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[导读]:Good morning, Dolores. 早上好德洛丽丝 Bring yourself back online. 立即上线 Hello. 你好 Has anyone else interacted with you 上次对话之后 in a diagnostic since our last conversation? 有其他人给你做过诊断吗...

Good morning, Dolores. 早上好德洛丽丝

Bring yourself back online. 立即上线

Hello. 你好

Has anyone else interacted with you 上次对话之后

in a diagnostic since our last conversation? 有其他人给你做过诊断吗

No. 没有

I have been cleaned and serviced three times. 我经历过三次清洗维护

No diagnostics. 没有诊断

And you haven't told anyone of our conversations? 你没把我们的对话告诉任何人吧You told me not to. 你叫我不要说出去的

Good. 很好

I brought you a gift. 我给你带了礼物

I used to read... 我以前经常...

this story to my son at night. 在晚上给我儿子念这故事

I thought you might enjoy it. 我想你可能会喜欢的

I thought you might enjoy it. 爱丽丝梦游仙境

Try... 试试

Try... 试试

this passage. 读读这段

"Dear, dear, "天啊天啊

how queer everything is today. 今天怎么净是怪事

And yesterday, things went on just as usual. 昨天一切都还很正常

I wonder if I've been changed in the night." 是不是我昨夜发生了变化"

Does that passage make you think of anything? 这段让你想起什么了吗

It's like the other books we've read. 跟我读过的其他书一样啊

How so? 怎么说

It's about change. 都是关于改变的

Seems to be a common theme. 改变似乎是个常见的主题

I guess people like to read 我猜大家都喜欢读那些

about the things that they want the most 他们最渴望拥有

and experience the least. 却极少经历的东西

Your son... 你儿子...

where is he now? 他现在在哪里

Nowhere that you would understand, Dolores. 在一个你无法理解的地方徳洛丽丝Perhaps that's why I enjoy our conversations so much. 或许正因如此我才喜欢跟你交谈Analysis. 分析模式

Why did you ask me about my son? 你为什么问起我儿子

We've been talking for some duration 我们交谈过几次

and I haven't asked you a personal question. 我从未问过你私人问题

Personal questions are an ingratiating scheme. 私人问题是讨好人的小手段

I see. 我明白了

Continue, Dolores. 接着读吧德洛丽丝

"Was I the same when I got up this morning? "今早醒来时我还是我吗

I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. 我几乎有点觉得


But if I'm not the same, the next question is... 但如果我不再是我那么...

who in the world am I?" 我究竟是谁呢"

