfect. 你很棒

You're gonna beat this. 你一定会战胜病魔的

I promise you. 我保证

Now, let's skip to something fun. 来我们来讲点有趣的

Dad. 爸爸

- What is it, Charlie? - Listen to me. -怎么了查理 -听我说

Listen. 听着

Charlie? 查理

Charlie! 查理

And finally, have you ever questioned the nature of your reality? 最后一个问题你是否质疑过你眼中现实世界的本质

No. 没有

Good. 很好

Now, then, I see you had 我发现你在故事线中

a blacklisted exchange with a guest 与一位客人进行了

in the course of your narrative. 一次禁止发生的交流

Can you tell me what happened? 说说怎么回事

He said he wanted to cut off a piece of me 他说想从我身上剁一块下来

to take home in his carry-on, 带回家去

that he wanted to mount it on the hood of his car 说要挂在引擎盖上

for his friends to see. 给他朋友看

I told him if he wanted a trophy, 我告诉他如果想要纪念品

I could cut pieces of him off 我可以把他剁了

and let him fish for them in the Olvido. 让他去奥尔维多找肉片

And did this exchange 这次交流

make you question anything about your world? 是否让你对你的世界产生了质疑

No. 没有

This world is as doomed as ever. 这个世界还是一样的完蛋

And just for my peace of mind... 图个安心

准备 {\pos(203.52,215.04)}自我意识测试

Anything about these images that jumps out to you? 你对这些图片有印象吗

They don't look like anything to me. 我看不出来什么

We're through 15% of the backlog. 手头积压的活已经处理完15%了

As it stands, we should be caught up by end of day. 照这个速度来看下班前能赶上进度- Good. - And, uh, when you're done here, sir, -很好 -还有先生等您这边处理完there's a priority request for him from Management. 管理部门要求他立刻过去

Have you seen Elsie? 你看到埃尔希吗

She was supposed to give me a hand on something. 她本该来帮我做事的

No. Uh, according to the system, 没有系统显示

she started her leave today. 她今天开始休假

Is there something I could help you with? 有什么我能帮您的吗

No, thanks. 不了谢谢

Raise. 加注

I'll call. 跟了

You're calling with that shit? 这种烂牌你也跟

Dolores, why don't you play a hand? 德洛丽丝你也来玩一把

You're wasting your breath. 你这是白费口舌

Girl's harboring a grudge. 小姑娘心里对我有怨

I don't blame you, sweetheart. 这也不能怪你甜心

I did some ugly things to you both. 我的确对你俩干了些坏事

But it wasn't personal. 不过这不是私人恩怨

Confederados and the government like to call this thing a war, 南方军和政府称之为战争but they're fighting starving farmers 但是他们的对手是拿石头当武器的

armed with rocks. 饥饿的农民

That ain't no war. 这根本不是什么战争

It's a slaughter. 这是屠杀

If I had to do it all again, 再来一次的话

I'd fuck you both over just as hard. 我还是会对你们痛下狠手

Well, I guess we know where you stand. 好吧我们知道你的立场了

Don't pretend like you're so innocent. 别装得自己有多无辜的样子

Way I recollect, y'all came to me, 我可记得你们来找我

looking to join up with those crooked assholes and their war effort.


Not our idea. 那不是我们的主意

My friend wanted-- 是我朋友想...

I guess he wanted to see what was at the end of all this. 我猜他想看看最后会怎么样

And yet, here you are. 结果呢看吧

Your friend didn't make it this far. 你的朋友没能撑到这里

Maybe you've got more of an appetite for this than you think.


William. 威廉

What is it? 那是什么

We're in Ghost Nation territory. 我们已经到了幽灵之国

Most savage tribe there is. 这里是世上最野蛮的部落

Those are the folks who came calling without an invitation. 那是些不请自来的人的头骨You mean exactly what we're doing right now? 你是说就像我们现在一样不请自来吗The train's the only way through. 坐火车是唯一的方式

On foot we'll be dead in under an hour. 走路的话不到一个小时我们都会死

As soon as we're clear of their territory, we can stop. 一旦经过了他们的领地就能停车了You can come with me. Nothing here on out but slaughter. 你们可以跟我一起走


You can come with me. Nothing here on out but slaughter. 正在呼叫

You can come with me. Nothing here on out but slaughter. 埃尔希·休斯

You can come with me. Nothing here on out but slaughter. 呼叫失败

The user you are trying to access cannot be located. 您所拨打的号码暂时无法接通

Say "Message" to transcribe a message. 如需转录信息请说"信息"

编辑 {\an7}位置

编辑 {\pos(211.2,78.08)}搜索

编辑 {\pos(222.24,99.2)}无法定位

You wanted to see me? Is everything okay? 你找我吗没什么事吧

You left rather abruptly last night. 昨晚你走得很急

Was there something you wanted to tell me? 你是有事想跟我说吗

No, I don't think so. 没有

Hale is looking over every department 黑尔正在检查所有部门

and yours is running behind on diagnostics. 你们部门诊断进度落后了

It would be best if we presented 毕竟董事会在这

at least a semblance of professionalism while the board is here.


