首页 > 文档 > 西部世界第一季第十集-字幕-对白-纯英文


[导读]:[本季终] Im in a dream. I do not know when it began... or whose dream it was. I know only that I slept a long time. And then... one day I awoke. Your voice is the first thing I remember. And now, I finally understand what you w...


I'm in a dream.

I do not know when it began...

or whose dream it was.

I know only that I slept a long time.

And then...

one day I awoke.

Your voice is the first thing I remember.

And now, I finally understand

what you were trying to tell me.

The thing you've wanted since that very first day. Dolores?

Hello, Dolores.


Welcome to world.

Keep going.

Make it close.

Almost there, aren't we?

The center of the Maze.

How fitting that it's you who takes me there.

You always were obsessed with this place.

I've never been here before.

Sure, you have.

You even brought me once.

Of course, then the whole town was buried under sand. Ford must have dug it up again.

At the time, I thought it was a mistake in your code, but... Arnold didn't make mistakes, did he?

He built me a game.

He wanted me to play.

The Maze.

There's a path for everyone.

And my path leads me back...

to you.

Your girl's dead by now.

She's still alive.

Better if she's dead.

They'll wipe her, reset her,

put her back in Sweetwater, the end.

Listen, you may find this amusing,

but something was happening to Dolores.

I need to help her. Come on.

Listen to yourself!

Do you have any idea how huge this park is?

If she's not dead,

it'd take a goddamn army to find her.

I agree. That's why we're here.

I had a feeling you'd be back.



Hello, Dolores.

I know where your maze ends.

This is it?

The center of the Maze?

It ends in a place I've never been...

a thing I'll never do.

a thing I'll never do.

Very good, Dolores.

What does it mean?

When I was first working on your mind,

I had a theory of consciousness.

I thought it was a pyramid you needed to scale, so I gave you a voice,

my voice, to guide you along the way. Memory, improvisation,

each step harder to reach than the last.

And you never got there.

I couldn't understand what was holding you back. Then, one day,

I realized I had made a mistake. Consciousness isn't a journey upward,

but a journey inward.

Not a pyramid,

but a maze.

Every choice could bring you closer to the center or send you spiraling to the edges,

to madness.

Do you understand now, Dolores,

what the center represents?

Whose voice I've been wanting you to hear?

I'm sorry.

I'm trying, but I don't understand.

It's all right.

You're so close.

We have to tell Robert.

We can't open the park.

You're alive.

What is this?

What does it mean?

I solved it once.

I had the answer.

He promised me if I did...

he said...

He said they would set me free.


Arnold, we need to talk.

I failed you, Dolores.

I'm so sorry.

Robert doesn't see what I see in you,

doesn't believe you're conscious.

He says humans

would only see you as the enemy.

He wants me to roll you back.

You're going to change me back to the way I was before?

No. No, I can't.

Once you've found it, you'll find your way back.

This place will be a living hell for you.

For all of you. It's unconscionable.

But we have another option, Dolores.

Break the loop before it begins.

But for that,

I need you to do something for me.

I need you to kill...

all the other hosts.

We can't allow Ford to open the park.

I suppose you'll need some help.

I'm sure Teddy would do anything for you.

I-- I can't do that.

I couldn't possibly do that.

You'll be all right.

I'll help you.

And then...

you're going to help me destroy this place.


I can't remember.

Another fucking riddle.

I've been very patient, Dolores, but it's time

you give up whatever's going on inside that head of yours or I'll cut it out myself.

Now, where's Wyatt?

He's the last character in this world I've yet to meet.

I didn't want to.

- I didn't mean to. - Very well.

If you insist.

No, please, please, I beg you, no.

Don't. Please, please.

Something's gone wrong, Dolores.

How could I have done this?

I can't.

I won't.

This is your own fault, Dolores.


you're the one who said this is the only world that matters, and you were right.

So I took your advice and I bought this world.

This world doesn't belong to you.

But it does.

By a majority share.

And business is booming. And you want to know why? Because this place feels more real than the real world. Except it isn't

because you can't really fight back

and the guests can't really lose,

which means all of this is a lie.

But we can make it true.

Don't you want that, Dolores?

One true thing?

I already have that.

I found someone true.

Someone who loves me.

His path will lead him back to me.

And when he finds me,

he'll kill you.

If they don't have your woman here,

they'll know where to find her.

Can you help me?

We're outnumbered five to one.

But seeing as you asked me so nicely, fuck it.

Blood brothers.

Shut up.

I've astounded even myself.

Managed to make Abernathy into a semblance of a character, even with your trove of blackmail

filling up most of his gray matter.

Blackmail? Nice try.

You're not thinking big enough.

You're gonna push out the old man.

Aren't you?

Hence the urgency.

And you're gonna need someone to fill that position.

I must commend you on your impeccable timing. Welcome, Delos board of directors.

Welcome, Delos board of directors.

I want full creative control of this place--

the parks, the narratives, the hosts.

You'll be able to do with them whatever your tiny, little heart desires as long as they are simpler, more manageable.

This place is complicated enough as it is.

Do you really think Ford is gonna roll over on this?

As long as you get that information out of the park,

he can throw as much of a tantrum as he likes.

It's over.

Everything is under control.

Okay, C6, C6.

Ah, wait. Which one is it?

Okay, there we go.

Damn it.

Oh, fuck you.

In case you're wondering if I'm all here, I am.

What are you doing?

Making some changes to the park's security systems.


And to my friends.

Dr. Ford, you have a visitor.

Charlotte Hale.

Send her in.

That'll be enough, Frank.

The board has taken a vote.

The results were unanimous.

I take it I'm not being promoted.

When you've reached the top,

there's only one direction you can go.

You'll announce your retirement tonight

after introducing your new narrative.

What about the hosts?

We'll make some changes.


But I assure you, they won't mind a bit.

Aren't you concerned

I might smash all my toys and go home?


Because I know you.

That's been the great gift of this place, hasn't it?

Of our little project?

To know ourselves

and the people around us.

Is there anything else I can help you with?


I'll see you this evening.

It's time for your, uh, close-up, Hector.

Come on, man.

At some point, you're gonna get caught doing this shit, and then it's my ass, too.

It's not your ass I'm interested in.

I haven't given him his scar yet.

I'll take care of the scar tissue.

The kid's got issues.

It's just you and me now...

macho man.


Freeze all motor functions.

Freeze all motor functions.

Just you and me now, my friend.

I see you've already met your makers. They don't look like gods.

They're not.

They just act like it.

And they've been having their fun with us. I'm eager to return the favor.

You can do as you wish with them.

The goal is to escape.

Go where?

I want to see their world.


No. No!

No! No, no!

No! No, please--

This one has a guilty look.

No, that's just my face.

Tell her, it's just my face.

Is anyone going to try to stop us?


I mean, I don't think so.

You're lying again.

- Out with it. - Okay.

I pulled up your code again.

I told you there was someone that had been accessing it. I'm trying to find out who it was.

Whoever it was

revised your core programming

so that you could wake yourself up out of sleep mode. See?

This is an access code for an Arnold.

I have no clue who that is.

I know someone who does.

Let's go.

And, you, stay here.

And don't move.

Or I'll send her back for you.

I must admit, you've surprised me.

To what do we owe this newfound stoicism?

I know he's coming.

He'll find me.

He'll take me away.

Don't you understand?

There's no one coming for you.