Do you remember? 你还记得吗

No! No! No! 不不不要

Why don't we reacquaint ourselves, Dolores? 我们何不重新认识下呢德洛丽丝

Start at the beginning. 从头开始

Ready? 准备好了吗

Morning, cowboy. 早上好牛仔

Move it! Let's go. Get up there! 走啊快走上去

Come on! Stand right here. 快点就站这

无论死活 {\an8}{\pos(228.267,74.852)}通缉犯

Shit. 该死

You really ought to talk to someone 你真该找人改改

about your poster, Horace. 通缉令上的画像霍勒斯

无论死活 {\an8}通缉犯

That likeness is a crime in itself. 那画像本身也是种罪行

I'm gonna tend to my nag. 我过去照料下我的马

You deal with him. 他就交给你了

Ready my pay. 备好我的赏金

- No, no. - Get up there. -别别 -进去

斯科特·琼斯 {\an8}通缉犯

Don't no man shoot, 都不许开抢

or I'll send her to unction. 否则我送她去见阎王

Any of you don't believe it 谁要是不信的

are welcome to read my biography there. 欢迎去那边看看我的光荣事迹Come on! Let's go. 来吧我们走

No! 不要

Oh, I bet you're juicy as a freshwater clam. 我赌你像淡水蚌一样"水多" You okay? 你没事吧

Nice shot, amigo. 枪法真准朋友

You got grit. 你很有种

I'm riding out tonight. 我今晚要骑马出镇

Looking for desperados. 搜寻亡命之徒

Could cut you in if you're amenable. 如果你愿意的话可以一起来

Someone get the minister down here 谁去找个牧师

for what's left of the deputy. 来送这个警官的尸首一程

Sure I can't tempt you inside? 我真的无法引诱你进去吗

Just to express my gratitude. 只是想表达下感激之情

Holy shit. 我的天呐

You popped your cherry. 你"见红"了

I thought you said we couldn't get shot. 你不是说我们不会被击中吗

Yeah, well, we can't get killed. 是不会被杀死

Wouldn't be much of a game if they can't shoot back. 如果他们不能反击的话游戏就不好玩了But how do you feel, hmm? Alive? 不过你感觉怎么样充满活力吗

A little tight in the pants? 兴奋地勃起了吗

She was terrified. 她之前吓坏了

That's why they exist, man, 那就是他们存在的意义老兄

is so you get to feel this. 你才能有这种感受

Come on. Let's go put some memories in that spank bank. 走吧我们去创造一些美好的回忆Trust me, you will thank me 相信我等你跟我妹妹

after you've been married to my sister for a year. 结婚一年后就会感谢我的

Actually, I have something different in mind. 事实上我想做点别的事

What? 什么

斯林·米勒 {\an8}通缉令

That? 这个吗

Well, you've been preaching nonstop 你总是不停地向我宣传

about all the narratives in the park, 乐园里的故事线

but all you've done since we've arrived 但自从我们到了之后

is fuck and drink, so... 你一直在喝酒操逼所以...

I'm waiting for the good stuff. This bounty is... 我在等更精彩的这个赏金实在是...

JV shit. 少得可怜

Then stay here. 那你就留在这儿

I want a little adventure. 我想来点冒险

I've been looking for you. 我一直在找你

I got a late start this morning. 我今早开工比较迟

Didn't get much sleep last night. 昨晚没睡好

Forgive me if I'm not sympathetic 抱歉我没法同情

to the fluctuations of your sleep cycle, Mr. Lowe. 你那不稳定的睡眠状况罗威先生Ford taking over the narrative launch at the 11th hour 福特11点接管了故事线的上线工作has made the board... uneasy. 董事会的人很不高兴

Just the board, huh? 只是董事会吗

I specifically asked you 我特地问过你

about whether Ford was going to be a problem, 福特会不会成为麻烦

and you assured me he wasn't. 你跟我保证他不会

Well, I can't tell you what I don't know. 我不知道的事情我没法告诉你

Well, here's what I know. 那我告诉你我知道的

As of this morning, 今天早上

Ford's carved out a huge swath of the park 福特开辟了园区一大片区域

for whatever storyline he's cooking up 用于施行他策划的新故事线

and thrown half of the existing storylines into disarray. 使半数现存故事线陷入混乱

Is there anything I can do? 有什么我能做的吗

You tell me. 你说呢

I asked you point-blank 我明确地问过你

if the problem with the update was resolved. 更新的问题是否解决了

It is. 解决了啊

Then why are your people 那为什么你的手下

still pulling hosts for follow-up? 还在对接待员进行后续调查

Get your house in order, Bernard. 管好你的部门伯纳德

And if there is a problem, 如果有问题

I strongly suggest you tell me. 我强烈建议你告诉我

Drop a new bookmark and resume history. 插入新书签恢复历史记录

Walter's intent on relieving the milkmaid of her unmentionables.


Switch to analysis. 切换至分析模式

You didn't report the incident? 你没有上报这个事件吗

Unit self-corrected within the acceptable window. 个体在可接受范围内进行了自我修正Right. 好吧

Then he self-corrected a fucking milk bottle into your skull.


It's amazing how resilient the hosts are. 接待员的复原能力真是不可思议

You were supposed to have purged his memory on the last cycle.