We'll be fine. 没事的

My people know how to do their jobs. 我的手下知道该怎么做

If they applied half as much energy to their work 如果他们能拿出质疑我团队调查的as they have to second-guessing my team's investigation-- 一半的精力来投入工作... That's all over. 都过去了

Are you sure? 你确定吗

Yes. 确定

Good. 很好

You doing okay? 你还好吧

I'm fine. Thank you. 很好谢谢

I'm sorry. I thought you requested a meeting. 抱歉我以为你说要见我

- My mistake. - I did. -我搞错了 -我是要见你

Come in. 请进

Get back here. 快回来

Bring your friend. 带上你的朋友

What about you? What turns of fate-- 那你呢怎样的命运转折...

I could come back later if this isn't a good time. 如果现在不方便我可以一会再来This won't take long. 不会很久

Theresa, you've always been good at your job 特蕾莎你的工作一直做得很好

and the board has been impressed with your performance so far, 目前为止


which is why we were so surprised by this woodcutter mess.


A small setback. 只是个小挫折

He slipped on a fucking rock and bashed his own head in 他滑了一跤拿石头猛砸自己的脑袋while basically on top of a behavior tech. 还骑到了一个行为技术人员身上

Meanwhile, Ford is suddenly using half the park's resources 还有福特突然要用园区大半资源to build some new narrative? 来建造什么新故事线

Can I bum a cigarette? 能借支烟吗

God, I see why you took these up again. 天呐我知道你为什么又开始抽烟了

Let me remind you of something. 我提醒你一下

This place, the people who work here are nothing. 这个地方这里的员工都不算什么

Our interest in this place 我们对这个地方

is entirely in the intellectual property. 唯一的兴趣就是知识产权

The code. 就是代码

The hosts' minds, the storylines-- 接待员的思想故事线

I don't give a rat's ass about the hosts. 我一点也不在乎什么接待员

It's our little research project that Delos cares about. 提洛公司在乎的是研究项目

That's where the real value is. 这才是真正有价值的

And due to a lack of foresight on part of one of my predecessors, 由于我的某个前任缺乏远见35 years of information-- 35年来的资料

raw information-- exists here. 原始资料都在这里

Nowhere else. 别的地方都没有

Ford has always ensured that. 福特这点做得滴水不漏

Now, you are a smart enough woman. 你是个聪明的女人

Tell me, why would we need you to secure all of it? 你说说看为什么我们要你来拿到这些

Because you're going to fire him. 因为你要开除他

You don't fire someone who created an empire. 你不能开除一个创造了帝国的人

You ask him to retire politely. 你得礼貌地请他退休

And if that person has the ability to snap his fingers 如果这个人有动动手指

and erase the value of that empire, 就能抹去整个帝国价值的能力

you have to make sure you have a contingency. 你得确保你有应急措施

So, you and I need to ensure 所以我们俩

that by the time the rest of the board arrives, 得在其他董事抵达之前完成此事

we are on course for that transition. 我们正处于过渡期

Okay? 懂吗

I like you. 我喜欢你

Well, not personally, but I like you for this job, 不是喜欢你这个人而是喜欢你的工作能力which is why I'm gonna give you another chance 所以我会再给你一次机会

to get a handle on this particular bitch of a situation. 处理好这个操蛋的情况

But the gods... 但对诸神来说

they require a blood sacrifice. 他们需要一场血祭

We need to demonstrate just how dangerous 我们得展示出

Ford's creations can be. 福特的创造会有多危险

No. 不

No, nothing so obvious. 不能这么明显

We need someone thoroughly unexpected. 我们需要一个完全意想不到的人

I told you never open your mouth that wide 我跟你说过别把嘴张那么大

unless someone's paying you for it. 除非有人给钱要干你的嘴

Sorry, Maeve. 抱歉梅芙

I didn't sleep much last night. 我昨晚没怎么睡觉

What are these nightmares you have about? 你做什么噩梦了

Do you ever dream you're someone else? 你梦到过你变成另一个人吗

I don't think so. 没有吧

Why? 为什么这么问

You ever thought about whether this is really the life you want?