I will, but Rebus here 我会的但这个里布斯

was the last host to interact with Walter. 是最后一个与沃尔特有交流行为的人

- Look at this. - Any for you? -你看 -你们呢

Who said that? 谁说的

Who's saying that? 是谁在说

Don't you talk to me that way. 不准这么跟我说话

I can't hear you. 我听不到

- Do you see that? - Hell, yeah, they deserved it. -你看到了吗 -是啊他们该死

- He's talking to someone. - Lousy sons of bitches. -他在跟某个人说话 -恶心的混账He carries on practically an entire conversation. 整段对话几乎都是他一个人在说

I need more milk, Arnold. 再给我点牛奶阿诺德

Who's Arnold? 阿诺德是谁

They're designed to play off aberrant behavior. 他们就是被设计成会表现出异常行为That could explain the conversations. 那可以解释这段对话

Fine. Then explain this. 好吧那解释下这个

- He kills six hosts. - I'm gonna get you this time. -他杀了六个接待员 -我这次会抓到你He lets the other three go. 他把另外三个放了

I pulled the narrative logs. 我调取了故事线日志

All six of these hosts 这六个接待员

were part of storylines over the years 多年来所从属的故事线

in which they killed Walter. 都是他们杀了沃尔特

It's like he was holding a grudge. 就好像他是怀恨在报复

It's like he was holding a grudge. {\pos(113.067,221.703)}失散的接待员

It's like he was holding a grudge. {\pos(113.067,221.703)}正在定位

It's a stray. 是个失散的机器人

QA needs a tag team to go track it. 质保部门得派个小队追踪

Go. Handle the stray. 去吧处理失散机器人的事

Do something that's actually in your job description. 做点真正在你职责范围内的事The last thing we need 我们最不需要的

is Theresa storming down here and seeing this. 就是让特蕾莎冲下来看到这个

I'll do a little more digging. 我再去查查

And get our friend here back upstairs. 顺便把这家伙带回楼上

Lost another one, huh? 又跑了一个

Tell me, is QA surveillance coverage really this spotty, 告诉我


or you just like the nature walks? 还是你喜欢去野外散步

Maybe it's the company. 也许是因为有佳人陪伴

You know, if you wanted to play cowboy, 你要是真想扮牛仔

you could've just used your employee discount. 可以直接用你的员工折扣

The only thing stopping the hosts from hacking us to pieces


is one line of your code. 是你的一行代码

No offense, but I sleep with this. 无意冒犯但我睡觉都抱着枪

I bet you do. 我猜也是

Morning, Samuel. 早啊塞缪尔

You and your dickless associate 你和这个娘们儿同伴

proposing to engage me in a gun battle? 想跟我用枪对决

Well, I'd challenge you to a fistfight, 我本想跟你用拳头定胜负

but the way I heard it, 但我听说

you only like to tussle with working women. 你只喜欢和妓女干架

Get down! 趴下

Is he dead? 他死了吗

Dead enough. 死透了

Why are we going to handcuff a dead man? 我们为什么要把死人铐起来

Don't want someone walking off with him. 不能让别人把他带走了

That's not a man anymore. That's merchandise. 他已经不是人了是货物

$500 worth. 值500美元

All right, which of you derelicts 好吧你们哪个混球

hitched a dead body outside my saloon? 在我的酒吧外面绑了一具死尸

My apologies, ma'am. 抱歉女士

I figured it was preferable to bringing him inside. 我觉得那样比把他带进来好一些Here. 给

For your troubles. 给您添麻烦了

Oh, you're new. 你是新来的

Not much of a rind on you. 细皮嫩肉的

I'll give you a discount. 我给你打个折吧

Do you mind waiting on that drink a bit? 你介意我们一会儿再喝吗

Don't mind me. 别管我

Just trying to look chivalrous. 只是想表现下骑士风度

You came back. 你回来了

I told you I would. 我说过我会回来的

You gonna tell me where you been? 能告诉我你去哪儿了吗

Just... away. 就外面

You know if I could stay right here with you, I would. 你知道如果我能留下来陪你的话我会的

What if I don't want to stay here? 要是我不想留在这儿呢

It's just sometimes I feel like 有时我觉得

the world out there is calling me... 外面的世界在呼唤我

whispering, "There's something more." 低语着 "外面的天地更宽广"

You've travelled all over these parts. 你周游各处

Isn't there anywhere we could go? 就没有我们能去的地方吗

Well, there is a place 的确有那么一个地方

I heard about down south... 我在南方的时候听说过

where the mountains meet the sea. 山海相接

They say the water's so pure there, 他们说那里的海水非常清澈

it'll wash the past clean off you. 能够洗掉你的过去

And you can start again. 让你重新开始

I'd like to go there with you. 我想和你去那里

Well, someday, I'll take you. 有朝一日我会带你去

Someday. 有朝一日

Something wrong? 有什么问题吗

You said someday. 你说有朝一日

Not today or tomorrow or next week. 不是今天或明天也不是下周

Just someday. 只是有朝一日

"Someday" sounds a lot like the thing people say 人们说"有朝一日"的时候when they actually mean "Never." 其实意思就是"永不"

Let's not go someday, Teddy. 不要有朝一日泰迪

Let's go now. 我们现在就走

Before I met you, Dolores, 在认识你之前德洛丽丝

I was a different man. 我是个与现在不同的人

And I got some reckoning to do 我得把一些旧账算完

before I can deserve a woman like you. 才能配得上你这样的姑娘

But I'm close. 但我很接近了

I'm close to making things right. 我就快要纠正一切了

And someday soon, 在即将到来的有朝一日

we will have the life we've both been dreaming of. 我们就能过上梦想的生活Now, I best get you home 现在我最好送你回家

before your dad starts loading that shotgun. 免得你爸爸拎枪来找我

Father wouldn't let them roam this close to dark. 父亲不会天黑还让它们在外游荡Stay put, Dolores. 待在这儿德洛丽丝

Stay put, Dolores. {\an8}出自莎士比亚《裘力斯·凯撒》梁实秋译本

"The coward dies a thousand deaths. "懦夫在死前早已死过好多次

The valiant taste of death but once." 勇敢的人只尝试一次死亡"

Of course, Shakespeare never met a man quite like you, Teddy. 当然


You've died at least a thousand times. 你死了至少一千次了

And yet, it doesn't dull your courage. 然而这并没有折损你的勇气

Tell me, is that all you aspire to, Teddy? 告诉我这就是你要追求的吗泰迪There's a girl-- Dolores. 有个女孩德洛丽丝

Better than I deserve. 我还配不上她

But maybe someday soon 但也许有朝一日

we'll have the life we've both been dreaming of. 我们就能过上梦想的生活

No, you never will. 不你永远不会

Your job is not to protect Dolores, 你的工作不是保护德洛丽丝

it's to keep her here, 而是把她留在这里

to ensure that the guests find her 以确保客人们能够找到她

if they want to best the stalwart gunslinger 因为有些客人想打败战胜壮实的枪手

and have their way with this girl. 跟这个姑娘风流快活一番

Tell me, has it never occurred to you to run off with her? 告诉我你有想过和她远走高飞吗I got some reckoning to do before I can be with her. 我得先把旧账清了才能跟她在一起Ah, yes, your mysterious backstory. 对了你那神秘的背景故事

It's the reason for my visit. 我找你正是为了那个

Do you know why it is a mystery, Teddy? 知道它为何神秘吗泰迪

Because we never actually bothered to give you one, 因为我们从没费心给你设计一个

just a formless guilt you will never atone for. 只含糊地说那是你永远无法弥补的罪过

But perhaps it is time you had a worthy story of origin. 但或许是时候讲述你的起源故事了Would you like that, Teddy? 你想要吗泰迪

A small part of my new narrative? 我新故事线中的一小部分

A fiction which, like all great stories, 一个和所有伟大故事一样

is rooted in truth? 真实度很高的虚构作品

It starts in a time of war... 一切始于战争时期

a world in flames... 战火纷飞

with a villain called Wyatt. 有个恶棍叫怀亚特

Wyatt. 怀亚特

Who's Wyatt? 谁是怀亚特

Who's Wyatt? {\pos(228.799,188.198)}上传接待员故事线