I don't intend to make this my life's work. 我没想过一辈子干这行

No offense. 无意冒犯

My family's got a farm. 我家里有个农场

Bad soil. Nothing grows. 土地贫瘠寸草不生

I send money back to them. 我会寄钱回去

They think I work in a dress shop. 他们以为我在服装店工作

What's wrong? 怎么了

I'm just doing what you told me to. 我只是按你的吩咐做

A couple more years of this and... 再做几年这个

then I can have whatever life I want. 我就可以去过我想要的人生了

I'm gonna get my family out of the desert. 我要把家人带出那片荒漠

We're gonna go somewhere... 搬去某个

cold. 冷的地方

Someday. 有朝一日吧

Which one is it? 哪个

It's the one at the bar. Go. 吧台旁的那个上

Quick, before the guests upstairs finish up. 快点在楼上的客人完事儿之前搞定Whatever she did, it must've been serious 她肯定犯了什么严重的事

if they're making us grab her in broad daylight. 才让我们大白天的来抓她

We got her. Let's go. 人到手走吧

You're supposed to be resting. 你应该歇歇

We're riding a train full 我们坐着一列装满炸药的火车

with explosives through scalping territory. 行驶在一片荒蛮之地上

Not sleepy. 我可睡不着

Can I ask you something? 能问你点事吗

This place you're looking for, 关于你在寻找的那个地方

what makes you so sure it exists? 你为什么那么确信它存在

I'm not. 我不确信

My life before, I was so sure of the world. 以前我对这个世界很确信

But now it feels like a lie. 但现在感觉这只是个谎言

Only thing I know is whatever's out there, I'm never going back. 我只知道无论前方是什么我都永不回头

What is it you're looking for? 你在找什么

Lawrence is right. 劳伦斯说得对

You could've stayed in Pariah or gone back, 你本可以留在珀里亚或是回去

but you're here. 但你却在这里

With me. 和我一起

The only thing I had when I was a kid were books. 小时候只有书陪着我

I used to live in them. 我活在书的世界里

I used to go to sleep 我曾经睡着后

dreaming I'd wake up inside one of them 梦见我在其中一本书中醒来

'cause they had meaning. 因为书有意义

This place, this is like I woke up inside one of those stories. 这里


I guess I just wanna find out what it means. 也许我只是想找出其意义吧

I don't wanna be in a story. 我不想活在故事里

All I want is to not look forward or back. 我想要的不是展望未来或是回顾过去

I just wanna be... 我只想

in the moment I'm in. 活在当下

Dolores, 德洛丽丝

back home, there's a woman, Juliet, 在家里有个女人朱丽叶

and her father owns the company where I work. 我工作的那个公司是她爸爸的

She's, uh, Logan's sister. 她是罗根的妹妹

Yeah. 是的

And when I get home, we're getting married. 等我回家就要和她结婚了

The place you're after, I will help you find it. 你要找的那个地方我会帮你找到

But I can't stay. 但我不能留下

I have a life waiting for me. 外面有生活在等着我

I'm sorry. 对不起

Of course. 没关系

Dolores. 德洛丽丝

I've been pretending my whole life. 我这辈子都在伪装自己

Pretending I don't mind, pretending I belong. 假装自己毫不在意假装自己有所归属

My life's built on it. 我的人生就建立在谎言之上

And it's a good life. It's a life I've always wanted. 那是个很好的人生是我一直渴望的人生But then I came here 但来到这里之后

and I get a glimpse for a second 我突然窥见了

of a life in which I don't have to pretend. 一个我不用伪装自己的人生

A life in which I can be truly alive. 我可以真正活着的人生

How can I go back to pretending 知道了这种人生是什么感觉

when I know what this feels like? 我还怎么回去继续伪装自己

Miss Hale. 黑尔女士

I was not aware those with your level of insight 我不知道以你的洞察力

needed any more reflection. 还需要用到镜子

Dr. Ford. Always charming. 福特博士还是这么有魅力

What is this? 什么情况

Apparently, Miss Cullen and Miss Hale 显然卡伦女士和黑尔女士

have a presentation for us. 要给我们做个展示

What about? 关于什么

Following the recent reports of host malfunction, 鉴于最近接待员故障的报告

we asked QA to check the last abortive update, 我们请质保部门检查了上次失败的更新which featured the reveries, 就是加入"冥思"的那个

as I believe they're called. 应该是叫这个名字

I'm sorry to report that Miss Cullen and her team 很抱歉地告诉你卡伦女士及其团队uncovered some worrisome findings. 发现了一些令人担忧的东西

In the course of our code review, 在审查代码时

we found something quite disturbing. 我们发现了一些令人不安的东西

Wake her up. 把她唤醒

We set Clementine Pennyfeather back to her previous update.


When we discovered the build was buggy 我们当时发现该版本

due to a last-minute injection of the reverie code, 因为最后注入的冥思代码而出了问题we quickly rolled all the infected hosts back to their prior builds.


Mm, you're new. 你是新来的

Not much of a rind on you. 细皮嫩肉的

No! 不

No! No! 不要不

No, no. 不要不

No, no, no... 别打了不要

Please. Please. 求求你求求你

Help me! 救救我
